𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤 ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥?

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"...You've been freed. Do you know how hard it is to lead? You're on your own. Awesome, wow! Do you have a clue what happens now???" Tom sings loudly while 'What Comes Next?' from Hamilton the Musical plays from the speakers. Harrison is sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, thinking about what he can do next. To say that the song is relatable is an understatement. He could imagine King George III drinking a beer too.

"You're on your oooooooown!" Tom finishes. He playfully bows in front of Harrison as Harrison rolls his eyes, but claps anyway.

"Congrats, you made a fool of yourself in front of me. But you do that everyday, so never mind." Harrison laughs. 

"Fuck you, bro." Tom says, "But what's your next plan? You can't keep doing the 'pre-school way' for the rest of your life. You've been doing that for a month and there's no progress or anything. Are you even at least friends with her?"

"...I'm friends with Mitch?" Harrison says, although it comes out as a question. Tom rolls his eyes and sits next to his best mate, "Seriously, what comes next?"

"Y/N told me that you and her are acquaintances. It's better than nothing." Tom tells his best friend who looks at him with wide eyes. "She-She told you that?"

Tom nods with a smile, "Keep it up, mate. But you have to do better."


"Harrison? What're you doing here? Are you stalking me?" Y/N asks as she walks to the house that's currently on sale.

"I'm not stalking you and I'm here because if anything happens, I'm here if you need me." Harrison shrugs as he walks beside her. "I know you need my help. I also know that Mitch isn't here which means you'll be alone."

Y/N squints at him before unlocking the door to the house. She walks inside without another word and Harrison follows, "Is there anything I have to do?"

Y/N turns around to look at him and says, "I usually check and clean the whole place that's why I'm always early at open houses." 

"I can help."

"Sure, you can." Y/N sarcastically says.

"Was that a jab at me?" Harrison questions, slightly hurt at how she said it. Y/N nods with a sarcastic smile, "Yeah and I don't regret it. You've never done anything when we were together, Harrison. What makes it different now?"

Y/N starts dusting off the coffee table in the living room without saying another word. Harrison looks around and sees a broom. He grabs it and starts sweeping the floor.

"Yeah, I get it... you're still mad. But that doesn't give you an excuse to say that." Harrison mutters. "It hurts and I'm still human."

Y/N hears this and was starting to get annoyed, "Well, you didn't treat me like a human when were together, did you? This is just payback, Harrison. I dropped everything for you and you treated me like garbage! Didn't you think I was hurt? Or were you too busy with your acting career to see that?" 

Harrison stays quiet. She was right.

"You know, you can be a real pain in the arse." Y/N adds. "I appreciate what you're doing, but I don't need your help. You can go now."

"I'm not leaving." Harrison says, standing his ground as he gives her a stern look.

"Fine, but I don't need your help and I won't ask for help." Y/N tells him full of pride. Harrison brushes it off, kind of confident that Y/N will eventually need help sooner or later. 

And that comes around hours later during the open house.

It seems that this house is wanted by everyone and being the only real estate agent there, Y/N could only answer one question at a time. Everyone's starting to crowd her and she begins to overwhelmed. Harrison watches the scene unfold a few steps away.

'She doesn't my help.' Harrison thinks. But another voice in his head seems to think otherwise, 'If you help her, you might get her back easier.'

Wanting to get her back, Harrison takes a deep breath before stepping in.

"Excuse me, everyone." Harrison says.

"Who are you?" one person asks.

"Yeah, if you're not with her, then get out. We want our questions answered!"

"I'm Harrison and I'm also a real estate agent and Y/N and I would be happy to answer your questions one at a time. If you don't follow, the door is open for you to leave." Harrison says smoothly. 

As much as Y/N hates to admit it, she's grateful for Harrison's help. She was on the verge of panicking. She looks at Harrison as he answers everyone's questions. He glances at her and smiles before turning back to the man he was talking to. Y/N snaps out of it and shakes her head as she answers the woman's question about the house.

At the end of the day, they both clean up and sit on the couch to relax for a bit. They were too tired to speak to each other, but Y/N decides to break the silence, "Thank you for saving my ass back there. I guess I was wrong when I said I didn't need your help... turns out I do; I still do."

Harrison looks at her and puts a hand on her shoulder, "You're welcome. I'm always here for you."

You smile at him, "Thank you. Well," Y/N stands up, "we need to go now. So, grab your things and we can leave. I'll take out the trash."

While she takes out the trash, Harrison stands up to grab his and her things to make things quicker. Y/N washes her hands as she gets back and Harrison gives her, her bag. She smiles at him, "Let's go."

Harrison goes out first followed by Y/N after she closes all the lights in the house and she locks the door. 

"Let's eat somewhere! My treat." Harrison suggests. "I know you're hungry and I'm hungry too. Besides, this open house was successful and we need to celebrate that, don't you think?"


"Let's eat at Starvest. I know you love it." Harrison tells her, unlocking the door of the car and opening the passenger door for her and helping her in. Y/N thanks him as he closes the door and jogs to the driver's side. She takes out her phone when she hears a small 'ding', a message notification.

I know Harrison was there with u, hun.
How was he?? 

Harrison starts the car and pulls from the driveway. He focuses on the road and doesn't know that Y/N's looking at him. She smiles before looking down on her phone.

To: Mitch

He was gr8. He rlly helped a lot 2day :)

* * * *

So guys.... how do you think Haz did?

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