Chapter 8: The Alchemist Returns

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Laurie's P.O.V

I stared at Violet. She looked quite sad despite everything. I realized I wasn't seeing the whole picture though. I saw a small figure behind her. I recognized his goggles before anything else.

"Welcome Back, Princess.." Varian said as he stepped forward narrowing his eyes down at me.

I wanted to say they looked different. Though they didn't. Violets eyes had changed though. They looked deeper more full of sadness and sorrow. Her hands were crossed over her chest I could see long burns that were covered by here jacket selves.

Varian walked forward, grabbing my wrist looking at me. His blue eyes also had so much sorrow in them. His face fell a bit as he talked as if he was worried about anything I would say to him.

"... A-are they o-okay...?" He asked softly. I nodded my head and pulled out a paper from my jacket sleeve. Varian took it and stared at it before handing it to Violet.


"Where did you get this...?" She asked to afraid to ask anything else.

I sighed. Not wanting to say that the mysterious figure from my dream left it in my hands when I woke up.

I simply shrugged and sighed looking down. "Varian... I know about the deal maker... and I... I want to make a deal with him..." I said keeping my head low.

Varian stared at me a bit confused. I supposed he thought he and Violet would be making the deal but he didn't say anything. Instead him and Violet walked out waving a hand at me for me to follow them.

I followed them at a distance staring straight ahead as we walking into Varian's lab. He smoothed down the map onto his table before taking out a normal map of a kingdom. Violet starred down at him handing him a note book where he turned to page with another map drawn on it.

I leaned over his shoulder staring at all the maps.

"Wait... Look..." I said pointing at an uncharted mountain on the kingdom and the other map. I saw Violet look back up at me before looking down at the map.

"Yeah... It resembles the new map you brought us... But even if it was there is no way we could get there fast enough." Violet said with a sigh.

"Well... Not on foot of course... but there are other methods of traveling.." Varian said before looking at me with Violet.

I stared back at both of them a bit confused. Not understanding a word they meant.

"...Why are you two looking at me like that." I asked after the silence had gotten too much for me to handle.

"I mean.. You're a princess, you must have access to some... well faster transportation..? Perhaps some horses to cut our time in half..?" Varian asked as he stood up.

I shook my head, though as soon as I heard Violet start to protest I stopped her. "Listen, right now I'm not in the best position to do anything. If my dad found out I was here... He would rip me to shreds, then apologize then rip me to shreds and then make sure that it looked like I committed suicide or some shit so he could stay on the throne longer...!" I said my voice ending in a squeak at the end of my sentence.

I see Varian and Violet staring at me before I let out a sigh. I know that these  two were just going to be more persistent, so why even bother trying to make them think differently.

"Well... There is one way I think we could get a way of transportation... But we would have to leave early in the morning, when the guards are changing positions... It's the only way to be able to sneak into the castle..." I said as I messed around with a vile in my hands

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