❦ Hold Me

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"Frank, how do you feel?" I asked, slowly approaching his room to check him

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"Frank, how do you feel?" I asked, slowly approaching his room to check him. But what I didn't except, he wasn't lying in bed, but standed right by window. And held a gun. "F-frank, what is going on?" I mumbled, checking the gun and him having his uniform put on. "Get out of here, Lottie." He muttered. "No..What are you doing? Why are you holding the gun?" I asked worryingly. "Too much questions, Lottie. How you ever gonna survive in this world without me?" He commented. "Why don't you just give me the gun, all right?" I asked, carefully approaching. But instead he pulled the trigger.

"W-hat are you doing?" I asked with trembling voice. "Why don't you put the gun down? Frank, please..." He smirked. "What? You givin' me an ultimatum?" I shook my head. "No, I'm..." He yelled out. "I give the ultimatums!" I shivered. "I'm sorry. All right? I'm sorry." He waved his head about it. "It's all right, Lottie. You already break my heart, dear." I widened my eyes from confusio. "Excuse me?" But he continued. "All my life I stood up to everyone and everything, because it made me feel important. But when it comes to you, I'm standing up, because I want to show you I want to stand by you. Would you like to stay with me?"

"Frank, could you please put the gun away?" I begged. "I asked you a question. Do you want to stay with me or not?" He asked again. I was uncertain about entire situation. "Please? I mean..." He sadly smiled. "No. I understand. I'm bad. I'm not bad. No. I'm rotten." I shook my head. "You're not bad. You're just in pain." He sighed. "What do you know about pain? You little birdie from the Pacific Northwest." I stepped closer. "Let me have the gun, Frank. Just give me the gun, all right, and we will discuss and do whatever you wish." He turned down. "I'm gonna give myself a count." I widened my eyes as he began to count. "Five...Four...Three...Two...One..."

I quickly ran over him, hardly taking the gun. "Fuck it! Give it to me!" He shouted, grabbing it from me. "Get out of here!" He yelled out, accidentaly pushing me at ground. "I'm stayin' right here!" I yelled back. "I'll blow your fuckin' head off!" He yelled, with tearful eyes. "Then do it!" I sadly shouted back. "One more again! Get outta here!" He yelled with hard sobbing. "You fucked up, all right? So what? So everybody does it. Get on with your life, would you?" I begged, upset I talk this way, but on the other hand I was so desperate about his safety and following acts.

"What life? I got no life! I'm in the dark here! You understand! I'm in the dark!" He cried out. I slowly standed up, worried, studying his tearful eyes filled with heartbreak. "If you wanna give up, I'll give up too. You said I'm through. You're right, I am through. We're both through. And I wanna go where you wanna go." I muttered gently. "I know you don't want to die." He angrily sobbed. "Give me one reason not to." I responded. "I'll give you two. You can dance the tango and drive a Ferrari better than anyone I've ever seen." Now he was listening.

"Where do I go from here, Lottie...?" He asked. "If you're tangled up, just tango on." I smiled warmly, repeating his words. "You askin' me to dance, Lottie?" He asked softly. "With me, if you'll have me." I replied with warm sob. "Lottie, still...I deserve to die." He little cried out. "I won't let you do so! Never, if I'll have to die myself, but you'll live!" I protested, in all seriousness, realizing my words are actually so genuine, because I was prepared to protect him no matter what.

"Why? Why do you care? Why you are this for me? And not for that Harry of yours?" He asked with sob, I could recognize as jealousy. Now I realized it. "So this all...Because of my meeting?" I asked, trying put it together. "I know you maybe love him, but I just can't imagine you'll not end up with a man that would treat you as his godess. You deserve a world, my dear" He admitted softly. "Frank, I don't love him, neither does he. It was all a lie, an illusion...I was stupid to fall on it and not realize that true love comes from inside and not from outside." I explained, sadly remembering my mistake.

