Chapter 11

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Gigi POV-
I know it's supposed to be only overwhelming happiness seeing Jaida win. And it is there, at the forefront of my head, but behind it there's anger and sadness and dread. I know it shouldn't be there but it is. You can't stop your feelings. They seep through all the cracks that you thought sealed up years ago. It doesn't show on my face, not the the naked eye anyways, but it hurts just a little bit.
Mostly there is joy, because we did this, Jaida won but we all did this. We made it to the top 3, we made it to drag race, and we proved ourselves to everyone. I had my moments, we all did, but in the end we all made it out. And I'm proud of everyone, especially our new queen Jaida Essence Hall.
When the cameras finally turn off the house is just as busy. My friends got me a cake with my finale look printed on it. I love the sentiment, I also am very excited to eat cake. I have the kind of almost euphoria where my body feels like it's floating and everything is going right, where the words flow out without thinking though you've had nothing to make it that way. Running on adrenaline is one of the best feelings and I wish it would never leave my system. We sit in a circle at a tiny kitchen table, all of us still feeling too many things to even talk to each other in full sentences. I can't even imagine how happy and crushed Jaida must feel right now. I'm sure she's never felt better after winning, but at the same time I know she doesn't have a whole house of people to celebrate with like I do right now. Once the camera's go off, then what?
Once we've all calmed down a bit I decide it's best to post some things on my instagram story, for Jaida and Crystal. God I'm so proud of them both and I can't think of two girls I'd rather be in the final 3 with. But, I feel like public instagram stories only mean so much and so I text them both individually and in a group chat and see they've already done the same thing. Jaida is with her boyfriend and Crystal is celebrating with Liam and a few other people that came over. I want to FaceTime them but I know our phones are blowing up way too much for that right now. My mom calls, my brothers have texted, family and friends I haven't talked to in ages are sending me messages of support. It doesn't matter if I didn't technically win, it matters that I'm still a winner to all these people.
The cake is almost half done before Mike puts it in the fridge and hands me a little gift bag. It has some books in it, a very decorated hand made card, and lots and a little jar with paper slips in it. "What's this?" I ask.
"It's filled with little sayings from people you know and people you look up to." My roommate says.
"Oh my god." I squeal, pulling him into a hug. "That's so sweet. Thank you!"
"It was from all of us." He replies, motioning to the room.
I thank them all, and hug them individually. They congratulate me again, we have another moment of excitement about the finale and Jaida's win. I check my phone and Crystal has texted Jaida and I asking if we want to FaceTime while we get out of drag. Jaida's already agreed and the two are on the call right now. "I think I'm going to go de-drag and FaceTime Crystal and Jaida." I tell the room, and they all wave as I leave down the hall.
When I get into the bathroom it feels so weird. We just filmed the finale of drag race in our houses. It's strange that it's already to take it all off. I join the FaceTime call with the other girls who are still just as wound up as I am. "I wish I could hug you both!" Crystal says the minute I join the call.
"I know." Jaida agrees. "I still can't believe it."
"Well you better because you're a super star." I tell her. "I high-key don't want to get out of drag." I add. "I don't want it to be over."
"Aweeee. Me neither." They both agree and nobody makes a move for makeup remover.
Jaida and Crystal haven't stopped smiling for a second and I don't think I have either. My face is starting to hurt. "It went so well though." I say.
"Agreed!" Crystal replies. "I thought drag at home would be a train wreck but it wasn't that horrible."
Jaida nods. "I was so worried because my apartment is so small. But hey," She pauses. "It all worked out."
"Yes. It. Did." Crystal celebrates, clapping between each word for emphasis.
We finally start to take all the drag off, continuing our conversation the whole time. We discuss all the drama and shit the season has been through, and all the drama I've accidentally wrapped myself up in. Mainly, the focus is Jaida's win, and how much we all want to be off of quarantine. Nothing else matters anymore, I just want to see all the girls from the season and hug them as tight as I can.
At the end of the night, long after we're done untucking, we hang up the call. My heart is beating so loudly in my ears and there's no way I'm going to be able to go to sleep any time soon. I decide to pick up one of the books that my friends got me because it does look really good. Just then I get a text from Crystal.

Crystal: There is no way I'm going to be able to sleep
Me: God I thought I was the only one. I can NOT go to sleep after excitement
C: I miss you hon

When I tell you my heart stopped beating for a minute.

Me: I miss you too. When quarantine is lifted I'm literally driving to your house
Crystal: That is a very long drive
M: Well I don't have to come
C: Meet you half way?
M: Even better
C: I'm so proud of you, you've grown so much this season
M: I'm so proud of you too
C: I mean it though
M: I know you do, so do I
C: Good :)
M: Can we actually meet somewhere when quarantine is lifted?
C: Well I want to so if you're down then obv
M: Well yeah I'm down lol
C: Something to look forward to
M: Yeah
C: It's getting late, text you tomorrow?
M: Yep, see you <3
C: <3

Only a few more chapters left! I don't want it to end :(
Thank you all for 2k reads, your comments and kind words mean a lot to me
Sorry this update is so late in the day, the next one should be on Friday!
Have a great day!

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