Chapter 6

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So I changed the song right before publishing this chapter because I really like this song and this chapter doesn't have a specific song to it if you know what I mean. So if you were expecting the nights by Avicii sorry, I will try and include that song in a different chapter.

Authors note ^^^^

It had been a month since the beach bonfire and Anne and Gilbert had gone to all possibilities to avoid each other.

In that month Anne and Charlie started dating as did Ruby and Gilbert. Diana and Jerry were going stronger than ever and a new trip was on the horizon.

Miss Stacey had planned a trip to a nature reserve for her English class to inspire creativity in their writing. The trip was for a week. Anne and her friends were overjoyed because all 11 of them were in that English class.

A week together surrounded by nature. Anne was tremendously excited.

Anne, Diana, Ruby, Josie, Jane and Tillie planned that Sunday night (before going away Monday morning) they would pack their suitcases together round Diana's then sleep round.

"I'm so excited to spend a full week with Gilbert!", exclaimed and excited Ruby. "It will be so romantic. Maybe me and Gilbert and Charlie and Anne can go on a picnic in the woods surrounded by trees and flowers. Anne, you can decorate, it would be absolutely amazing"

"Yeah...Maybe", replied an unusually quite Anne. Anne didn't feel like her relationship with Charlie was going anywhere. She liked him, but only as a friend. Whenever they kissed it felt wrong somehow.

"Okay Anne, Speak up. What's wrong?", Diana asked. She knew Anne ridiculously well. Diana always knew when something is up with her bosom friend and kindred spirit.

"Umm..well..I don't think I like Charlie in a romantic way", a few eyes shot up to look at Anne, yet they didn't look surprised or bewildered. "I think I always felt that way, it's just I wanted so badly to like him that I pretended to."

"Thank god. It was about time you realised your feelings are untrue", Josie laughed while shoving her summer dress in her suitcase along with her makeup bags.

"Yeah Anne, but break up with him nicely. He's so sweet", Jane asked and giggled slightly.

"Well, I don't think you should break up with him just yet. Give him time, it's only been a month", Ruby said disagreeing with the other girls.

"Why do you think that Rubs?", Tillie questioned.

"I think Anne, no offence by the way, closed of her mind to liking Charlie when a slither of doubt entered her mind about not liking him", Ruby stated. Anne somehow felt that what Ruby said was sort of true.

"Okay. I will give him next week to prove that I can possible like him. I will spend every spare minute with him, getting to know him. If after that I still feel like I do now I will break up with him", Anne declared

All the girls nodded in agreement before moving on to the next topic. Aside from Ruby the rest of the girls were hoping that she would break up with Charlie as they preferred Anne with someone else. Although they would never admit it.

"So Di. Have you and Jerry done it yet", Josie smirked looking towards Diana's blushing face.

"Um well. If you must know. We have", all the girls cheered and screamed.

"Omg Di. That was your first time right. How was it? Was it thrilling and exciting and fun and all that stuff you read about in books?", Tillie asked rather enthusiastically.

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