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alex's legs felt tired as he walked up the grassy hill.

"alex!" a voice called from behind him. he turned around the face the perky blonde haired girl.

"paige!" he shouted with excitement. "how are you?" he asked.

"i'm great!" she exclaimed. "mommy and daddy are coming they are just slow."

"paige! get back here!" april yelled. the five-year-old laughed and ran to april and jackson. alex chuckled, looking down at the headstone he stood in front of.

'paige elizabeth meyers. 1999-2019. the most caring person to ever have lived.' he looked down and read the quote that was under her name.

"so also you have sorrow now, but i will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. john 16:22" alex whispered to himself. he felt an arm rub his shoulder and he turned around to see jackson standing next to him. jackson leaned down and wipe the dirt off the headstone. "i miss you girl." jackson whispered.

april and their little girl hugged alex, and admired the headstone before leaving for work. "happy birthday!" little paige shouted to the headstone as they left.

the air was cold and the cemetery was silent, but all alex could think about was the stone in front of him, reading off the name of his best friend who, as of today, would have been twenty six.

"happy birthday paige. i miss you so much. it was hard, loosing you. i miss you. we all miss you. you've missed a lot. april and jackson had a new baby, a girl. she was born a few months after you died. they named her paige norbert avery. april's pregnant again, it's a boy this time. they are naming him noah sloan avery." he knelt down, closer to the words of the bible that april had insisted were included. "jo and i had our kid. his name is kayden george karev. he's amazing. he's six years old and a freaking bomb of joy and happiness. we have a daughter. she's three. her names katie jo. she loves her brother. and she loves me. and i know she would've loved you. owen and teddy didn't get married. teddy loves tom. owen and leo moved away to get a fresh start, owen is the head of trauma in some kick-ass hospital in new york. arizona's in new york too, with callie and sofia and nicole. jo and i go down to visit sometimes, all four of them come to the airport to give us hugs as soon as we land. meredith and andrew are engaged. and zola, zola is gonna start in the sit program just like you did. and tuck, he runs it. he likes being in charge just like his mom. speaking of bailey, her and ben adopted a kid, his name is joey. he loves coming to the hospital to see everyone, we all love him." alex took a deep breathe and looked around.

"betty has a new girlfriend, her name is lily. she's nice but she's nothing like you. amelia and link named their baby pete shepherd lincoln. named after one of amelias friends from back in l.a. maggie has a new boyfriend names winston. he doesn't come around much but he seems like a cool dude. richard retired. he bought a beach house and now he just send us letters of how cool he is, so typical." alex laughed to himself. "levi and nico broke up when nico got fired. levi took a really hard hit after you died, he really admired you. levi is a general surgeon, and is in the running for chief of general. taryn is general too. quadri did plastics. simms did ortho. deluca did peds. oh, and parker came back, he works on nuero now."

alex stood up, ready to leave. "we all miss you. these past six years have been really hard without you. your picture is up at the hospital, next to derek and lexie and mark and george. all the kids always stare at your picture on their way to the daycare or to training. the younger kids miss you a lot, they aren't good with grief and stuff. i wish you were here, to see them grow up. you would've been proud. now, i gotta go. but happy birthday, paige. party hard. party really hard. i love you." tears slipped down alex's face as he walked to his car.

he could hardly believe it had been a whole six years.

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