Chapter 16

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Gigi POV-
    The sun sets behind the clouds outside, dimming the room slowly. The tv is on in the background. Crystal and I haven't let go of each other and I think we both know the reason why. We only have tonight left for quite a while. I don't want to go back to normal. It feels safe with Crystal, and it's nice to have nothing to do when you have someone to do nothing with. After tonight we have to drive in opposite directions and only connect over the internet. It seems lonely in a way.
    Crystal scoots up so his head is closer to mine and I can feel his breathing on my neck. Having him there is comforting and I rub slow circles on his back. I can see in his eyes that he's struggling to stay awake. His eyelids are heavy but he's fighting sleep, wanting to stay awake with me for just a bit longer.
    "Are you tired babes?" I ask, already knowing the answer.     He nods and smiles a little bit. "Babes?" He questions.
    "Sure." I reply, kissing his forehead gently. "God I'm going to miss this."
    "Right when we can see each other again, we will. Right?" Crystal's words slur together.
    "Yes." I answer, though I'm wracking my brain for a way that we're going to make this all work out. We live so far from each other, how are we going to figure this out? But I also know I don't want to be apart from him. I want us to be together, all the time. I want what we have right now every single night. There's no way it will get boring.
    Crystal is nearly completely asleep and he lays a hand on my chest, his body becoming heavier on mine, breathing evening out.
    "Night." I whisper, grabbing my phone next to me, not tired yet.
    It's already one in the morning. I have a text from my mom asking how things are going and what time I will be back home. I tell her things are going great, that I don't want to leave, and that I'll let her know later when I'm getting home. Not even I know the answer the that question with all the traffic, not to mention I don't know what time I'm leaving tomorrow. There's a notification from Jaida too, sent to the group chat with Crystal and I in it.

Jaida: What are you up to? Want to FaceTime sometime soon?

I'm not sure how I want to respond to the text. But I know Crystal wouldn't mind if Jaida knew where we were. I lift up my phone and snap a picture. It's cute, even I can admit that. It's a selfie of Crystal sleeping on my chest, and it's easy to see in my face how happy I am even though I'm hardly smiling in the picture. I send it to Jaida and wait for a moment for a response.

J: No fucking way
Me: Yes fucking way lol
J: Where did ya'll meet up at
M: Colorado
J: Did you drive?!
M: Yeah
J: Ya'll are wild
M: Truth
J: Did you see the announcement for the meet up and viewing party?
M: No when is it?
J: 5 months, a while out
M: ooooo I can't wait
J: Same
M: I miss all of you so so so much
J: We all miss each other I think. I gtg. Bye <3
M: <3

    5 months seems like a long long time to be away from Crystal, but I think that's how it's going to be. We can do that, 5 months and we can have this again, maybe for more than 3 nights next time. I almost don't want to close my eyes. Instead I'd like to freeze in this moment and soak it all in. It doesn't even feel real. But I know I have to drive in a couple of hours so I do let myself sleep.

Crystal POV-
    The parking lot feels hella sad. It's early, a very pretty day, but we have to say goodbye. For 5 whole months.
    "I'm going to miss you so much." I say.
    Gigi wraps their arms around me tightly. "When we see each other again it will feel that much better. But it feels like forever."
    We stand their hugging each other until we know we need to pack up and go. We put our suitcases in the separate cars, and linger outside of Gigi's for a moment. Gigi smiles. "Hey, at least we live in the age of technology."
    "Fair fair." I reply.
    I get into my car, already dreading the drive back. I just want to be in my own bed already. The commute is always the worst part of it all. I watch Gigi pull out of the parking lot and take out my phone to text my roommate that I'm heading home and to expect me back by dinner time. There's notifications in the group chat too and I open it. I'm met with a short conversation between Jaida and Gigi and a picture that Gigi must have taken last night. I can't believe how romantic we look but I guess I don't mind it at all.
    Putting my hand on the wheel makes it feel all the more real as I pull out of the parking spot and start the drive back home. I'm happy that my fingernails are still painted. It's almost a little reminder that this did actually happen. I know over the next few weeks I'll watch the paint chip off slowly, showing the time since we've seen each other. But, at least we have the meet up date to look foreword to.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is a little late. I've been super busy and I will be for the next week because I have camp. However, next (and final) chapter should be up by next weekend. I don't have a super specific date but I'm doing my best.

Side note, have ya'll listened to Trixie's music?! It's soooo good lol, I could listen to it all day every day.

Anyway, have the best day! <3

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