Chapter 4

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I finished and began walking over to the rec room. As I got closer, I could hear people talking and some music playing from inside the building. I opened the door and was amazed to find a building similar to old bars on Earth. The smell of alcohol hit me in the face as I stepped inside. There were lots of people, all either playing pool, ping pong, sitting at the bar, talking in the lounge, dancing, or passed out on one of the many couches. I looked around to see if Tahira was already here, but had no lick spotting her face. I took a drink and walked to and empty couch in the corner and sat down. I observed the the many people in the room until someone tapped me on the shoulder. I quickly spun around and saw none other than Doctor McCoy standing in front of me. He had the same mark on his forehead as everyone else. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"Izzy." He whispered into my hair. 

Bones hugged me back and after a while, reluctantly let me go. 

"I was so scared they caught you." He said, sitting back on the couch with me. 

I offered him the rest of my drink and he took it gratefully. "They nearly did. I found a suit so I was luckily able to see. Then these people found me, threw me in jail, and eventually let me go after I told them everything." I explained.

Bones nodded. He finished his drink and brought the glass back to the counter. 

"Wait. How did you get away?" I asked when he sat back down.

"Well, after you got past the guards, Madigan sent most of his officers after you so there weren't many to worry about getting past. A few of the crew members got into an argument, which drew the guards' attention away long enough for me to slip away without much effort." He explained. "I ran into a group of these people near the compound, spying on Madigan, and asked for help. They brought me back here. I had to find you." 

I smiled at the last sentence. Bones wasn't a super affectionate person with most people, but he was different around me. I looked over his shoulder and stood up as I saw Tahira come in. Bones stood as well and turned around as she walked over to us. 

"I have arranged sleeping quarters for you." She eyed Bones. "But not for your friend. Is he trustworthy?" She asked.

"Yes. He was brought here with me. Some of your people found him and brought him back here. We can share quarters." I said, looking at Bones for approval, at which he nodded. 

"You have been marked. I will trust you. I am Tahira." She said.

"You can call me Bones." McCoy said, holding out a hand for her to shake.

She looked down at his hand but didn't take it. "Bones?"

"It's not my real name, but that's what everyone calls me." He said, putting his hand down.

"Ok. Bones, Isabelle, follow me." 

She turned and led us out of the rec room and across the compound to a building with small cells in it. We walked past several when she turned to us and motioned for us to go in. We did and saw a small bed with a table and two chairs. Not much else was in it.

"I apologize, but there is only one bed. We also don't have a lot of items so it is mostly empty." Tahira said.

"It's fine. Thank you for everything." I said as Bones looked around the room.

"You're welcome. Please settle yourselves and rest. We will expect you to help us tomorrow. I will come get you in the morning." She said, walking out of the room.

Bones and I exchanged confused looks. "Help them?" He asked.

"As long as they are helping us, I'm fine with doing chores." I said, sitting down on the bed. 

"But what kind of chores?" Bones asked. 

"Who cares." 

I fell back on the bed and close my eyes. I was exhausted after today. Without moving the arm I had flung over my face, I patted the bed next to me, motioning for Bones to lay down. Being the gentleman that he is, I know he's going to argue that he'll sleep on the floor, but I won't have that. He's sleeping in the bed. With me. No exceptions. 

"That bed's too small for both of us. I'll sleep on the floor Izzy." He said.

Here we go. I sat up and looked at him. "You're not sleeping on the floor. Come lay down. It's not like you're a complete stranger. We're best friends and we've known each other for years. Bones, come lay down." I said. 

I didn't want to deal with an argument right now. I wanted to go to to Bones. I patted the bed again and gave him a look. I saw his face change as he realized that I wasn't going to let this go. Hesitantly, the doctor stood up and walked over to the bed. He layed down next to me, trying both to give me room and not fall off the tiny bed. I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to me so he wasn't as close to the edge. I could see he didn't like this, but I didn't care. I did. I wanted to be close to someone. I needed to be close to someone. I cuddled into him and a few moments later, he relaxed a bit and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Thank you Bones." I said quietly into his chest.

I felt him laugh a bit. "Whatever helps darlin'."

I smiled and closed my eyes. I was happy with this placement and a few minutes later fell asleep to Bones' rhythmic breathing.

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