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the heater was out at grey sloan memorial so everyone was freezing. paige stood, waiting for the elevator. when it came to a stop, the doors opened and she saw her current boss and his wife about to rip their pants off.

"alex! jo!" paige yelled. "there are children in this hospital!"

"no there's not..?" alex said, looking at the young girl confused.

they looked around and noticed there really was no kids around.

"i-i'm a kid." paige stuttered. jo and alex looked at her strange. "get out of the elevator!" she yelled, rolling her eyes.

when she entered the peds floor she picked up robbins chart and started rounds.

"danny peterson." she said, walking into the room. his face was half covered in burns. she took out her pager to page plastics when they heard the monitor go off. someone's flatlining.

"levi page plastics." paige screamed at the nerdy guy who stood behind her as she ran out of the room.

she ran into the next room, seeing a three year old girl laying lifeless on the gurney.

"charge to 100!" she screamed. shock. nothing.
"200!" shock. nothing.
"250!" shock. something. the machine started beeping again. paige smiled.

robbins rushed into the room.

"heart rates back up." paige said enthusiastically. robbins and paige high fived.
"alright let's get a ct" said robbins, motioning to a nurse.

paige walked into the hall, writing on her chart.
"that was impressive." said a shocked levi from behind her.

"what can i say? i'm just that good."

"wait so you're a first year med student and you've already brought someone back from the dead?" jo asked during lunch.

"two people." paige corrected her.

jo rose her eyebrows. "damn, you sure you don't have a famous surgical family member?" she asked, nudging towards meredith and jackson.

"no, my dad left when i was two and my mom killed herself last year. he was a construction worker and she was a junkie so yeah, no surgeons." the words came out of paiges mouth so fast she didn't know she was saying them. she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"i'm sorry." jackson said, rubbing her back.

"it's fine," paige smiled. "it's fine. it's totally okay now. and you know, comedic relief is the only way through it. i don't know i read that somewhere i don't know what it means." she stopped to catch her breathe.
"i just, i don't want to be pitied. yes my parents are dead. yes i was neglected. yes i didn't have a very good childhood. but i don't wanna be treated differently. i don't want the "sorry"s i want people to like me because of what i can do, not where i came from."

the gang looked at each other. "okay," shepard said, "since you don't wanna talk about the past let's talk about the present. any boys in your life?"

paige got out of her seats so fast in almost fell over.

"where's she going?" amelia asked.

"i think you scared her off." said jackson.


paiges day at grey sloan went slowly that day. even though she had been here for almost a month, she'd never feel like she fits in. her job mostly consists of babysitting and yelling at interns. that's not really surgeon in training material.

"paige." a voice said, breaking her thoughts.

she turned around and saw deluca and glasses standing there. "you're smart right?" glasses questioned, out of breathe

she nodded. "um yeah for the most part."

"come with us." deluca said as they ran out of the room.

the young girl sat with the two doctors in front of a giant board. two months ago she wouldn't have been able to understand anything on that board, but now it was a piece of cake.

"is there anything you can think of?" deluca asked the girl, hopefully.

"what if we cut out the infected part of the recipients liver, and fill the gap with a small section of the non infected part of the doners liver?" the perky girl explained.

"see, that wouldn't work because they are both infected in the same spot." said deluca rubbing his head.

"can we get another doner?"

"the girls got an hour tops." deluca whispered to the two almost-doctors standing in front of him.

"then we make a new liver." paige yelled, filling the all too familiar silence.

"what?" asked glasses.

"the whole liver can't be infected, and it can't be that bad or the liver would've gotten taken off the doner list. so if we break down the liver and find which parts are healthy and which aren't, we can construct a new liver that fits the gap and also works perfectly normal."

"this girl doesn't have long, do you think we can construct a whole new liver in the little time." said meredith, rubbing her head.

"we can if we get everyone on it," owen started. "were cutting the doners life support at five pm, that gives us fifty six minutes. we can scan the liver, we can even go in and see for ourselves. then once we know what we're doing, we will prep OR 1, and take out the liver. we will have two gurneys, one with the doner and one with the tools for constructing a new liver. we will have all our best doctors on this liver. as soon as we're close to done with the liver we will set the recipient up in OR 2, we'll put her on bypass and crack her chest. take out the old liver, put in the new one. then take her off bypass and check her vitals and make sure it worked. if it did, we close her up and get her to the ICU. we will keep her failing liver in ice during this because if it didn't work, she gets her liver back and goes back on the list."

"owens right," paige uttered, "we can do this if everyone focuses."

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