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paige meyers sat in the waiting room of the loud, crowded hospital. she looked across from her, at all the strangers she didn't know. she had lived in this town for sixteen years, and hardly knew anyone.

that's what she likes about being invisible, you don't have to know people or know things. no one fights with you or talks bad about you, you're just there. she liked being just there.

a few doctors walked out into the waiting room. the red-head in a yellow coat talked first.
"hello everyone, i understand you're all worried about your loved ones but right now we are working on finding information. twenty-two victims were brought in from the crash. of them only twelve have been identified. we will update you soon once we have information on your family members."

she felt herself let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding. she shouldn't be there. she was walking to school when she saw the accident happen, she thought she would wait around the hospital for a few hours, and then tell the principle she was at the accident and that's why she couldn't come in.

beats chemistry.

parents and grandparents started yelling over each other. kids starting crying. couples started fighting. phones started ringing. paige might've blown her ear drums out if she had to stay in that room. so she picked up her half-empty backpack and walked down the small hallway to a dead end. there were two empty rooms on either side, a bunch of shelves and a gurney against the wall. she sat down, relieved to be in some quiet.

but it didn't last long.

a few minutes later, she heard weak voice say "you can't be here."

she looked up from her book and saw a man standing by her, with a white coat and a beard. he looked young. and he looked pale, and nauseas. he reached behind her to grab the blood bags she didn't even know were there, but stopped suddenly. his lifeless body fell slowly to the ground. paige bolted up, running to the body.
"crash cart!" she screamed.

she placed her hands interlocked on his chest, pounding on his heart to the best of a song in her head. she put her whole body weight into her arms and kept pushing until a doctor ran out with a crash cart.

they put him on the gurney and shocked him, it took two tries but he came back. he coughed a little bit and they put an iv in his arm, and took him to a different room.

a young, pretty doctor with tanned brown skin and flawless curly brown hair turned around to look at paige.

"do you wanna come with us?" she asked.

she nodded and walked after the doctor.

she walked up to the doctor who's live she had just saved.

"still gonna tell me i'm not supposed to be here?" she asked, slightly joking.

he let out a small laugh.

she smiled at him and looked at his name tag.
andrew deluca.

"i'm glad you're alright, andrew." she said referencing to his tag.

"thank you," he said, pausing to realize he didn't know her name.

he opened his mouth again but was immediately interrupted by the same red head barging in.

"deluca? what the hell happened!" he screamed. paige stepped back, sort of afraid of this tall, pale, man.

"he has a bleed in his abdomen. we're on our way to fix it right now. he's talking but not moving a whole lot. page shepard." the brown haired girl said, saying each word as if reading it off a script she's read a million times. she makes it look easy.

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