Chapter 5

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We were woken the next, what I assume, morning by Tahira knocking loudly on the door. 

"Wake up! Get ready and meet me in the mess hall for breakfast in five minutes!" She said from outside.

We heard footsteps walk away and and Bones let out a sigh, not moving his arms that were still around me.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning." Bones grumbled. "We should just skip breakfast." 

"Dr. McCoy wouldn't approve." I said.

"But Bones does." He responded.

He tightened his grip on me and I thought back to last night and the fight he put up to sleep on the floor. I smiled to myself and wished we could just stay here. Sadly, Tahira wouldn't be happy. I hesitantly tried to sit up, only to be pulled back down by McCoy.

"Bones. We've got to go." I said even though I didn't want to either.

"I will let you go on one go on a date with me when we get out of here." He said.

I was shocked for a moment. I had to be dreaming. I had loved McCoy for years and now, all of a sudden, he wanted to go out? I wasn't good at this love stuff. I had been hurt in the past and now it was hard to trust people again. Bones knew this. He had been there when it happened. I wanted to trust him so badly. He wouldn't hurt me, right? I was broken from my thoughts by Bones squeezing my middle. 

"Uhh. Bones I-I-" I was broken off by an alarm outside. 

McCoy let go of me and we both jumped up to see what was going on. We heard footsteps in the halls and grabbed our goggles, heading out the door as we put them on. We followed the people outside and quickly saw what was causing the commotion. Madigan's soldiers had raided the camp and were now firing at anyone they could find. Bones grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind a cargo container, out of the way of phaser blasts.. 

"We have to get out of here." He said, worry growing evident on his face. 

"We need weapons." I argued. 

"Izzy! If they find you, they are going to kill you! We need to go!" 

I pulled away from him and went back inside the building we had just come out of in search of weapons. I heard him follow me inside and he continued calling for me to stop.

"I don't stop McCoy! This is my job! I shouldn't have left Pike there in the first place! Madigan was my responsibility and now it is my fault that our crew is down here with that man! So I will not stop until he has a bullet in his head or I die trying to put one there!" I yelled.

Bones looked at me in shock. I rarely called him McCoy and I rarely raised my voice to him. All he could do at that moment was nod.

"I need you to get away from me." I said, looking him in the eyes.

"Izzy I-"

"If they get you and hurt you because of me...I couldn't deal with it." I said. "But, I can't die. Not yet. You know why?" I asked.

"Why?" Bones asked me.

"We still have a date." I said, smirking at him.

I turned on my heels and started running through the building in search of some sort of weapon. I couldn't have Bones anywhere near me. If I was taken... 

I tried not to think about what would happen. I walked into a room that looked like an armory, it was empty however. I swore under my breath and opened every cabinet and drawer, trying to find something, anything, that could help me. I came to the last cupboard and opened it, finding a single pistol. I picked it up and tucked it in my belt as I headed back out. The phaser-fire had stopped and it was now clear to walk through the camp. Dead bodies were scattered everywhere and most of the camp was still and silent. I walked towards the mess hall in hopes Tahira would still be alive and waiting for me. As I opened the door, sure enough, Tahira was sitting in the middle of the room by herself. She turned and looked at me as I came inside and addressed me.

"Most of the camp is dead." She said.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized. "It was my fault they came here. They were looking for me." 

"No." She said. "They have been looking for us since we escaped. It wasn't all your fault." 

We sat in silence for several minutes until she spoke again, this time with anger in her voice. 

"Let's go get that bastard." Tahira said.

"No." I said. "It is my problem to deal with. Get your people who are still alive away from here." 

She sighed but nodded. We both stood up and walked outside. We both wished each other luck and headed our separate ways. I traced back along the path I was taken hostage on and soon came to the clearing where I was discovered. I spotted the light from Madigan's compound and snuck towards it. The crew were all locked in a gated fence and the ones who weren't sleeping were whispering among themselves. I noted the positions of all the guards and began to climb the restraining wall to the buildings. Madigan was nowhere to be seen. He was my target. I crouched behind a cargo box and waited, thinking my plan through. Getting in will be the easy part. Getting out on the other hand...

"Yes sir." I heard a soldier say from a few yards away.

"And make sure she's alive!" 

It was Madigan. I peeked my head up over the container and saw the soldiers leave him as he walked into a nearby building. Stupid man. i had a plan, but it was risky. If I could get to a window without Madigan seeing me, I could get a clear shot. After he's dealt with, I would have to get the crew out. I would somehow set off an explosion on the other side of the compound, hopefully getting all the guards to go investigate. This would give me time to get people out and to safety. 

I ran through my plan mentally, when suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went black...

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