Chapter 1

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Yes, that's me, Lieutenant Isabelle Collins, and I am currently getting yelled at by Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, for getting my arm stuck between two cargo containers. I'm a special forces officer, so basically I get sent out when people can't or don't want to take care of something and when I get sent out, Enterprise takes me there. 

"I don't understand how you got you arm stuck between those containers when I specifically told you to stay away from them." Scotty lectured me. 

"Sorry Scotty." I said. 

I didn't want to keep getting lectured by someone who was technically not my boss. Yes, he was higher rank, but not in charge of me. Neither was the captain, James Kirk. My job allowed me to only take orders from one person, Admiral Christopher Pike, which meant that I could bypass any and all other command. 

"Sorry? Just sorry? Lift that container again, lad, so the lieutenant can get her arm out." Scotty ordered the ensign in charge of the lift. 

The container was lifted up slightly and Scotty pushed it to the side while I slid my arm out. Yep. Fun day so far. Now, since Scotty is over dramatic, he's going to tell me to go to-

"Lieutenant, go see Doctor McCoy to make sure your arm is alright. And take the rest of the day off!" Scotty yelled the last part as he walked away to tend to repairs.

-Sickbay. I'm pretty sure he just wanted to get rid of me, but if I didn't go, he wouldn't let me help in engineering anymore. 

"My arm is fine." I muttered to myself, but did as Scotty said.

On one hand, I hated going to sickbay...because I hate doctors, hospitals, medical equipment, and anything else to do with medicine. On the other best friend, Bones McCoy, is there. 

I walked out of the turbo-lift and rounded the corner to where the med bay was. I walked through the door and was met with bones yelling my name from the other room. 


Yes, he actually calls me by my first name. Most people don't because they think it's somehow 'unprofessional'. Bones came out and looked me up and down. 

"Now what did you do?" He asked, squinting at me slightly.

"Nothing Bones. I'm fine. I got my arm caught and Scotty told me to have you look at it." 

I leaned in and whispered. "I think he just wanted to get rid of me."

"Well, if he doesn't want you, I'll be happy to have you here." Bones whispered back. "Come sit down so I can look at your arm." 

"Bones..." I whined. "My arm is fine."

"Scotty told you to let me make sure, so let me see." He said, pulling me over to a bed. "Sit."

"Okay, first, I'm not a dog. Second, we both know that I don't have to listen to" I argued. 

Bones sat me on the bed. "But it's my job. AND I want to make sure you are okay. Does it hurt anywhere?" He started scanning me with some medical device. 

"No. I already told you I was fine, so please, let me out of here." 

"You're staying. Don't make me call Pike." Bones threatened. "Plus, you know you like being with me." 

He gave me a goofy smile and continued with my arm. I smacked his shoulder and he just laughed. He was right. I did like spending time with him. I also liked him. A lot. I just hadn't told him yet. Though, I still did hate hospitals.

"Not in sickbay." I said.

"I know you hate hospitals, but I'm not gonna hurt you Izzy. Plus, your arm's fine, remember?" He replied.

I sighed. "I know. I still hate being here." 

I looked around nervously and Bones must have noticed because he stepped forward and gave me a hug. 

"It's okay." He whispered in my ear. 

Just then I got a call from the captain through my communicator.

"Collins. Please report to the bridge."

I sighed again. I didn't really want to go. Bones noticed this too and called the captain on his communicator. 

"Jim, Collins is in sickbay. She'll be up in a few minutes." He said, winking at me.

I thanked him silently.

"Is she alright?" Kirk asked. 

"Probably, but I need to make sure. She had an accident in engineering." Bones said. 

Kirk believed it and hung up. 

"Thanks Bones." I said and gave him another hug.

"You're welcome darlin'." He laughed. "Although, this means you have to stay in sickbay a few minutes longer."

"Oh well." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

Bones sat in a chair opposite me and just looked at me. 

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Oh nothin'." He said.

I didn't believe him at all. 

"Mhmm." I said.

"Your arm's fine." He said.

"Told you." I replied smartly.

He rolled his eyes at me. "We should go see what Jim wants." He said, standing up. 

I stood up with him and we both went to the bridge. In the turbo-lift, I saw Bones look at me a few times. He was acting weird. As we got to the bridge, Bones asked for permission to come on and I just walked up to Jim without asking. I knew it bothered Kirk because he had no control over me, which is why it was fun.

"Collins." Jim said as I came in.

"Kirk." I said, another thing he didn't like. 

I very rarely called him 'Captain'. Kirk stood up and pulled Bones, Spock, and I aside.

"We've arrived at Vida VII. I've received orders from the Admiral to send you down tomorrow morning. I will send you his briefing when we are done here so you are familiar with your mission." Kirk said.

"Alright." I answered. 

I looked at the screen and saw a reddish-brown planet in front of us. I wasn't too nervous because I do this all the time, but it was always different and anything could go wrong. That was one reason why Bones hated my job. 

I turned back to the group and made eye contact with Bones before everything went dark...

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