Chapter 7

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I was rudely woken by Madigan and the guards slamming the door to my cell and walking over to me. Madigan crouched in front of me and grabbed my face, forcing me to look up at him. 

"Enjoying your new room?" He asked.

I didn't respond. He let go of my face and struck me with his other hand. 

"Have you happened to remember where your friend is?" Madigan asked.

"I told you I don't know." I choked out. 

He struck me again. The guards lifted me up, causing me to yell as I had been in the same uncomfortable position for several hours. They undid my cuffs and threw me to the ground. 

"All of the people I took have somehow vanished...where are they?" He asked. 

Vanished? What did he mean? They were gone? They got out of here? I was brought out of my thoughts by a kick to the stomach. I yelled out in pain, but still didn't answer his question. 

"WHERE ARE THEY?" He yelled again.

"I don't know." I choked out.

I was hit across the face again. I honestly didn't know.

"How about another question. Where is your tracker?" He asked.

"I don't have one." I said. 

That was a lie. All the mercenaries were required to wear a tracker when on missions. Madigan knew this. It was to help Starfleet find an officer if they were taken. I wore mine on my ankle. Madigan hit me in the stomach. I was painfully aware that he was holding a knife. I coughed and curled into a ball before being pulled up again by the guards. 

"I know you wear one. All the officers do. Now, let's try this again. Where is it?" 

"I don't have one!" I yelled.

Madigan kicked me in the chest and held my throat with his foot as the guards searched me for the device. Eventually they found it and cut it off, gashing my leg in the process. I was pulled into the chains again and left, in the same position, in a worse state. I hadn't been brought food or water and was losing strength. I just hoped that the Enterprise was able to find the coordinates of my tracker before it was taken from me. I passed out again from pain and exhaustion, wishing the pain would end. I was pulled from my unconscious state by a sharp pain in my shoulder, which had now dislocated due to constant pulling. I wanted to cry, but had no tears. I fought to stay awake, but that didn't last long. I lost consciousness yet again. 

I felt a warmth on my skin and opened my eyes to see that I was outside. I was on earth, in a field, wearing a white dress. The wind was blowing and there were yellow flowers everywhere. I felt no pain. I turned around in circles and a figure caught my eye. I stopped and looked, trying to focus my dizzy eyes. It was Bones. Bones was here with me. I ran towards him and he met me, pulling me into a tight hug, spinning me around. He put me gently on the ground and just looked at me. Then everything blurred. I reached out to grab McCoy, calling for him, but was still pulled away from him. The world around me vanished, pulling me back to the unpleasant situation I was really in. 

I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't speak, and I couldn't move. I could, however, hear, and sadly feel. I felt the stab wound, the two cuts, my dislocated shoulder, and the countless beatings from the evil men. Just then, I heard voices. Not Madigan's voice...I knew them. 


It was McCoy. I wanted to scream and hug him and cry in his shoulder, but I couldn't. He called to the others for help and I felt three pairs of hands lift me up while another fiddled with the cuffs. I was eventually released and gently laid on the cold stone ground. McCoy' hands cupped my face for a moment while he spoke to me.

"Izzy, you've got to wake up. Stay with me hun." He said.

His hands let go of my cheeks and he lifted my bloodied shirt. He mumbled a few swear words as he felt around the wounds on my stomach. It hurt immensely. I tried to wake up, but my body had mostly shut itself down to deal with the pain and reserve energy. 

"Jim, we've got to get her to the ship!" McCoy said. 

That was the last I heard before everything went dark.

"Izzy. Izzy." 

I heard a muffled voice saying my name as I started to re-gain consciousness. I heard soft, steady beeping as someone pulled my shirt up to check my wounds. It hurt to breathe. I tried to move my head to where the voice was coming from, but immediately stopped due to pain. 

"Izzy, sweetheart, can you open your eyes for me?" 

It was Bones' soft voice. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids were too heavy. I tried to choke out something, anything.


"I'm right here Izzy. You're alright." He said

I felt a hand on my arm. The feeling was comforting. I tried to move my hand to his, but couldn't.

"Don't try to move darlin'. You've got too much medicine in your system to do much of anything." He said, giving my arm a light squeeze, being careful not to hurt me. 

"What...what happened." I managed to say. 

"We were able to track your coordinates and get you out. We're on the Enterprise. Everything's ok now but you need to sleep darlin'. I'll be right here when you wake up." He said quietly.

I was able to nod slightly before drifting off again. Not due to the pain this time. From the medicine. I felt Bones kiss my forehead as I fell asleep.  

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