Chapter 8

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A while later, I began waking up again. I still heard the beeping. There was more pain that last time, but it was easier to move. 

"Bones." I said quietly.

I heard movement on the other side of the room and footsteps walking to the bed. I felt a hand on my forehead and the other took my hand. 

"I'm here." 

I took a deep breath, wincing at the pain. Bones noticed.

"I'll get you some more medicine for the pain." He said.

His hands left me and I craved the feeling. A couple drawers opened and closed. A few moments later, Bones' hands returned to their places. 

"You should feel better soon. Can you open your eyes for me?" He asked.

I furled my eyebrows and shook my head slightly. The hand on my forehead moved to my cheek. 

"Come on darlin'. Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours." He said.

I tried to open my eyes again. This time they moved a bit and parted halfway. I looked to the side of the bed and Bones smiled at me. 

"There we go." He said, sounding relieved. 

He stroked my hair as I blinked a few times to try to focus my vision. 

"Dammit Izzy. I was so worried about you." He said.

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

"Stop it. You're not fine. You were cut, stabbed, hit, kicked, starved, and have a dislocated shoulder. You're not fine." Bones said. He sighed. "I thought I lost you." 

"You can't lose me. We still have to go on a date." I said, snuggling into his hand. 

He chuckled and squeezed my hand. 

"That is true." He said.

"Is Pike okay?" I asked, suddenly turning serious.

"Pike is okay. You were in worse condition than he was. Don't worry." He answered.

"And the crew?" I asked.

"Izzy. Everyone is fine. Except you. You need rest, don't worry about everyone else." McCoy said. 

I nodded and closed my eyes again. I felt a tear fall down my cheek and Bones wiped it away with his thumb. 

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked. 

"I was scared I would never see you again." I said, my voice cracking several times.

Bones leaned over the bed and lightly kissed my cheek, causing a few more tears to fall. He wiped them away too and smiled at me.

"You had to see me again. You promised me a date. You couldn't just leave me." He said, playfully nudging me gently.

I laughed a little, making me wince from the pain. The door opened and a nurse told McCoy that he was needed elsewhere. 

"I need to go. Call me if you need anything. Rest, okay?" He said as he stood up. 

 I nodded and closed my eyes as he left the room. 

*One week later*

"Bones." I whined.

"I have to change the bandages. Lay down." He said, pushing my not injured shoulder down to the bed.

"But it hurts." 

"Don't be a baby. We've been doing this for a week. I know it hurts, but you only have to wear bandages for a few more days. Please Izzy. I'll be gentle and quick." He said.

I wasn't getting out of this. Most of my injuries were almost healed except for a few bigger ones. McCoy finally got me to lay down and pulled my shirt up to change the dressings. His skilled hands worked quickly and he was finished in record time. 

"Done. See? Not so bad." He said as he threw away the old bandages.

He pulled me up and walked out of the room to get our dinner. He had been eating dinner with me every night since I was able to. He came back in with two trays, handing me one. 

"Eat." He said, sitting in a chair across from my bed. 

"Technically, all the dinners we've had count as dates." I said, taking a bite.

"Not real ones." Bones argued. "Just casual dinners. Like with the crew. When you get out of here, THEN I'll take you on a date." 

"I think you just like me. Admit it." I said.

"I do like you. I like you a lot. Hell, I love you even." 

I stared at him silently. He seemed like he was telling the truth. I thought I'd mess with him anyway though.

"AWWWW! Bonesey loooves me!" I said in a mocking tone.

He squinted at me, cheeks growing red. 

"That's ok Bonesey...I love you too." I said seriously. 

He looked at me suspiciously. He seriously didn't believe me?! 

"Really." I said. "I love you. And I don't say that to many people." 

He smiled. "Neither do I." 

"Well, it's official then. We're dating." I said.

McCoy nearly choked on his food and looked at me in amazement. 

"Really? Dating. Already?" He asked. 

"Yep. Whether you like it or not." I said.

"What makes you think I don't like it?" 

"Nothing..." I said, blushing deeply.

He nods and we finish our dinner. Bonesey is now my boyfriend! I couldn't believe it. When we had finished,he kissed me on the cheek and told me to go to sleep as he took the plates out and returned to work. I drifted off, thinking about earlier. 

The next morning, McCoy told me I could leave the medbay for the day but had to be back for dinner to change my bandages. 

"I want you to sleep in here just in case anything happens." He said, leaning down to read something on the computer.

"Or is it just because you're worried about me?" I asked.

"That too." 

He pecked me on the lips as I walked to the door. 

"Be careful and take it easy!" He yelled after me.

I laughed and rolled my eyes as I walked out of sickbay. I decided to go see the captain since he hadn't seen me after the accident and had told McCoy to pass along that he wanted to see me. I knocked on the door and was met with a 'come in' from inside. I walked inside and Kirk asked me to sit. 

"Starfleet sent a new tracker after I told Pike yours was taken." He said, handing me a small box. 

"Thanks Jim." I said, standing up after about an hour of talking. 

"Sure. Take it easy alright Iz?" He said as I walked to the door. 

"You sound like Bones." I said, rolling my eyes.

I walked to the Turbo lift and, once inside, I decided to go to the rec room.

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