Chapter One

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AN - This is the secound fanfiction I've ever published. So I'm a little nervous.

Bakugou's POV-

"Come on Bakugou, we can't have a Bakusquad summer road trip without you! It wouldn't be the bakusquad!," Mina said as she leaned over backwards onto my desk. I sighed as the rest of my friends tried to convince me to come with them on the road trip Mina planned. I felt Kirishima put one of his arms on my shoulder and say, " Yeah Bakubro, it'll be no fun without you." I felt a blush starting to creep up on my face so I jumped up from my desk and through my hands up, "Fine, I'll fucking go, just stop bothering me about it!" I stormed out of the classroom and heard the rest of the squad quickly follow.

"Really!? Yay!," Mina said as she threw her arms around me. I smiled slightly and rolled my eyes, " Whatever Pinky." I didn't mind going with them, in fact I thought it would be fun, but I didn't want them to know that. I didn't want them to think I was going soft or anything, not that it mattered, these guys are my family. "Bakugous going with us!," Kaminari yelled before he jumped on me in a hug knocking me and Mina over. I felt the rest of the squad pile on top of us and we all laughed. "Shut up and go to the dorms!," Aizawa yelled, suddenly popping out of nowhere. We stood up quickly and ran out of the building, bursting out laughing once we were outside. "You idiots are going to get us in so much fucking trouble one day," I said a smile playing on my lips. "Aw come on Bakubro, have faith in us," Kirishima said, putting one arm around my shoulders. "I do, faith in that you idiots are going to get us in trouble." I smirked as we walked into the dorms.

We walked in and all piled on the couch, me in the middle, Kaminari lying on the back, Sero on the right, Kirishima on the left and Mina laying across all three of us. " What's on tv?," Kaminari asked as sero started to scroll through the channels. He put it on some rerun comedy like friends or something. Mina suddenly jumped up, " I'll go get popcorn and blankets!" She ran off and soon the smell of popcorn filled the air. Mina came back in and threw blankets on all of us and laid down like she was previously. She handed me the bowl of popcorn and we all settled in to watch the show together.

"Hey Shinshous coming over, I hope that's ok," Kaminari said looking up from his phone. "Pickachu, we all like your boyfriend, we tell you every fucking time that hes welcome to come hang with us, we all love him," I said, probably surprising a lot of our classmates in the room. I mean I just said I liked someone, which never happens. Kami blushed before looking back at his phone and sent a quick text. I smirked and rolled my eyes at his stupidity. We all met Shinshou when Pikachu first started hanging out with him, I mean I even keep forgetting that he doesn't live here sometimes. I mean he's part of our squad at this point. The boy entered our dorms shortly and sat on the back of the couch with pikachu boy.

We continued to watch whatever show flextape picked out until sonic boi started yelling and doing his arm thing at us, even though it was a friday. "Sleepover in my room!," Kiri said while jumping up from the couch. "Yes!," Mina yelled before running off to go get her things. The rest of us headed on up to the boys dorm to get our stuff before meeting back up in shark boys room. We all jumped on to his bed with Kami sitting in Shinshous lap, Sero sat at the head of the bed, Kiri leaned on the wall beside me and Mina at the foot of the bed.

"Now what?," Kami asked while Shinsho played with his hair. "Let's plan the road trip more! Shinshou, you should come with us!," Min said excitedly. "Whose car will we take, who'll drive, who's bringing what?!," she said bouncing up and down, pulling a notebook out of seemingly nowhere. "I'll drive, the rest of you would get us in a wreck," Sero said. I growled at him, shooting him a nasty look. "See, you'd get mad at someone while driving and get us in a wreck." "He's got a point bro," Kiri chimed in. "Shut it. Shitty hair!," I growled crossing my arms. "I hate you guys," I grumbled. " Aww you know you love us!," Mina said as she and the rest of the squad hugged me, knocking me over so we were all lying on top of each other. I sighed and hugged them back, a small smile on my lips.

"Back to what we were saying earlier, we can borrow my moms van, I also have a tent I can bring!," Kirishima said, I could hear the smile in his voice. "I have a cooler we can use," Mina said. "I have a portable grill, I'm sure my old hag wont mind." I felt myself yawn as Mina tugged a blanket onto the six of us. "When are we leaving?," I asked sleepily. "Mmm, next weekend since it's the start of summer break," Mina said, yawning. I nodded as I closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.

Le time skip bb's

I woke up, my head resting on Kirishima's chest, his arms wrapped around me, I blushed at our closeness. Mina had grabbed one of my legs and had wrapped her arms around it tightly. I stifled a laugh as she looked so funny. I glanced to my other side and saw Sero and Shinshou with Kami between them. I wonder how Shinshou will feel about Sero cuddling his boyfriend, but that's not my problem. I snuggled closer to Kirishima, wrapping my arms around him as well. I had the biggest crush on Kirishima and everyone knows it, even him. I quietly scrolled on instagram while I waited for everyone to wake up.

I'm sure if anyone from class 1A saw us they'd be shocked that I let these guys touch me, let alone sleep practically on top of me. I was quick to push people away, but these guys forced their way into my life, but I'll be damned if I let them leave it now. These guys are my family, and I don't want to live without them. I felt Kirishima sift, his arms tightening around me as he woke up. I snuggled my face into his chest, blushing as I felt him bury his face into my hair. Suddenly Minas voice rang out "Awww look at Bakugou and Kirishima Guys!" I shoved myself away from Kirishima, pushing him into the wall as I fell off the bed, taking Shinshou, Kaminari, and sero with me. "Shut up Pink Bitch!," I yelled as an embarrassed blush crept up my face. Kirishima rubbed the back of his head as he sat up, " Dang Bakubro, that hurt." I stood up and crossed my arms, " I didnt even push you that hard Dumb hair," I said sighing, but really I wanted to run over to him and ask if he was ok. "I'm going to go," I grumbled as I grabbed my stuff and walked out slamming the door.

Kirishima's Pov-

I sighed as Bakugou slammed my door shut, " Nice going Mina, you embarrassed him." "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!," she said pouting. "You guys ok?," I asked shinshou, Kaminari, and Sero who all were still tangled up on the ground. "Yeah bro, just a little shook up is all," Sero said as he sat up, helping Kami and Shinshou. "I'm hungry, let's go get some breakfast!," Mina said Jumping off my bed and running towards the door. "Yay! Pancakes!," Kaminiari yelled, jumping up and running to the door as well. Shinshou had a faint smile on his lips as the rest of us followed them down to the kitchen.

After we ate I headed back up to my room by myself to clean up and get ready for next week's final exams before summer break. I couldn't wait for summer break!

AN - Thank you so much for reading! I plan on trying to update every two weeks! (becuase thats how long this took to write oof)

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