Chapter 15

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Gigi POV-
    Did I ever think I would be kissing Crystal Methyd in a hotel pool at 9 in the morning? No, I can't say I thought that would happen. Is that what I'm currently doing. Yeah obviously.
    Whoever thought kissing in water was cute was incorrect, there's chlorine, not to mention some kid probably pissed in here earlier. Regardless, sometimes that's just what happens. You want to kiss someone and you're in a pool? Just do it, what do you have to lose? Crystal has me held up so my feet aren't touching the floor of the pool and I can't stop myself from laughing as I slip from his grasp from the water. He smiles with me. I splash him and he splashes me back until we both have wet hair and can't breathe from laughter. He comes back over in the water and puts his legs around my hips and out of habit I grab him so he stays. "Hotel pools are so gross." Crystal says, rubbing chlorine out of his eyes.
    "I'm with you on that. But also, nostalgia."
    He nods and kisses me again. "I'm glad there aren't a million people in this hotel."
    "Me too. It's just me and you."
    Crystal's smile is soft and almost timid, shy. My heart does little flips when he gets like this. I can tell he likes me, and god I like him so much. "I don't want our little adventure to end." I tell him, admiring the droplets of water that run down his face.
    "I don't either. We still have today and tonight though."
    I'm so glad we're here and I'm just trying to soak it all up before we have to go back to normal and not see each other until quarantine is fully lifted. "What else should we do today?"
    "Wanna order room serviced for lunch and go out for dinner again?"
    I nod. "Sounds good to me. Stay in the rest of the day?"
    "If you want to." He replies, touching his nose to mine.
    I kiss the tip of his nose before replying. "Sure."

    When we're done swimming we go back to the room and dry off with towels. It feels so cold up here now and we change into new clothes immediately which helps. The chlorine smell is still on both of us but Crystal smells like lemons too and all I want to do is have him close to me. We don't do much for the majority of the day, mostly we sit and talk. Some of the time we look at our phones and don't talk. It's nice to have someone that you're so comfortable with that you don't have to be entertained all day. Sometimes it's best to sit in a silent room and just have each others company.
    After lunch the hotel room is really hot and even after we crank the air conditioning up, it's still almost sticky heat. Crystal opens the window and throws all the blankets off the far bed right next to the air. We both lay on it, turned to face each other scrolling though instagram and showing each other dumb pictures. The heat passes after a bit and I gain a little more energy. Crystal on the other hand is dead asleep on the bed next to me, hair strewn over the pillow. I get up and close the window, trapping all the cold air in here and turn on the tv quietly. Crystal stirs for a moment but lucky for me doesn't wake up fully. When it comes to be about an hour of watching tv re-runs and Crystal is still asleep I decide to wake him up. He crawls over to me and lays with his head on my chest for a while as he wakes up fully. "We could go on a walk." He says, sitting up. "If we stay here I'll fall right back asleep."
    "Put on your shoes then." I smile and we head out the door moments later.
    The good thing about Colorado is that there are actually side walks and no huge huge busy streets. We walk pretty close around the hotel, past little shops and businesses, the smell of coffee beans in the air. Once we get pretty far we decide to stop at a little antique shop and put on masks to look around for a bit. The owner is an old lady that sits alone at the counter. She smiles as we walk in and we nod back as we head for the dresses and hats. After exploring for a bit Crystal has found a ton of weird little trinkets, and has showed me an abundance of crazy hats from the back. He puts a fake cockroach on the table in front of me, causing me to jump. "Fuck you." I laugh. "I hate that so much."
    He laughs at his stupid little joke and shows me another hat, this one green with a blue satin ribbon that flows all the way down his back.
    "That is a choice." I say, and straighten it on his head.
    As I turn back around I spot a pretty purple dress that's pretty close to my size. It might just be a bit too big. "Do you like this?" I ask. "I could tailor it to fit me or recycle the fabric."
    "Might be cool." He says. "I think it would look good. Hey it's only 5 dollars."
    "A bargain." I laugh, and throw it over my arm.
    We spend more than hour browsing and laughing, trying dumb things on and finding things worth some actual value.
    "Gigi, look at these." Crystal says from a few isles away.
    It takes me a moment to find him and he's standing in a little section of jewelry. "Oh? What'd you find."
    "Sapphire earrings." He replies holding them up to his ears. "Should I get them?"
    "They are really pretty." I answer, and twirl a one of his curls around my finger. "We should probably head out soon and go get dinner."
    "What time is it?" He asks, grabbing the earrings and his bag.
    "Almost 5."
    His eyes go wide. "It got late so fast." He laughs. "Let's go check out quick and head to one of the restaurants around here?"
    We check out at the counter where the old lady is still sitting. "I've never heard two people have so much fun shopping." She comments with a little smile.
    "We're just glad to be out." Crystal replies, taking the bag from her. "Thank you."
    She waves as we exit and I wave back. "She was nice." I mention. "Want to eat there?"
    I point across the street to a little Italian restaurant that has a little outdoor seating area that's empty. "Sure." He replies.
    Crystal surprises me then by grabbing my hand in his and swinging it as we walk. It's odd because I always felt like he was uncomfortable showing affection in public. But I'm happy he wants to hold my hand and I give it a little squeeze.
    We only take a minute to order and once we do we sit at a little table outside. It's such a small place that there's only one other person eating here and they're inside not outside like we are. Our food gets out really quickly and for being pretty cheap it's exceptionally good. I tip extra because I feel like after the pandemic they could use it.

