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Harrison didn't bother Y/N for the whole week she's been on leave from work. He wanted to; he truly did, but he wanted her to achieve her dream to be a lawyer. Harrison was frustrated that he wouldn't be able to see her for a week, but he figured he could do some work. He also wanted to take a break. He figured, if Y/N needed space to think and study to do well, then he could get away from all of his problems. Not completely, but temporarily. With that being said, Harrison decided to pack some of his things and booked a flight to France. 

Y/N was frustrated too. She wanted to personally tell Harrison how she felt, but he wasn't responding to her text messages. She then came to a conclusion that Harrison must be avoiding her so she could study in peace so with a heavy heart, she did. 

It's now a week later and Y/N is back at work. The board exam tired her out and she's anxious to know the results. She hasn't heard from Harrison and she wanted to see him, but she doesn't know where he is. Having enough of it, she goes to Tom's house after work. 

Tom opens the door and smiles when he sees her, "Feel free to stay here. I'm picking Harrison up at the airport."

"Airport? Why?" she asks in confusion. "Where'd he go?"

"He went to France for a short vacation." Tom chuckles. "I'll pick him up now. Do you want t-"

"Is it okay if I come with you?" she asks softly. Tom smiles and nods, "Sure! You can put your stuff in the living room first."

Y/N enters his place and puts her bag on the couch and hurriedly walks out the door. Tom follows after locking the door. They immediately drive to the airport and the minute they arrive and park, Y/N is out of the car. Tom chuckles and goes after her as soon as he locks his car, "Wait up!"

They wait for about five minutes when they spot a familiar boy with dark blonde hair walking towards them. Y/N sees him and smiles and runs up to him to give him the biggest hug. Harrison stumbles backwards, but hugs back, "I didn't know you were coming."

Harrison chuckles as Y/N pulls away and looks at him, "I've been trying to reach you, but you wouldn't answer my calls and texts and I literally just found out that you went to France for a vacation."

"You've been trying to reach me? Why? What happened while I was gone?" Harrison asks, thinking he missed something important. "Besides, I knew your board exam was coming up so I didn't want to distract you or anything."

"I appreciate that." she smiles before speaking again, "After you left I went to Tom's place and we talked about things and he knocked some sense into me."

"What?" Harrison laughs.

"Harrison, it was always you." she gulps, "I love you with everything in me." 

He smiles, "I love you in every possible way."

"Wait, I'm not done." she chuckles. Harrison just smiles and nods for her to continue. "I have so much love for you. I actually never thought I could feel like this, but you proved me wrong. It was really scary at first, but Tom made me realize that along with 'scary', comes 'beautiful'. And Harrison, honey, you're the beautiful thing that came along."

"I love you so much." she grins, "Even when we lost contact, I loved you then. I just thought I didn't. You see, it's easy to say you don't feel for someone anymore when you don't see them." 

"Y/N, love, I never stopped loving you." Harrison holds her hand. "Since I met you, you're the first thing on my mind, the last thought before I sleep, and my truest love."

"Oh and one more thing."


"You've really proven yourself to me so, I'm willing to try again." she says nervously. Harrison hugs her tightly and kisses her cheek, "You won't regret this!" He smiles as he pulls away.

"I'm yours, okay?"

"I'm yours too." Harrison grins.

"Can I greet my best mate?" Tom asks.

"Way to ruin the moment, Thomas." Harrison groans.

"You'll have your moment later." Tom chuckles as he hugs his best mate. "Let's go!"

Tom pulls away before walking to the car. Harrison grabs his suitcase and holds Y/N's hand. They smile at each other as they walk behind Tom.

* * * *

I'm kinda sad that it's nearly ending lmao

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