Chapter 6

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There was a high pitched buzzing in my ears when I finally woke up from the impact. The only thing that could have caused this was that I had been discovered and knocked unconscious. I tried to touch the back of my head where I was hit, but was abruptly stopped by the restraint that held my arm. I looked around the dimly lit room and saw several machines and an assortment of what looked like medical instruments. Great. I fought against the restraints trying to get them to loosen, but to no avail. Just then, a low laugh came from the shadows. 

"I knew you couldn't stay away. You had to save your crew. You had to end me." Madigan said, walking toward the bed I was tied to. 

"What do you want?!" I shouted at him.

"You heard my reasoning. Before you so rudely ran out of the compound." 

"I owe you nothing. If anything, you owe me." I said, spitting my words like a snake spits venom.

"You do owe me. You owe me the career you took, you owe the friends that left, you owe the life I lost because of you." He hissed back.

"You lost those things yourself! It was your fault you did the things I was sent after you for! I was bringing you to justice." I yelled back at him.

He let out a low chuckle as he walked to one of the trays with instruments. 

"You will pay." He said.

The door opened and Madigan was called by his soldiers to an "important affair he needed to see to". He gave me an upset look as he tied a cloth around my mouth and walked out without another word. I knew he would be back. And I knew he would hurt me. I let out a broken sob and tried to think of a way out of this. My hands were tied. My legs were tied. Then I remembered. I reached under my shirt with the looser tied hand and pulled off the piece of tape on my stomach. Since I was captured by the Andorians on a mission, I started carrying a razor blade along with a lock pick just in case I was in a sticky situation. I was able, after some struggle, to retrieve the blade and began hurriedly cutting through my restraints. I was about halfway through one when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I hid the blade in the waistband of my pants, cutting my self in the process, and the door opened. 

"Couldn't get away this time, could we?" Madigan said as he walked over to me. "Since you don't seem to be able to speak at the moment, I will. Here's what's going to happen. I am going to hurt you. I am going to make you go through hell until you wish you would just die. Just like you did to me." 

He gave me an evil look and turned back to the tray he was at before he was called. I sat quietly in agony as he decided which "tool" he wished to begin with. When he turned back to me, he was holding what looked to be a scalpel. I pulled on my restraints, hoping to somehow magically slip out of them. Madigan held the blade to my cheek and I froze.

"Hmm such a little action to end the struggle." He said.

My breathing was jagged as I waited for the sharp pain of the blade on my face. I closed my eyes. Without moving the knife, Madigan took the cloth off my mouth, allowing me to speak again. 

"Now, where is your friend?" He asked.

"What friend?" I spit back.

He pressed the blade harder to my skin. "The one that slipped out right after you. The man in the blue shirt." 

"I don't know." I said truthfully.

He slid the knife across my cheek, causing my to yell out in pain. I felt warm blood running down my face from the fresh cut. He lifted up my shirt and placed the knife on my stomach. I was praying he didn't find the blade I hid. 

"Don't lie to me." He said, leaning in to my face. "Where is he?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" I repeated.

The blade slid all the way across my abdomen, causing another yell. He put the knife down and called in one of his guards.

"How about this. Where is the leader of the compound we raided in search for you?" He asked.

"I. don't. know." I answered through gritted teeth. 

I didn't know the answers to any of these questions. Just then, the guard hit me full force in the stomach, not caring about the open cut. I clenched my eyes, jaw, and fists to keep from crying out again. I coughed after the impact and tried to catch my breath. I was asked the same question once again and once again, I was hit in the stomach. Madigan snapped his fingers and the guard untied the restraints. The moment I was released, I fell to the floor, not able to hold myself due to pain and exhaustion. 

"If you want to play games, I have all day. Even longer if that's what it takes." Madigan whispered in my ear. 

I shot him a glare as the guard roughly pulled me up and dragged me to the door, where another guard took my other arm. They walked my down the hallway to a cell that looked more like a stone horse stall. My arms were put in handcuffs attached to chains hanging from the ceiling. The length was adjusted so that my knees were barely off the floor. I couldn't stand, due to my condition, and I couldn't kneel or sit, due to the chains. My arms were pulled above my head painfully and my face and stomach were still bleeding. I hung my head, unable to hold it up any longer and let myself fall unconscious. 

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