Chapter 6

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Crystal POV-
Gigi sits at the edge of the lake again, and we stare into the murky water. "Not much of a view." They say, and I agree, though I know we're both enjoying being out here.
"This has become our little hideout." I reply, attempting to skip a stone in the water and watching it sink.
Gigi snorts, trying to hold in a laugh.
I can't help but smile. "What are you laughing about?" I tease.
"You're just so cute." They reply, leaning their head on my shoulder.
I can feel myself tense up and it reminds me of being a little kid. When your friend lays their head on you and you don't want to mess it up so you stay as still as humanly possible. I hope they don't notice how fast my heart is beating in my chest. It's like it's pounding to get out, away from all the emotion. But miraculously it stays in, beating just like before and Gigi doesn't seem to notice anything.
"How are you?" I ask them, putting an arm around their shoulders.
Gigi looks up, surprised by my actions, but right before I move my arm they put a hand on mine so I don't pull it away. "Fine. I miss everyone, but I'm happy I'm here too." I can feel myself nod, and they turn to me. "How are you?"
"Good." I reply. "I'm so excited to start filming again. I have some good things planned."
"I can't wait." Gigi smiles. "How are you already planning?" She adds.
"I'm not planning planning, but I have some ideas and I think it will work for a lot of different challenges."
They pull at one of my curls before standing up and brushing dirt off their pants. "We should head back. Jaida and Heidi want everyone to come watch a movie tonight I guess. Since it is our day off."
I must admit I'd much rather stay here with Gigi. I don't want to watch a movie tonight. But if they're going I guess I will too. My face must show what I'm feeling because almost instantly Gigi has a frown. "Do you not want to go?" They ask.
"No I do." I lie, because I don't have a good reason on why I wouldn't want to go.
They squint but when I give a soft smile they know not to fight me on this. "Okay, come on then." They say, and swing my hand as we walk down the sidewalk.

Gigi POV-
     I can tell Crystal doesn't want to go watch a movie with the other girls, but I think it will be good for us. We've spent so much time with each other, but it's important we have good relationships with the rest of the queens.
     On the way back I swing his hand, and by the tiny smile that creeps to his face I can tell it's putting him in a slightly better mood.
     At the hotel all the girls are waiting to go up to one of the rooms. "Who's room are we going to for the movie?" Jackie asks.
     Jaida's hand flies up. "It's a little tight in all of them but mine is pretty clean. As long as ya'll don't make it messy."
     Heidi laughs and turns his hat around. "We won't Jaida."  
     We all get into the elevator and Jaida takes us to his room. It is clean, cleaner than mine anyways, but it's still small. With 6 of us we're going to have to pack next to each other on the bed and the floor. Jackie, Heidi, and Jaida take the bed, leaving Crystal and I on the floor, and the other member on the chair across the room. Jaida turns on the movie, some comedy playing on one of the tv channels. It's not half bad. It's really nice to be with everyone and it's pretty clear Crystal isn't disliking it either.
     After a while though I'm feeling tired even though everyone else is still chatting and having a good time. Honestly I'm surprised we haven't gotten a noise complaint. "I think I might go back to my room." I say to Crystal.
     "The movie's almost over." He whispers back. I glare at him, just wanting to go to bed. "You're such a baby when you're tired. Just go to sleep here I'll wake you up when it's over."
     "Fine." I reply, and he lets me lean against his shoulder.

Crystal POV-
     Gigi must have been really tired because minutes after I tell them to go to sleep they're passed out on my shoulder. When the movies over Jackie shows up right next to my face. I jump and then laugh at him, trying not to wake Gigi yet.
     "Are you to married yet?" He asks jokingly. "Because you sure do cuddle a lot."
     I realize my hands my arms are definitely wrapped around Gigi and they're half on my lap. "They were tired." I reply. "And I told them it was too early to go to their own hotel room."
     Jaida joins into the conversation. "Well you better wake the sleeping princess because she isn't sleeping in my hotel room chileee."
     I gently shake Gigi awake and they hide their face in my chest, trying to go back to sleep. "You have to get up, the movies over." I say, and they wake up a little more and crawl off of me.
     We all make our way out of Jaida's room, and stumble off to our own. I get a text from Gigi.

Gigi: wanna play 20 questions?
Me: Why? But sure go for it.
G: because it's fun. Okay favorite color
M: Orange
G: Green
M: uhhhh idk. Favorite drag queen
G: that's a hard one, only from this season, you and Heidi
M: not on this season, Katya

We continue on with a lot of boring questions and then Gigi gets where I expected them to go the whole time.

G: Are you in a relationship?
M: yes, but it's complicated
G: I'm not
M: have you ever been in love?
G: I don't think so. Not romantically atleast
M: I have, romantically I mean
G: with your boyfriend?
M: yeah.

I realize we're not playing 20 questions anymore.

G: I thought you were single.
M: I'm not, but our relationship is like half open and half not. I said it's complicated.
G: wdym? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
M: like, he doesn't care if I kiss other people and stuff, because we're in love but he wants me to be happy. And it goes both ways, especially when we're apart for long periods of time.
G: hm. Sounds nice. He's lucky to have you
M: :)
G: well I'm going to go to sleep now.
M: okay, see you tomorrow.
G: yep :p

Side note/ question
I'm really enjoying writing this (thanks for the reads), but I'm conflicted on how the next bit should go. I know Crystal is in a relationship irl and Gigi might be. Should I make this more platonic or more romantic? Either way we're keeping it soft and PG in this house lol. Please lmk what people would enjoy more because I can't decide! 
Have the best day!
I likely won't be posting the next chapter for a few days, but we'll see <3

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