Chapter 8- pt 2

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Crystal POV-
Gigi looks mortified and takes their arms off my shoulders, ready to turn around and run. Before they can I grab their sleeve pulling them to me, wrapping an arm around their waist. I can see the realization hit them only moments before I press my lips to theirs.
They lean into it, kissing me hard which surprises me for a moment, but I'm happy. They seem like the only thing that matters. Colorful lights turn the insides of my eyelids spotted and I pull away to breathe. When I go back I can feel Gigi smiling and my lips hit his teeth. I open my eyes to find him grinning at me. He moves to kiss side of my jaw and I let him for a while. When we finally pull away we stare for a moment and then laugh, grasping at each other for support.
We go back to doing our little jumpy dance to a fast paced song until someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn to see Jaida standing there, Jackie trailing behind him with a few other people. "Excuse me?" Jaida says, flicking a finger at us. "And you forgot to tell us." His smile is huge.
"Okay but it's not like that." Gigi defends, trying to act casual.
"Yeah it's not like that." I agree and everyone laughs a little bit.
"Okay well it definitely looked like that." Jackie replies. "But you do you sis."
"Let's get drinks!" I say, changing the topic.
"Second that." Jaida replies and we all head off to the bar.
After ordering we all sit at a little table in a corner and chat for a bit.

About a half hour passes and everyone, besides me, is at the very least tipsy. Jackie won't stop laughing about god knows what and Jaida is trying to give good advice but none of it really makes sense. Except maybe to a very drunk Gigi who seems to be taking great inspiration from Jaida's rambling. The sentences that they are speaking to each other come out in little bursts of speech that don't seem to correlate. I'm beginning to think they might be having two different conversations. Every time Jackie tries to jump in he makes a joke and wheezes to himself about it. Honestly, it's hard to to die laughing at all of them.
     One good thing about Gigi being drunk is they don't really notice me staring at them. I can't help it. Even extremely drunk they're gorgeous. Well for a moment. And then they look like they're about to throw up on the table. I have been to many bars, I know when someone is going to throw up before they do. "Come on, we're going to the bathroom." I pull on their hand.
    "I'm fine." They repeat, but I'm pretty sure they won't remember this tomorrow. "Dance with me?" They ask, putting a hand on my waist.
    "Gigi come on, please?" I swear they didn't even have that much to drink, it's clear they haven't had much experience with alcohol. I guess I was forgetting that we're a few years apart.
    They keep saying something but it's so muddled together I can't understand a word of it. Just as we reach the bathroom door they gag. "Really Gigi, the stall is like 5 feet away you are not about to puke right here." I say. "Come on, get in the stall."
    The second I push them in the stall they vomit into the toilet, slouching on the floor. "Sorry Crystal." They mutter before gagging again.
    "It's fine, just get it all out before we go back to the hotel. Please."
    "This is why I don't drink." They manage between bouts of vomit.
    "I can see that." I reply, kneeling next to them on the ground. I rub their back and try not to watch or breathe until they're done and the toilet gets flushed. I'm annoyed but I used to be way worse when I was drunk. All I know is they aren't going to be going alone to the hotel tonight. "Are you alright?" I ask. "Need anything?"
    Gigi hiccups and I think they're going to throw up on me. "No I'm fine. Can we go back to the hotel?"
    "Yeah come on, I'll call an Uber."
    They lean on the wall while I get us a ride and then I lead them back through the booming party. "God there's a lot of people here." I say and Gigi nods. "Come on the Uber is already here."
    Once out in the night air I realize Gigi reeks of alcohol and smoke. I make a decision to tip the Uber really well even though we're just going across the street.
    When we finally get into the room Gigi goes to rinse their mouth out and then joins me in the bed. "We kissed before." They state.
    I laugh. "We did, but right now you're very drunk and you need to go to bed."
    "But-" They whine. "You're so pretty."
    I can't help but crack a small smile. They are charming and I do like the advances. I just don't want them to regret it later if this isn't something they are comfortable with. "We can cuddle but that's it okay?" I say. "It's called a compromise."
    Gigi smiles and falls into my arms nuzzling up to me. Behind the smell of alchohol I can smell normal Gigi and it makes my heart go all warm and fuzzy. They fall asleep almost immediately and I look at every detail of their face. The way their nose turns up at the end, their cute little lips and lanky arms. Little smile lines that just barely show right now. All of it is perfect. I want to trace my fingers over it, over their eyelashes and lips and down the bridge of their nose. To feel their skin under my fingers. But I don't move for fear of waking them, sleeping so peacefully. I don't want to ruin an already perfect moment.

Sorry this bit is so short but it's a pt 2 to the last chapter
Hope you are all enjoying how this is turning out. I have the rest planned! I can't wait for everyone to read it and let me know what you think. I'm still learning how Wattpad works and I haven't written in a long time so it's nice to get back to it.
Have a great day <3

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