Chapter 14

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Crystal POV-
After the hotel and showers it's almost 4:00 and we're both throughly exhausted. We'd hiked for far longer than we'd expected and also forgotten to eat lunch. "Want to grab some food?" Gigi asks, pulling out their phone to look for places near by.
    "Ugh yes. Maybe we could eat somewhere other than this room?"     They nod. "Find an Uber. Where do we want to eat?"
    I take out my own phone to look at the options. "There's a Mexican food place probably a 5 minute drive away? They're not doing dine in and we probably shouldn't anyway. Looks like there's tables outside though that we could eat at."
    "Sounds good." They reply, and lean their head on my shoulder. Their hair is still wet from showering but I don't mind.
    "You've gotten clingy since drag race." I laugh, planting a soft kiss on their forehead.
    They put a finger under my chin and guide my lips to theirs. "I've seen nobody worth touching since before quarantine." They whine and I let them kiss me.
    After a moment the phones are let go of and my hands cup the sides of Gigi's face. I bite their lip and get a nod in response before I push them back on the bed and grab their hands in mine. I can feel Gigi's skin flush and they squeeze my hands tightly. We stay like that for a while, tangled together, breathing heavy until Gigi reaches for my shirt. Their hands are timid and linger for a moment before I pull away from their lips, panting. "We were going to go get dinner."
    Gigi fake pouts and I kiss them one more time which makes them crack a reluctant smile. I can't get over how cute they can be when they are. "When we get back?" They ask.
    "Of course." I reply, moving to set next to Gigi on the bed.

    The food is pretty good and the little outdoor section is empty except for a couple sitting on the opposite side of the section of tables. As it gets to be about 5:30 it cools off a bit. Gigi and I chat about all kinds of stuff, mostly from when we were little and all the stupid things that led up to us knowing we wanted to do drag. It's so crazy how it's always one of those things you feel for your whole life but it takes a while to put your finger on what it is you want. And once you have it you never want to let it go. "My mom has told me she always thought I'd do something in entertainment but she didn't know what." Gigi says.
    "I'm sure drag wasn't what she expected but it was a good choice." I respond. "I don't know what my parents thought but all our extended family thought I was one weird as shit kid."
    "Well they weren't wrong." Gigi jokes.
    "Shut up." I laugh. "I'm sure you were weird too."
    They smile. "Oh I was, for sure. My mom had 2 totally masculine boys, both who loved school and academics, and then there was me." They pretend to flip their hair with a hand.
    "How come you never talk about your dad?" I ask. "If you want to talk about it obviously."
    Gigi shrugs. "After a while it just got easier to not bring him into my work life, and all that. He's okay with it now but for a long time he didn't like how feminine I was, and then with drag and everything."
    I nod. "That must have sucked."
    "It did a little bit but eventually I realized he's trying his best and he's never going to change." They say, and their smile falters a little bit. "It's hard still, I always think I'm totally over everything with him, and some days it all comes back."
    I grab their hand under the table and squeeze it gently. "Yeah."
    "I just wanted to make him so proud, but I don't think I'll ever really be able to without changing who I am. It's not his fault. He never had a good support system when he was a kid, he doesn't know how to be one."
    "That's not an excuse." I add. "And I bet there's a part of him that is proud of you. If not, he's the one in the wrong."
    Gigi nods. "Yeah, I know. How's it been with your dad?"
    The question hits me right in the heart and I have to take a deep breath before talking. "He's doing okay right now. It-" I pause, tightness rising in my chest, almost choking me from the inside out. Gigi furrows their brows in concern but makes no move towards me. We're in public, it's scary out here. "It gives me a lot of anxiety to know what is going to kill him and not knowing when. Because I know that I can't stop it, but I also can't prepare myself because there's no way to know when it will take him."
    I can tell Gigi doesn't know how to respond and that's okay. There isn't a right answer. There never will be. "I can tell you care a lot about him." They say. "It's good that you still have time with him."
    A small smile finds its way to my lips. "Yeah, it is."
    We eat in mostly silence for a bit, but not bad silence. Gigi finds my hand under the table again and I can feel their thumb rub over the palm of my hand. When we're finished we sit and talk for a bit longer. It's nice being outside the hotel room.
    "Want to rent a movie?" Gigi asks as we throw our trash away. "There's a walgreens across the street."
    I swing their hand on the way to the walgreens and try not to look around to make sure nobody is judging. It's not that I don't want to hold Gigi's hand, it's that I'm afraid of what everyone else would say if they saw me holding Gigi's hand. Even if it's dumb to think about, it's still a little terrifying. There aren't too many movies to choose from so we decide on some new romcom that probably has horrible reviews.

    The hotel room has been cleaned while we were out at dinner and we come back to nicely made beds and new towels in the bathroom. Gigi puts the dvd in the player and I pile all the bedding onto one bed so we have a little "nest" to watch the movie in. We don't turn up the volume very loud because the hotel is extremely quiet and we're both pretty tired. It's mostly just background noise after a bit. Gigi can see I'm getting tired and scoots closer to me, wrapping their arms around me. I lean into them and kiss them softly. Sleepy kisses are possibly the best kind. Their fingers trace my cheeks and neck, every once in a while I can feel their lips brush my forehead. My eyelids are heavy, and I can feel Gigi winding down too, though I know I'll be the first asleep. They run their hand through my hair as I slip into the almost sleep where you know what's happening around you, you just can't react. Gigi pulls me a little closer, covers us both in a blanket. I feel myself cuddle closer into their chest as I drift off to sleep.

I think we only have 2 chapters left :o
Thank you for all the reads. I really hope that none of this is coming across as creepy or rude. I always feel weird writing about real people lol. I know they won't ever see it, but my head is like "if they did they'd hate me." Good thing it's just me and like 200 of you haha

Next update should be in the next couple of days and the final chapter will probably be over the weekend. <3

I hope quarantine is treating everyone well and ya'll are staying v safe out there :p. Have a wonderful day!

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