Chapter 9: The One

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Laurie's P.O.V

"No, she isn't ready for this..!"




I sat up in my bed stretching my arms in the air tiredly. I rubbed my eyes looking around to see myself in my bedroom. I slipped out of bed slowly walking towards the door gently opening it a crack. I heard distant yelling down the hall hearing things fall down. I slowly slipped out of my room walking down the hall clutching the skirt of my nightgown.

I knocked softly on a familiar door and heard a door open seeing my brother stand in front of me with his goofy smile.

"Hey L..." He said greeting me as if he didn't even bother to notice our parents arguing or the fact that it was 2 in the morning.

"I think it's happening again..." I said softly grabbing his hand leading him out of his bed room. In the corner of his eyes I saw him roll his eyes with a smile before we went up a staircase to go see our parents. Honestly I'm surprised their yelling didn't wake up the entire kingdom.

We reached their bedroom door to hear more things falling and even glass shattering.

My brother pushed me behind him as he opened the door ever so slightly.

My eyes widened as I pushed my brother out of the way. I saw my mother's eyes glowing a bright silver her hair also a bright silver.

I felt my brother start to pull me back but he couldn't stop me from throwing open the doors to see my father attacking my mother and my mother using magic to try to stop him.


I saw both of my parents turn to me. My mothers expression fell as she slowly walked to me gently outstretching her hand to cup my cheek. I felt my brother go stiff beside me. 

".....Mom... w-what is this...?" I asked softly, getting more confused.

My mother gently brushed her hand against my cheek with a sad smile. Her dress shifting a bit. More like a ghost in some ways. I studied her her dark red hair had been replaced with silver locks. Her eyes were fully white and she was paler than usual, like I said her dress moved more with each step she took.

I wanted to ask her more but I couldn't cause I just saw the sword pierce her in the chest and hearing a blood chilling scream that I could only piece together that It was my own. 

I felt myself being pulled back but not before I saw my mother collapse in front of me and my father pulling the sword out of my mother.

I Screamed trying to get out of my brothers grip tears flowing freely down my cheeks. I was thrown into a room with my brother by a nearby guard. I pounded on the door screaming my head off crying more and more.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I shouted pounding my fists against the door trying to get out before I heard a guards yelling outside. I felt myself trying to be pulled back but even if I was young I wasn't going down without a fight. I pounded on the door until I saw dark red blood coming from my hands. I slid down against the door feeling the tears fall down my cheeks as I cursed the world, as I cursed my father with as many insulting words as a princess of my age could know.

"...M-Mom...?" I asked softly in the darkness.


I burst awake frightened again. I looked around and saw it was still dark as looked around. I was tightly gripping the grass on the ground before I stood up. I haven't had that dream in so long. It wasn't even a dream. It was my reality. I once heard that sometimes the most painful truths are the ones most difficult to remember.

That was all I remembered of that night. Because I would wake up before I could remember any more. I still remember every bit about that painful night. The dinner table was uneasy. My mother tucking me into bed and telling me goodbye. Me waking up to hearing things fall. Me waking up my brother. My mother reaching out to me. My brother pulling be back. Matt's father throwing us into a room. 

That's all I remembered though. I only remembered the next week. My father saying my mother died from a mythical creature. Me growing up without my mothers comfort. I stared off into the distance sighing a bit.


"Rough night...?" I heard a familiar voice behind me ask. I grabbed my bow and turned around aiming it at the solider before I realized it was Matt.

I quickly ran to him flinging my bow to one side and tightly wrapping him in a hug. "...How did you find me...?" I asked softly.

"I know you Laurie... Plus magic really does wonders doesn't it...?" He asked me softly.

I didn't know how to respond then I remembered my plan. "... Did you by any chance bring you horse...?" I asked softly.

He nodded his hair before pointing at his horse. I walked over to it gently petting it, before turning back to Matt.

"...Could I borrow him...? Just for a couple of days... I have to get to the mountain of Illusions.." I said desperately.

Matt thought for a second before nodding his head. "Just hurry up, your father is getting everything ready for the execution. He plans to do it... with or without you L.." 

I nodded my head. The execution was only day's away. With that he nodded back and disappeared into the woods. I quickly shook Varian and Violet to wake up before showing them the horse.

Ignoring their questions about how this horse spawned into existence we rode off. I followed Varian's directions to where we were supposed to go. I stared straight ahead filled with determination.

'Don't worry, I've made mistakes, but I swear I'm going to fix them all.'

We rode faster and I narrowed my eyes on a structure to the opening to the mountain.


This was it.




Now you might be asking, "Laurie why are you publishing these chapters so fast and so close together?" 

And to that I answer-

Do you want me to wait a week in between chapters? Because if so then I could go back to that scheduled, but I upload more chapters for this story cuz, well I don't want to leave you guys waiting for this story, especially when it gets to chapter 13. UwU

I basically have the next 2 chapters already done. I just gotta post them on wootpad-


I'll try to stop myself! AHH I just want you guys to see ending-

Anyway bai bai, see you when the next chapter poofs into existance-

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