Chapter 14: The Blue Sky

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-Three Years Later-

Joel's P.O.V

Everything was different now...

That wasn't me trying to sound cliche or anything, cause it was true. It had been 3 years ago when we were allowed to live in the palace. To be free once again. To leave or stay whenever we pleased.

I sighed softly smiling out the window. The night time was always my favorite part of the days now. Laurie would be less busy and usually seek out my company, Dinner at the palace was to die for, and honestly sitting by the fireplace with my friends telling stories and just talking was always a good thing.

Although I wasn't the one who changed the most. Everyone changed. After all the storm Varian and Alyse finally got together. It was sweet whenever Alyse would talk to me about their relationship together..

Iv and Noah were still in their relationship and were happier then I had ever seen both of them.

Sage and Aiden... were always together. They walked around the palace grounds together, they sat together at dinner, it was as if they were in their own little world

Weenies went to town with me when the days were lonely, and it was on one of those days in which she met a guy named Cody. Though I don't know him too well, She is a lot happier now.

Violet... Violet was actually pleasant to be around now. She apologized for everything that she's done and has more of a pleasant attitude and although we don't talk a lot she's the one who talks more to Laurie and is seen daydreaming more..

Iv and I have a bet that she's seeing someone.

"Hey, J..." I heard Iv's voice as she sat beside me.

"Hey Iva.." I said turning away from the window and looking at her.

In the span of 3 years we all almost looked like some type of royal children.

Iv slowly smoothed out the skirt of her red dress and smiled.

"It's weird huh...?" She asked

"You ask that everyday, Iva.." I said with a laugh

"Because It's weird... This feels right... as well as wrong..?" She said

"Yeah... It does feel like something is missing... but we have everything we could ever want.." I said running my finger through the window sill.

"You haven't taken your daily walk... could that be what your missing?" Iv said with a snicker.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her a little.

"Whatever Iv, of course that's what I'm missing, let me go do that and check back on you!" I said with a laugh as I got up and started to walk through the hallways.

I was about to make my way to my room before a flash of red hair stopped me.

"Hey Harley.." I greeted softly.

He smiled and waved before handing me a small slip of paper.

I let my smile drop as I looked down at the paper and read it. All I could form was one thought as I smiled with a small chuckle.

'That girl is too extra'


I slowly made my way up to the roof. I slowly climbed up a ladder and heard the faint sounds of guitar strings 

I slowly climbed up and saw Laurie with a guitar in her hands. Entire face seemed to brighten when she saw me.

"Mr. Blue...I told you that I love you...Please believe me." She softly sang out strumming the guitar.

I smiled a bit as I steadied myself on the roof and made my way to her.

"Mr. Blue...I have to go now...Darling don't be angry.." She closed her eyes and continued to sing out. I slowly made my way to her and sat beside her smiling.

"I know that you're tired...I know that you're sour and sick and sad...For some reason.." She continued opening her eyes looking up at the blue sky.

I stared up with her smiling a bit.

"So I'll leave you with a smile...Kiss you on the cheek...And you will call it treason.." I slowly looked around at what she had set up. Small candles around us illuminating the roof.

"That's the way it goes...Some days a fever comes at you...Without a warning" She sung. I stared at her with a small smile. Right here.. right now I could forget that she was the Queen of Axamedian... right now I could forget I was Prince of Xeris... Right now... we were just Laurie and Joel..

"And I can see it in your face...You've been waiting to break...Since you woke up this morning.."

I smiled a bit my hands trailing down to my pockets where I felt a smooth box. It was the perfect moment.. Was it...?

"Mr. Blue...Don't hold your head so low that you can't see the sky....Mr. Blue...It ain't so long since you were flying high...!" She raised her voice a bit louder as she continued the song before letting the tune die down until we were trapped in the silence..

I took a deep breath. But she turned to me with a smile singing out the last verse.

"Mr. Blue...I told you that I love you...Please believe me..."

We both stayed silent for a minuet before I leaned forward gently pressing my lips against hers.

She pulled away soon after a light blush on her face before she turned away.

I swallowed before turned away slowly pulling out the small box from my pocket I slowly turned towards her, I felt my heart stop when I saw a navy blue box in her hand with a ring in it.

I gasped a bit.

"Were you just about to propose...?" She asked her voice cutting through the silence" 


"Uh... That depends... Were you about to propose..?" I said awkwardly.

She slowly nodded her head her face breaking out into a smile.

"Jonelise Carlos... We've been through so many ups and downs in our relationship.. You've broken my heart time and time again.. but I could never get mad at you... because really you could break my heart a thousand times... and I would be okay.. As I'm speaking to you right now I want you to know... this is not me talking to you as Queen.. this is not a command... or an order... this is a plea... a beg... a question... Will you put up with my shit and make me beyond happy and Marry me...?" She said holding up the box. 

I swallowed back any tears I had..

"Laurie Fawn Lunetta... will you do me the honor of marrying me... I apologize for not having a well thought out speech like you..."



Awww, Such a sweet moment-

I love it-

Anyway true to my word the next and final chapter should be out by tomorrow!!

I can't wait for you guys to read it! O3O

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