Authors Note

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Before I start to write I just want to say thanks for reading if you've stumbled across this. Also keep a few things in mind,
- I will be using they/them pronouns for Gigi as I don't know what they prefer (however forgive me if I slip up I am truly trying my best)
- She/her pronouns will be used for everyone when they are in drag, as that's what we hear on the show and I don't want to confuse anyone
- Nothing in this is true (obv), and while it's based in a timeline that is real, it's still fanfic
- Even when out of drag I will be using the drag names. This is both to reduce confusion, and help everyone remember that this is based in fiction and not real :p
- There won't be any smut in here as I think it's weird to write about real people. Mostly, this will be based on their relationship and not labels of the relationship. You can think of it as platonic or romantic, whatever you prefer :)

I've also realized that there are a lot of spelling errors and Nicky's name is spelled wrong half the time rip. I fixed what I could find and the rest I'm just going to apologize for lol

Happy reading and I hope you have the best day ever!

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