❦ Getting Along

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"Try to keep him down to four drinks a day

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"Try to keep him down to four drinks a day. If you can keep him down to 40, you're doin' good" Mrs. Rossi kept on giving me instructions, meanwhile she was finishing packing "We try to water them down a little. Do you know how to do that?" I little nodded, I guess watering alcohol won't be the main problem. "Mommy, Mommy, don't forget Uncle Frank's walk!" The little girl reminded, copying Colonel in little weird way of his walking. "Oh, yeah" Mrs. Rossi clapped "You have to air him out a little every day!" She finished another bag, giving it to her husband to put it in car.

"Why don't you go on back there, get yourself oriented?" she asked, pointing me to go to Colonel "I'll come out in a minute, give you telephone numbers and stuff." As much as nervous to see him again I was, I knew I had no choice either, so I made my way right to his smaller house. As I carefully came in I could already hear his voice, he was calling to someone "Well, I wouldn't try a thing like that
unless I knew, would I? Just let me speak to her. Hello, beautiful. Is that you? Yeah, we spoke yesterday. You have a glass of wine with lunch? You sound a little dusky. Hmm." I thought he's talking to some supposed girlfriend of his from the calmness of his voice about it.

"Just a minute, sweetheart" he said, turning little the side of exit. He noticed me. It was a while of silence, but then he continued his call "Listen, I'm not the kind of guy who likes to rush things, but I'm catchin' a 4:00 at Logan, I'm lookin' out my window, and there's not a taxi in sight. What happened to Chet? He didn't invest in a radio yet? Hah! Well, get your driver on it. Tell him to get a move on. One day I'm gonna swing by, get a better look at it. You bet. Bye." He ended his call pretty quick. He putted it down and slowly standed up "You're back?" I nodded "Yes, Colonel."

"I was worried you give up easily, but you surprised me" he commented, pointing on his bed "Would you make me a favor? My Valpak's underneath the bed. Get it out. Put the boards on the blues and fold 'em in." I did as he wanted me so, but I was little confused "Are we going someplace, Colonel?" He waved his hand "What business is that of yours?" I rather didn't responded. "Francine, get in the car!" I heard Mrs. Rossi from outside. "It's almost 3:00. The goddamn Flintstones haven't left yet!" Colonel sighed and from that smaller comment, I had to little giggle. "Here comes Mrs. Rossi now. Damn it! She said goodbye to me three times today!" he added, because she was coming, impressive he could feel it.

"What has she got, separation anxiety? Cut her off at the door" he joked and came over to open  it "Hi, honey. Bye, honey." She sadly smiled "I wish you were coming with us." Colonel gave her a nod "Me, too. Maybe next time. Drive carefully now." She hugged him and then looked over me "Good luck, Lottie. Don't let him drink too much. See you! And no 000 numbers. He loves to talk dirty." I tried get all these instructions in head as possible. As soon as the car drove, Colonel kept on walking around me. "Now tell me, why you're still here?" he said, not that roughly. "What do you mean, Colonel?" I asked. "After yesterday I must have offended you more than I can even imagine, huh?" he commented, feeling shame on him.

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