❦ Tango

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"How do you like it here?" Frank asked as we found great seats

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"How do you like it here?" Frank asked as we found great seats. "Fancy, too much gold all around. Just like in some palace" I responded with giggle, still studying the area. "I remember it was told to be very famous here" he said "My friend is in office here, Mr. Gilbert." I swear Frank must have been everywhere and knew everyone. "Good afternoon, lady, sir. What would you like to drink?" Waiter came over. "I'll have just a glass of water" I replied, but Frank refused "No, no. Bring her some coctail." Waiter gave me a little longer look "Certainly. May I see some ID?"

I felt butterflies in my stomache, this didn't turned out as Frank wished. "Are you interested in walkin' the rest of your life, chappy?" Frank asked with a frown. "I'm sorry, sir, but..." Waiter tried explain, but Frank interrputed him "I'm a regular here. My fiáncee going on 23 here. Why don't you call up front, the office? Mr. Gilbert, he's a friend of mine." Waiter in rush just nodded and rather turned back to orders "Any particular beer?" Frank turned his head little up "Schlitz. No Schlitz? Blatz. No Blatz?" Waiter was really nervous, but Frank gave a suggestion "Then improvise."

"I'll do my best, sir" he gladly nodded and made his way to get our drinks. "Fiancée?" I repeated with my voice trembling. "I'm sorry, if it offended you that much, but I just wanted get you a cocktail" Frank apologized. "It's fine, no need to apologize" I funny smiled, still having that in mind anyway. Real quick reaction from him. Go from 0 to 10 was his speciality, but this was really different. "Here you go" Waiter appeared, giving me a big glass of something creamy with beautiful smell of coconut and to Frank gave some kind of beer. "Cheers to you" I smiled and sipped a little from my glass. Pina kolada! A cocktail made with rum, pineapple juice, and coconut and enough cream to swallow it more easily.

I never had it before, but it was perfect, the rum wasn't that strong fortunately. "How's it?" Frank asked, almost having his beer finished. "Wonderful! But I'll rather sip slowly, I'm not used for alcohol after all" I commented with smaller giggle "What about the beer?" He just waved his shoulders "I had better, but it ain't that bad." I funny rolled my eyes and sipped a little bit of my coctail again. A music started to play through the air and it made the atmosphere even lovelier. I still had to get used for all the beauty and luxus, because they simply belonged with Frank.

"Lottie, dear, do you tango?" Frank suddenly asked. I quickly payed him attention. "No..I wanted to learn once, but..." I started "But I had no one to learn me that, better said no one to dance with me." Frank waved his shoulders "What about George?" I laughed "George? Oh, Frank! You must be kidding, he's funny and all, but when it comes to dance he's an absolute bum! Plus he thinks the tango's hysterical." Frank smirked "I think George's hysterical." I giggled about his comment more than I should. "Would you like to learn to tango, Lottie?" he asked.

"Right now?" I winked. "I'm offering you my services, free of charge" he softly gave me his offer "What do you say?" I nervously smiled "I think I'd be a little afraid." He raised his eyebrows "Of what?" I sighed "Afraid of making a mistake." He shooked his head "No mistakes in the tango, Lottie. Not like life.
It's simple. That's what makes the tango so great." His words were again making me more certain about it, but still it was tango, one of most important dances in world, making a mistake would be such an embarassement for both us.

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