"Don't tell me he hurted you...I wouldn't forgive myself-" He sighed, with such a heartbreak in his voice. I shook my head, stroking his hand. "Everything's alright, I'm used for worse. This was just a mistake that I'll simply forget and move on. What matters to me is you. That's it." He standed, putting the gun away. I was really glad he did so. "I acted this terrible way, because I couldn't handle the fact you would be girl of someone who doesn't deserve you.." He admitted, wiping his tears. I gently wiped few of his tears as well. "You don't have to worry about this. I promise." I smiled, squeezing his hands.

"What about we sit?" I said. He slowly nodded and I gladly walked him to the living room, helping him to sit. "Would you like anything to drink?" I asked." How about a cup of coffee?" He shook his head." Too big a leap for me right now, Lottie. But a Mr. John Daniels would be preferred." I nodded, making my way to bar, hearing his smaller order." Just no water, please." I did as he said so and in a minute brought it. "Here's your drink, Frank."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot to ask. What time do you want me to turn down the bed?" I asked, checking the clock. "Maybe later, all right?" He said, sipping little of his drink. "Now sit yourself please." I sat and little smiled as he was relaxed and not any dangerous. It really helped my feelings and worries to see him fine again. "Lottie, may I tell you something?" He asked, leaving his glass on table. "Anything you wish." I smiled. "You know what kept me goin' all these years? The thought that one day..." He started, but then he turned it down. "Never mind." I got interested. "The what?"

"Just the thought that maybe one day, I'd...I could have a woman's arms wrapped around me, and her legs wrapped around me." He sighed with broken smile. "And what, Frank?" I asked softly. "That I could wake up in the morning and she'd still be there. Smell of her. All funky and warm. Just like yours, whenever you appear. Warmth only you can spread and allows me to imagine the beauty of yours." He smiled lovingly. I felt my heart beating so fast through his words. His words, him himself, were greatest diamonds I could ever dream to discover in my life.

"But I finally gave up on it" He sighed. "I don't know why you can't have that." I immediately protested. "You're a good-lookin' guy, you're fun to be with and you're a great travel companion, sensitive, compassionate. And best friend I could ever dream of." He dearly smiled about my speech, but I could notice he wasn't certain about them being true. "You know, let me tell you something as well." I said. "When my parents died, I was so little, I don't remember them at all. But still there is emptiness in me, where they should be. My grandparents are the most amazing people, but when night came I would cry from loneliness, because it felt like I'm all by myself entire time."

He listened to me properly. "Nobody by you...Nobody to hug you." He sighed sadly. "Exactly. I excepted a night, when someone would come and take this pain away from me. Making me see...Everything will be alright...that...that I'm not alone." I finished with sad smile. Pause. I wanted break it, but he instead done it himself. "May I hold you?" I slowly realized the question. "O-of course. I mean, if you wish." He moved himself little from couch, so he would make place for me. I sat next to him and he gently wrapped his arms, carefully pulling me closer. At first, I felt nervous, because of my bad experience with Harry today, but in the end I felt ashamed to think Frank would be the same.

Frank was ultimate gentleman, who genuinely cared for me. I gladly joined his embrace, slowly lying on him, stroking his arms wrapped around me. It felt so right and comforting, I never felt this safe any before. It was one of the best feelings ever. "Feels good?" He asked, hugging me. "So good, Frank." I smiled, lying my head on his chest. "I'm here, I'll always be. That's what I swear to you." He whispered, giving me a smaller kiss on forehead. I blushed from it as I felt his warmth. I closed my eyes, without any problems or worries in my head. I was leaving, so peacefully and happy. Trustfully in arms of my beloved Frank.

🥀Hello! Here we are with new chapter, shorter, but clearly one of my favourites, I've done so far. I swear, Al's acting in movie was spectacular, always brought me in tears, but here I was even more emotional for fact how desperately Frank loves Lottie...And she still isn't sure. Ayee, but let me tell you there are only 2 chapters left, so she better do something lol. We will see. Anyway I hope you enjoyed at least a bit and I apologize for all my mistakes. See you in comments, sending much love!!🥀

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