Chapter 5: The Message

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Laurie's P.O.V

I sobbed violently into my pillow. I was too afraid to move, knowing I would be hurt again. Everything was a mistake. I was a mistake. This kingdom, this family. It was all a mistake.

I heard a soft knock on my door. I was scared, I wiped away my tears and walked towards the door folding my arms across my stomach. I opened the door to see a servant standing at the door.

I recognized them both immediately. His dark red hair was the one thing that made him recognizable to me. Harley came to the kingdom so long ago. I know him barely because Matt enjoys his company. I never took an interest in him, I didn't even know him well, all I knew about him was that he bounced between having different jobs at different kingdoms.

"Your highness" He said softly. I stepped aside so they could both walk in as I tried to hide my hands behind my back so they couldn't see all the new bruises that adorned my arms.

 As soon as he walked in I closed the door behind him.

"Why are you here...?" I asked softly sitting at my bed. He sat beside me pulling something out of his pocket. It was a envelope with a small 'V' that had signed it.

I curiously took it out of his hands, and looked at him a bit confused.

"A hooded figure was passing that to maids and servants such as myself to pass it to you... without the king knowing.." Harley said softly as he stood up starting to clean the room a little. I looked around and it was an absolute wreak. I looked down at the envelope before looking back up at Harley.

"Do you know what my father will do if he found out you are keeping things like this from him...?!" I said in a hushed whisper. I couldn't let my father hurt anyone other than me, yet if news got around fast enough. He would be hurt.

He simply nodded his head, grabbing some bandages from my closet and rolling up my sleeves so he could help me.

I took the envelope and carefully opened it, inside there was a carefully written letter on a large piece of paper.

This is quite important and intended for the Princess's eyes only, if anyone else is to get a hold of this... it could spell out grave danger for our missions and plans.

I understand that things have been changing these past few months. My friends were taken away from me, and now this is the only way to help them.

I've been having these strange visions and dreams about the Mountain of Illusions. It is quite important. I've done a fair share of research on the place, but there is almost no recorded record of it! It isn't uncommon for a place to have no record of it. I realized that you, as the Princess should have some knowledge of it? Maybe a dream? Or and encounter with Prince Joel that might have given away some information?

There is supposed to be a magical being there that is known as "The Deal Maker" who can grant people an automatic problem solver to whatever they have done. This could be our chance to do something. I need your help more than ever Princess. Please Your Highness.. I want to be able to save my friends even if they are beyond saving. It's your mess, but they are my friends.. Maybe even my family at this point..

Please, I do need help, If it's possible I need you to meet me in the town hall in our community. I'll be waiting Princess.


I read the note, then reread it. I couldn't believe my eyes. I turned over the page and saw it was actually just a page ripped out from a book. I read it maybe it had something that I could use. It was just a page on a chemical formula that I sure as hell didn't understand.

"...Harley..?" I asked softly.

"Yes your Highness...?" He asked carefully looking at me. I folded up the paper and placed it under my pillow, before turning to him.

"I need you to be very secretive about this meeting... If you by any means find any information about the Mountain of Illusions.. I need you to bring it to me.." I said pulling out a piece of paper and started to write my own letter.

He was a bit confused but nodded in response. Not long after I folded up the paper and handed it to Harley. "If you get close to the dungeon, I need you to give this to Joel.." 

Harley nodded his head before getting up and bowing to me. "Okay... Though if I can recommend you to do something.. It would be to rest up.. I don't think your father is done hurting you yet.." He said softly before he turned around and left.

I walked to my window, pressing the palm of my hand against the glass sighing softly. I didn't know what this meant, or if I could even do anything. But someone... Or something had survived our attack. I intend to find out who it is.

Joel's P.O.V

"No, nothing... I don't think anyone could have survived that attack Aiden.." I said softly. I knew that wasn't what Aiden would have wanted to hear. But I couldn't lie to him. I know he wanted everyone to be save, but even everyone here could make him a little happy knowing we were safe and together.

Though we weren't all here. So many people were lost in the attack including 2 of our close friends. It hurt. It really did. I heard a door open and saw a servant with dark red hair standing in front of my cell door. I raised my eyebrow confused what he was doing here.

Without a word he slowly handed me a folded note before walking away and leaving. I opened the note and saw messy handwriting, but I could still read it even if It wasn't the best.

Someone survived. I know telling you this information could be dangerous, but I don't know who else to tell. I received a letter from someone talking about the Mountains of Illusions.. Ever heard of it?

Whoever sent it was from your community though, I know it because they requested to meet at town hall. Any idea who it could be?


I stared at the note in my hand before looking up at the cell door, and looking around to see Iv giving me a questioning look. I leaned forward(as much as I could before the cell doors prevented me from going any further) and handed Iv the note who immediately started to read it.

After reading it completely she mouthed a name that was familiar. In response, I nodded back.




More updates coming soon! UwU🤍🤍🤍

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