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Things have been okay between Y/N and Harrison ever since they got back together. Harrison didn't fail to be there for her anymore and he really did become a better person. Harrison still sought help from Tom, though. After all, we all need a little help sometimes.

Y/N got her board exam result and Tom and Harrison were there for her. They celebrated when she passed and Harrison's gift for her was a trip around Asia. Y/N was really happy and she totally didn't expect it.

Of course, Tom helped but it was all Harrison who did it.

Their love story isn't perfect, but it's beautiful. Almost as if everything was a dream.


"Y/N, wake up! You have classes don't you?" Tom shakes her awake. "You're going to be late!"

Y/N groans and wakes up. She sits up and looks around with confusion written all over her face. Tom glances at her and sighs, "Thank God, you're up! Breakfast is on the table. You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you. Harrison didn't come last night. He said he wanted to go home and rest after his horrendous date. But you'll meet him later."


"Nope. No buts. Get up, eat breakfast, take a shower and get dressed. You still have clothes here from last time. I'm driving you to Ainsworth. Let's go!" Tom says quickly. Y/N sighs and thinks, 'I'll tell him later, then.'


Tom opens the door in surprise, "I told you to text me when your classes are done. I was supposed to pick you up." He steps aside and lets Y/N in. He closes the door and smiles, "I'm so glad you went straight here! I have someone here for you! It's Harri-"

"Harrison." Y/N gasps at the man in the living room. Harrison turns around and his eyes widen, "Y-Y/N."

"Hold up- you already know each other? How and when?!" Tom's jaw drops. Y/N and Harrison look at each other and at Tom.

"I dreamed about him."

"She was in my dream!"

"What?" Tom asks, clearly confused. "You guys dreamed of each other? How is that even possible?"

"Well, I don't know, but it happened." Harrison shrugs.

"I'll, uh, leave you guys to it, then." Tom excuses himself and leaves.

Y/N walks closer to Harrison and sits next to him, "I'm Y/N."


"That was some weird dream, huh?" Y/N chuckles. Harrison nods, "Yeah it was so real. I thought I would wake up next to you or something."

"I mean... we could always make that dream a reality...if you want?" Y/N asks. "I'm- I'm willing to try if you're willing."

"That'd be cool, actually." Harrison smiles. "Oh and for the record, I wouldn't treat you bad like in that dream. Even I thought it was fucked up."

"It was so fucked up." Y/N laughs.

They went on a few dates before becoming an official couple. The real Harrison was so different from the Harrison in Y/N's dreams. Y/N ended up graduating with her friends and she studied for her board exams with Harrison's help.

Harrison was really proud of her when she passed her board exams. She was really proud of his acting career taking off. They were each other's cheerleaders.

After three years of dating, Harrison proposes to her on the their trip to Amsterdam. Of course, she said yes. Tom was truly happy for his best friends. There were times when he'd think about the "what could've been's", but he wouldn't trade his best friends' happiness for the world. He loved Y/N, but his love for her as a best friend weighed more than the romantic love. After all, he was contented with just being her best friend.

A year later, they finally get married and went to Italy for their honeymoon. 

-Months later-

"I don't know if anyone has told you, but you look cute with a baby bump, love." Nikki smiles at Y/N. She couldn't believe that the girl who she took in like her own daughter is now a married young woman, a successful lawyer, and a soon-to-be mother. Nikki was really happy for you.

"Is there a reason for your visit? You're on maternal leave. I assume you'd want to spend that with Harrison." Nikki says.

"Don't be silly, Nikki. I want to visit. Besides, he's working and I didn't want to be alone at home." Y/N chuckles. "It's hard being alone when I'm almost due."

"Why didn't you want to know the gender of your baby?" Nikki asks.

"We wanted it to be a surprise." Y/N giggles. "I-"

Y/N's hand flew to her large bump and her face contorts in pain. Nikki looks at her worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Just then Y/N feels something trickling down her legs. She looks at Nikki and says, "My water just broke."

Nikki's eyes widen. She helps her stand up and helps her get in the car. "I'll call Harrison when we get there!" Nikki says whilst driving the car. It was a miracle that they weren't given a speeding ticket by how fast Nikki was driving.

Nikki kept her word and called Harrison whilst Y/N was brought to the delivery room.

"Hi Ni-"

"Y/N is in labor and we're at the hospital. I don't care where you are or what you're doing. Drop it now and come here." Nikki says sternly before hanging up.

Five minutes later, Harrison arrives with Tom. "Where is she?" Harrison frantically asks.

"She's in the delivery room. Just go in there!" Nikki points to the door.

Harrison nods and runs to where Y/N is. The nurse immediately stops him, "I'm sorry, sir. You're not allowed in-"

"Let him in. He's the father." Y/N groans in pain. She looks at him and musters up a smile. Harrison walks to her and kisses her forehead, "I can't believe today's the day."

"Same here."

"Okay, you're ready to push now." the doctor says. Y/N grips Harrison's hand and she starts to push.

After a while and a lot of pushing, a baby's cries were heard throughout the delivery room. "Congratulations! It's a girl A healthy baby girl." the doctor smiles and passes the baby to the nurses to get her cleaned up. One of the nurses cleans Y/N up too.

As soon as the baby gets cleaned up, the nurse hands her to Harrison. He looks down at his daughter and starts crying, "She's beautiful, Y/N."

He looks at Y/N and carefully hands the baby to her. She takes her and smiles, "She is. I think I'm in love."

Harrison chuckles lightly, "Thank you for giving me a daughter who looks like you."

"Hey, you kinda helped too." Y/N whispers. "I love you."

"I love you more." Harrison smiles and kisses her.

* * * *

Hope you enjoyed.

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