Chapter 6: The Fight

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Laurie's P.O.V

I sat on the throne loathing the day I would actually sit here for the rest of my life. I drummed my fingers rhythmically on the seat and stared forward. I sighed softly before looking to my side seeing Conner staring straight ahead with a blank expression. I understood that he would hate talking to the prisoners even more than I would.

Though not because he was sad, no because they annoyed him to death. Which I wish I could take part in. Though I just stared straight ahead as I ever so slightly nodded. With that Matt opened the grand doors to bring in Weenies, Noah, Alyse, and Luna.

I sighed ever so softly. If my father was here he could probably do this so much better than I could. I tried to remember my lecture about this.

'Sit up straight, talk clearly and loudly, no smiles. No laughs. No Jokes. Keep your tone consistent. Eye contact Laurie..'

With that Alyse stepped forward bowed gracefully and let out an audible sigh.

"Ms. Alyssa Isabel Anderson Rivera.. What was your crime..?" I asked keeping my tone clear and leaning forward a bit trying not to let my emotions spill over. 

"... Our community was filled with traitors and refugees who ran from the kingdom law.... I-I ran from the kingdoms law..." She said softly. I saw her brush some of her blond hair out of her eyes and just then I saw it. 

This girl who was young. Only just 15 years old was standing in front of me about to be sentenced to be executed on the palace steps. Her bright blue eyes looked dull and sad, with tears threatening to spill out of them.

'Please don't cry...' I thought softly before I cleared my throat.

"Your sentence is decided... at the end of winter you will be executed on the front steps. You will pay your debt forward to the king. You will pay for your crimes against the kingdom and the Royal Family.." I said my voice rising at the end of my sentence.

I saw the tears spill from her eyes as she nodded and turned away and was embraced by Noah. I wanted to stand up and leave. I wanted to look straight ahead and not worry about her, but her quiet sobs were enough to break me down.

I sighed softly before Noah stepped forward and bowed down in front of me. "Your highness.." He said avoiding eye contact with me.

I cleared my throat and began my speech all over again.

"Mr. Noé Emerald Cipher... What is your crime...?" 

He cleared his throat and rolled his eyes. "You got a paper for me to write it on, cause let me tell you. I've done so much wrong to the kingdom, and I'm glad I have because this is what I've been running from. So, let me tell you boldly. I've been committing treason sense you hunted us down, sense you guys thought you were so god damn great." 

I sighed a bit before leaning back in my throne. "You will have the same punishment as Ms. Alyssa. You may go." I said waving him off.

He nodded and left out of the room after Alyssa. Weenies and Luna were the same. The committed what would have been treason, though that wasn't the end of the judgment.

I nodded at Mathew and he nodded back opening the doors that let in Iv, Aiden, Joel, and Sage walked into the room. They all seemed bored except Joel. I assumed he knew what was  happened. I raised my eyebrows at him, in return he shook his head and sighed.

"Trying to set up a time to meet with him...?" I heard Conner ask his voice full of hatred.

I turned to him my face I assumed horrified cause he rolled his eyes and looked straight forward. I sighed before looking forward as well. Joel stepped forward bowing gracefully staying absolutely silent.

Before I could recite my speech Conner cut me off. "Jonelise Carlos. What is you crime?"

Joel sighed softly before making eye contact with Me. "I ran away from my kingdom. I commited treason against this kingdom and my own. I've used forbidden magic.. I've wronged you and the Princess..." He said softly.

Conner shook his head his face full of disgust"How dare you run away from your kingdom, you know that that is such an unfaithful move on your part. Even worse it isn't a great display of who you are, you selfish brat!" Conner shot out. My eyes widen I opened my mouth to say something before I heard the clicking of heels walked forward.

Iv walked forward, not all the way just so she was in front of Joel. She looked fucking angry. Her eyes were dark red and I'm sure if her magic was working she would be burning this place to the ground.

"Listen here you Royal Pain in the ass!" I heard Iv yell to Conner. I bit my lip and looked at Mathew. I could tell he wanted to do something but he was the only guard in the room besides Avery who was standing seriously by.

"You come forward when we tell you to come forward, not when you please!" Conner shot back slowly standing up from his seat.

"Oh for christs sake. You call him the unfaithful prince when you yourself aren't much better! Your royal highness!" She said before she gave a small curtsy that was honestly more taunting than anything.

"He is the unfaithful prince! He left his kingdom, he's been the most selfish brat this world has had to offer!!" He yelled.

"Oh, I'm sorry his parents cut of his fucking tongue, and he got abused every day for the past few years of his life. He's very selfish, yes-!" Iv yelled more anger in her voice than anything.

It seemed like it only happened in a blink of an eye. Conner walked forward prepared to hit Iv only to see that Joel ran in front to block Iv.

I stood up quickly and tried to yank Conner back. Though he just pushed me off and proceeded to fight Joel. I felt someone help me up.

"Thanks Matt..." I said my eye contact still on Joel and Conner. "It ain't Matt, but I'm helping you just this once." I heard Iv say and she helped me to my feet. I saw Aiden and Sage pleading to Avery to stop Conner. I saw Avery push them back and My eyes darted back and forth to Conner fighting Joel, and Aiden and Sage arguing with Avery.

I looked beside me and saw that Iv had left my side and was storming off to go help Joel.

Though I couldn't stop the guards to hit Iv harshly. Then proceeded to hit everyone except Conner.

I felt myself sink to the ground my head aching and myself slowly loosing consciousness. 


I apologize for not updating for 2 weeks, it's just I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter, this is the shortest version. I had another one planned out that was even LONGER. 2000 words to be accurate. To put that into perspective, I don't ever go over 1300 words(for this story-). That's the cut off. So maybe one day I'll post the full version so you can see what I cut out and extra dialogue that I added, though I doubt anyone would read it- 😅

Also I apologize for all the cursing, but I just added it cuz, yeh- .-.🤣🤣🤣


Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I really appreciate it!

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