Chapter 2

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I turned back to the group and made eye contact with Bones before everything went dark...

I thought I had passed out, but soon realized that I was thinking and in control of my movements. Everything was dark for a moment and all of a sudden, though still dark, I was in a different place. There was one large light, but everything else was completely dark. I was also outside because I could feel a slight breeze.

I looked around me and could see hundreds of people in Starfleet uniforms in the dimly lit area. I was surrounded by people, some familiar, some not. I recognized some people from the Enterprise. I looked around to try and find someone that I knew, but had no luck. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly spun around to face...Bones?

"Bones!" I said excitedly.

I threw myself into his arms and hugged him. He hugged me back, just as tight.

"Where are we? What's going on?" He asked, still hugging me.

"I don't know...everything just went dark." I said.

I was terrified, but wouldn't dare show it. I let go of Bones and looked in the direction everyone was facing to see where the only light was coming from. There, in front of the sea of people were two people standing on a raised platform, one of which...was Admiral Pike. My stomach flipped inside of me. He was strapped into a chair and looked exhausted. Bones saw it too.

"What the hell? Isn't that Pike?" He asked.

I simply nodded. I looked at the man next to him. He looked really familiar...

"Do you recognize him?" Bones asked, pointing to the other man.

I thought for a moment. "He looks like the man who competed with Pike to be captain of the Enterprise when it was first built. His name is...Madigan, Nolan Madigan." I said. 

"I've heard that name a medical psychology class I think..." Bones told me. "But what's he doing?"

Just then, Madigan started speaking. 

"Officers of Starfleet." He began. "You are on a planet called Cestus III. There is no sun so it is completely dark at all times. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you all, but I must have you all here to witness the correction of a major wrongdoing. My name is Nolan Madigan, previously a member of Starfleet. I, myself, have been wronged and I intend to fix it. You may recognize the man next to me as Admiral Christopher Pike. He, however, is only one of the people who have wronged me. The other is among you."

There were gasps from the crowd. 

"Yes. Among you is a person who helped in my discharge as well as the ruining of my reputation and any future career. And I intend to ruin theirs as well.  So, please, make this easy for me and come forward if your name is called. If you don't, I'm afraid I will have to start killing people the longer you make me wait. Will Collins, Isabelle Collins, step forward please."

Bones looked at me, scared and confused. He grabbed my arm to keep me from going anywhere. I now remember how I knew this man. Pike gained control over the Enterprise and Madigan was furious. He tried to kill Pike and was caught, however, he escaped two months later. No one could find him. Then, I was sent on a mission to take him into custody after he stole one of Starfleet's ships and used it to destroy a space station. I shot down his ship and he was presumed dead. Obviously that was incorrect. 

"I am waiting!" Madigan yelled. "I will kill the Admiral and many other people should you not come forward!"

I looked around for a way to get out of the compound. There were guards everywhere, all wearing suits with glowing helmets to help them see because the planet was so dark. There was almost no way I was getting out of here alive. I made eye contact with Pike and held it for several seconds.

"There is no way to get out of here! I have guards everywhere and even if you did get away, the planet is so dark, you could do nothing!" He yelled again. 

I found a place where one guard was supposedly missing from his post. That was my chance. I looked at Bones and he knew what I was going to do. I looked back at Pike.


Madigan turned to Pike. I took my chance and ran as fast as I possibly could to the empty post. I heard yells and footsteps behind me. 

"Get her!" Madigan yelled to his guards.

I pushed myself harder and actually managed to get past the guards. My entire body was burning, but I didn't stop. Madigan was right. It was pitch black out here. I couldn't see anything and tripped over what was most likely a branch of some kind. The trip made me roll down the steep hill that was in front of me. When I reached the bottom, I collided with something and froze. They may not see me if I'm still. I held my breath and heard footsteps run by me a few yards away. I was oxygen deprived so my vision was very blurry. Once I had breathed for a while, I looked over to see what I had hit on the way down. It was a suit like all the guards had on. I jumped back, fearful that they would notice me. The light in his helmet was still on and he wasn't moving. I crawled back over to him and looked in the helmet. His eyes were open. I shoved him. No movement. He must be dead. I could at least use the suit. I stripped it off the body and put it on myself. It was too big but it would have to do. After I had put the helmet on, I could see my surroundings. I looked around and saw terrain similar to a forest. I may as well have a look around. I walked into the trees, slowly navigating my way through the darkness. 

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