    Back in the tiny room we pack all of our stuff back in our bags so that we don't have to do it in the morning. It makes my heart sink just a bit, I don't want to go back home, the last 2 days have been perfect. In the middle of packing Crystal gasps dramatically.
    "What are you all excited about?" I ask, finding him with a huge smile on his face.
    "I found nail polish!"
    "Manicures?" I ask, hoping he'll say yes.
    He nods excitedly and we grab paper towels from the bathroom and sit on the floor between the beds. There's only two colors, purple and pink but to be fair those are the best colors. "We're literally 12 year old girls." I laugh, shaking the bottle to paint Crystals nails. "What do you want?"
    "All pink except for my pinkies. Make those purple."
    "You're so weird." Reply, and start to paint. My hands are shaky when I try to be super precise which leads to a little bit of laughing as I fail for a moment on the first couple of nails. However, after a couple I have the hang of it and when I'm done they don't look bad at all. "Your turn." Crystal says. "What colors?"
    "Alternate the two." I reply. "Why not."
    He smiles at me and shakes both of the bottles. The polish is cold on my nails. I swear nail polish makes me into a whole other person. I'm doing whatever, acting normal. The minute my nails are pink she's a classy bitch. Crystal laughs at my over abundance of confidence that I've suddenly acquired. "How do we make this even more 12 year old little girl sleepover we never got to have?" I ask.
    Crystal pauses for a moment before a huge smile finds its way to his face. "Mad libs."
    "Yes." I reply, reaching for my phone to find some online.
    We climb to the bed, careful not to touch anything on our wet nails on the way. Between each round we switch roles, and by the end we've laughed at the monstrosities we've created so hard that my stomach hurts.
    By the time our nails are completely dry and we've stopped laughing it's getting pretty late. "Turn on another movie?" Crystal asks, reaching for the remote. "What are your feelings on the horror genre?" He says sarcastically.
    "Not crazy about it, but I'd go for it if you can find a good one." I reply.
    After a bit we settle on Pet Cemetery which we decide is creepy but not scary enough to make us not want to sleep tonight. It's a pretty good movie though at parts I'm definitely pretty freaked out. Crystal must be able to tell because every time he smiles over at me. I don't understand how someone can have no feelings about scary movies, I have a hard time with Scream and that's supposed to be really tame.
    When the movie is over neither of us are tired and we turn off the tv with a click. The room goes dark and I can feel Crystal next to me. After a moment his hands are on me and I let him crawl on my lap. He rocks against me and it sends shivers down my spine. I find myself reaching for his back, digging my fingers into his shoulders, finding his neck to kiss softly. He lets me do what I want, and we build up slowly until both of us are breathing fast. I don't care how, I don't know why, I just want him close to me. Soon, he goes quiet and lays his head on my shoulder, stopping suddenly. "Crystal?" I ask.
    "I'm sorry." He replies.
    "About what hon?"
    There's a moment where all I can hear is my own breathing. "I don't know."
    "We don't have to do anything you don't want to." I tell him. "You know that right?"
    He nods. "Yeah I know." Through the darkness I can see that he's smiling slightly. "It just felt like a lot at once."
    "We can stop." I reply. "I just want you to feel comfor-"
     Crystal cuts me off, putting his lips back to mine, a quiet hum in his throat. "I do want to." He says when he pulls away, and goes to tracing his lips down my jaw and neck. I laugh a little, glad that we can both say what we're feeling. I can't believe we've grown so close in such little time, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

Sis that was a long ass chapter lol
I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying it as much as I am. Final chapter will likely be 2 parts, both posted this weekend. That's so crazy :0

I'm debating if I'll be writing anything after this but if anyone has ideas send them my way. I've been thinking of maybe starting some She-ra stuff too but we'll see :p

Thank you all for reading once again, and have a great day! <3

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