Chapter 10

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Gigi POV-
The first few episodes are out which has met all of us with immense support. To be honest, it doesn't feel real. All the fans of drag race are now fans of me, and all the other girls. It's awesome. Tonight we film the reunion, and it's good to be going back. After spending the month with these girls they feel like my sisters and I wish we could all be quarantined together.
Lucky for me however, I'm quarantined with a lot of friends which makes it less lonely. Plus, there are two dogs to play with.
With the reunion I still need to get dressed and ready. It's sad being in here, even though I have people I love cheering me on and motivating me it sucks to be in quarantine. We all just want to hug again, to connect, like the other queens all got to. But we don't. And it sounds dumb for that to be my biggest concern, not seeing people, but I think we all feel it a little bit. Drag feels strange when you aren't in a dressing room or a venue. It's fun when you put it on for yourself sometimes but right now it feels like a let down. I can feel every itchy patch of the outfit, and even though I know I look hella cute, I don't feel it. I guess it's just not my day.
Surprisingly I get done early and have twenty minutes to spare before filming starts. Everything is all set up and knowing I'll talk to everyone makes me feel a little bit better. I ask my roommate James to take a few pictures of me for my Instagram and when we get back inside it's nearly time to film.
     Once the cameras are on and everyone is chatting it all feels more normal. Of course I still wish we were at the studio but desperate times call for desperate measures.
     After some time we get to talking more in-depth about the season, and though Heidi and I have talked at length off camera about our drama, we definitely clear it up again. I'm sure someone is about to be annoyed that this season was RuPaul's best friend race, but it was quite refreshing to not be fighting the whole time.
     Then, we're addressing rumors and who would've guessed, Crystal and I come up. I mean that is fair, we definitely kissed on camera, but at the same time we haven't really talked about what our answer is. We decide to beat around the bush a little bit, but I'm definitely playing it up for the camera.

Crystal POV-
     Gigi is really just throwing everything out on camera but also saying nothing and it's quite funny. It both makes us look like we don't know each other or we've been in a relationship since the 3rd grade and everything is up for interpretation. Genuinely, I can't help but play along. Without a conversation between me and Gigi not even we know the answer to the question, but let's be real, that wouldn't make good tv.
     But as we keep talking, my heart is doing little flips in my chest. Is she actually flirting with me? Or pretending? I can't tell. Either way throughout the rest of the episode we make jokes about it and hint at something, us not even knowing if something exists. I'm hoping I'm not the only one incredibly confused. I'm also realizing we definitely pulled a "look over there!" And I'm here for that.
     After a long time of filming the episode is finally over and the footage gets sent off to the editors. We stay on the call for a little while and chat about how much we miss each other, plus all the crazy shit that's happened with this season. Season 12 has been through a lot, but we're still coming out on the other side as a very liked group of girls and that's something we can all be proud of. 

Gigi POV-
     We all hang up after a little bit and before I can even start to take my makeup off I get a FaceTime request on my phone. Miss Crystal Elizabeth Methyd, of course.
     I pick it up on the way down the hall to the master bathroom with all of my makeup and things in it. "What's up?" I ask, glad that I have someone to talk to while I turn back into my normal self.
     "I just miss talking while we de-drag." She says.
     "Same." I reply. "I was hoping we would talk so I didn't have to be all lonely after the episode."
      Crystal smiles and starts walking to a bedroom where there are pieces of drag and costumes all over. "Bit of a mess in here." She says. "But that's what happens when you do drag in the comfort of your own home."
     "It's so much less comfortable." I laugh. She agrees.
     We're quiet for a bit while we scrub makeup off but start chatting again after a few minutes. She tells me about how her boyfriend is now her ex. After some explaining I'm really happy that they've figured it out, and they both seem really mature about it. Of course Crystal is a little bummed about the relationship ending, but it's clear that she knows it was for the best. I'm happy as long as they're happy.
     "So." I start. "What do we tell Ru and everyone next time they ask about us."
     Suddenly I'm nervous. "I'm not sure." Crystal replies. "It doesn't help that we're on quarantine and can't figure it all out either."
     "You are certainly right about that."
     It's pretty late by the time we're both back in our everyday clothes, and I'm so tired. I ask Crystal about how he's doing in quarantine and it's clear we're both struggling a little with it. We just can't wait until we can see each other again.
      We've talked for a few hours by the time we decide to hang up and while I can't stop thinking about the future I'm also just tired and hungry. The kitchen is stocked and I grab some food and eat it in bed while watching trashy reality tv. I really missed stuff like this on drag race and I guess that's one plus about being home right now.
     Before I go to sleep I brush my teeth and check my phone. Crystal has texted me a goodnight with a sweet little message and I reply with a heart. The minute my head hits the pillow I'm basically sleeping.

Idk how to feel about this chapter lol, sorry if it's a little boring but I don't want to skip a bunch of time. I'd also like to thank everyone for reading because I genuinely didn't think a single person would find this lol.
And, I've mentioned it elsewhere but then realized that my accounts aren't connected so nobody knows that. Keep being vocal about BLM because we can't win a fight by shutting up. To everyone signing petitions and going to protests thank you so much. I'm doing the best that I can, and I hope everyone else is to.
Thanks for being so awesome! Have the best day! :p

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