❦ Traitor

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It was 3PM

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It was 3PM. I was sitting on one of many benches in park, excepting Harry in any following moment. I would lie if I wasn't unpatient. Suddenly someone covered my eyes. "Guess" Cheeky chuckle appeared. "Harry?" I giggled nervously, turning as he putted hands off. It was him! "Hiii, you're just in time" I smiled, standing up to shake him hand, but he gave me quick hug instead. I blushed, but tried keep it behind smile. "How's it going?" he asked, studying my look "You look fabulous!" I chuckled "Thank you, Harry. You're looking wonderfully as always."

He winked "I try. But how did you get here?" I looked little around, finding some right answer "You know I took a temporary job, taking care of a blind man for weekend and he dedicated to spend it in New York." He nodded "Wow, that's good. But it must be kind of annoying though, how you survive that?" I shooked my head "No, it's fine. He's really a gentleman and amazing companian, it's pleasure, in fact." He little raised his eyebrows "I thought blind ones aren't any salty or something." I didn't get his words in first, until I realized how rude it was from him.

"Anyway, what do you wanna do? Sit and talk? Or any plans?" he asked suddenly. "No..it's really all up to you, I can go wherever you wish" I gave him little smile, still actually little offended from the way he talked about Frank. "So let's sit, we can have a little talk?" he said and I sat back as he did the same. He stroked me in the hair what brought a giggle from me, it was adorable. "And you have family in Brooklyn?" I asked, trying get on some theme. "Yea, but it's a bother, you know. I don't like these family holidays, boring as hell" he commented with annoying sigh. I actually didn't agreed on this, because since I was little, holidays with granny and grandpa were so joyful.

"But let's not talk about me. I wanna get to know you" he chuckled. "Well, there's nothing much about me" I waved my shoulders "So far, talks from our schoolmates could be enough. The "poor neighbor" and such." He shooked his head "That's not it, these talks are shit. I know there's such a potentional in you, you're clearly smartest girl in entire Braid!" I laughed about that "If you say so! But I'm...more like a girl, who just wants to be ordinary and belong...just be myself and be accepted...but I found out that's not how it works today." I felt him little pulling closer to put his arm around my shoulder, I was shivering, but it felt so right indeed.

"I like you the way you are, you're cute" he chuckled. "Thank you...can I ask you something?" I smiled. "Sure, but no Maths please" he winked. I giggled "No, don't worry. I..I don't know how to say it, but why me?" He raised his eyebrows "What do you mean?" I little moved closer too "You know, you never payed attention to me, you early didn't even known who I am. And now, you're here and I'm just feeling this all is a dream, that someone like you would notice me and being this close.." He threw his blonde hair off his face and pulled me closest as possible. I didn't turned back, in fact I was pulling myself.

"You wanna kiss?" he smirked. Before I could even get over the question, he grabbed me and started to kiss. I widen my eyes and from shock pulled back. He just kissed me. Harry Havemeyer kissed me! And I turned away as some dumbass! "Sorry, that was too quick, huh?" he commented. "No! It was not..it's my fault, I was never kissing before, so I didn't known what to do...I'm so sorry" I apologized, feeling so ashamed, I ruined the moment. "Don't be sorry, silly" he smiled "What about give it an another try?" I blushed, but slowly after, I gladly nodded. I pulled back and we kissed again.

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