Chapter 9

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Gigi POV-
I don't want to go home. I'd been so happy to leave the studio, see my mom again, but to see Crystal have to leave the state hurts just a little bit. We were just getting so close, I don't want the space to ruin it.
     We walk into the airport, and it's only been a few hours since we went to bed in the hotel room. I'm not drunk anymore but my head is pounding from the alcohol and I can tell this hangover is only going to get worse with time. "You know you didn't have to come with me to the airport." Crystal says, giving my hand a squeeze. 
     "Yeah I know." I reply. "I wanted to tell you goodbye."
     He smiles and smiles we get on the escalator after checking all the bags.
     And then we reach the security lines. "You can't go past here." He murmurs.
     "I know. Time to say bye." I reply, opening my arms for a hug. He falls against my chest and squeezes me tight.
     "Promise you'll text."
     "Of course." I tell him. "Whenever you want to talk I'm there."
     We grin at each other one last time and then I wave as he turns and is called foreword in line. "Bye." He squeals, waving at me.
     "Bye!" I reply, and turn away to call a taxi back to the hotel until a reasonable hour, and then I'll go home.
     The hotel is weirdly silent when I get back, it is only 5 a.m., and I trudge back up to my hotel room and take some Advil before falling in bed. Sleep feels so good and my headache starts to fade as I drift out of consciousness.
     When I wake again it's almost 10 and I have 2 hours to get checked out of here. My bags are luckily mostly already packed to go and all I have to do is make myself look a little bit presentable. I call an Uber and turn in my room key.
     The Uber driver isn't talkative and we drive in silence to my moms house. I pay him and get all my bags. My mom is waiting in the door with a huge smile on her face. She runs to help me with the bags, already talking away, telling me how glad she is that I'm home for a while. My smile doesn't leave my fave. "Did you have fun?" She asks.
     "Yeah of course." I reply, hugging her tightly. "It was a lot of fun, you're going to love it."
     "I know I will." She straightens my clothes out and ruffles my hair. "Do you want me to make you lunch?" She asks.
     "That would be great." I answer. "I'm so tired."
     "I expected you would be." She tells me while I sit down at the table. "Your brothers are coming later today, so if your tired sleep before then."
     "I will." I assure her, and find myself checking my phone for a text from Crystal. Obviously I don't have one, he is on a plane after all. I decide to send him one saying, text me when you land. And then turn off my phone and start a conversation with my mom. There's so much to catch up on.
Crystal POV- 
     I've been home for a few days and it's really nice to have some days without stress of the show. However, it's been weird between me and my boyfriend, Liam. We've just been apart for so long, and I've told him about Gigi and he has this other guy he's interested in. We'd agreed to a relationship where we were both allowed to see other people, but it's becoming clear that we aren't as interested in each other anymore. Is it possible to wake up one day and have fallen out of love with someone?
     We're still nice, and cuddly like always, but the more time passes the more it feels weird that we aren't acting quite like we usually do. I want to talk about it, but not now. Not yet. Drag race is on a break, and I'm finally taking what feels like a vacation. There isn't any need to talk about it right now, especially because it looks like in a few days our state will shut down for the pandemic just like the rest.
     I make lunch for myself, and decide to text Gigi, who I miss so much.

Me: how's quarantine going?
Gigi: fine. Hby
M: is good. My boyfriend is seeing this other guy, he seems nice
G: That's cool with you?
M: yeah, of course it is, that's just how our relationship has always been
G: huh. Nice. I ended up leaving my moms house to quarantine somewhere else today.
M: how come?
G: She has a lot of our family around all the time and I wanted some down time before the season airs.
M: girl I feel that
G: yeah, I like seeing everyone but it's just so much right now lol
M: well good on you for going somewhere else
G: yeah

I send a few memes from Instagram and a clip from Unhhhh, the one that goes "nothing I just like you" with a rainbow that says "best friends" Gigi sends a laughing emoji and another text

G: that is so us
M: it really is
G: when quarantine is over, or next time you're in California, there's this new gay bar that opened right before the stay at home order. It looks fun.

I can feel myself smiling.

M: honestly that sounds really fun
G: yeah. I gtg, see you!
M: Yep, bye!

I flip the phone faced down but can't get my boyfriend out of my head. It doesn't feel like it's working for either of us right now. It takes me a minute to find him but he's sitting in bed scrolling through his phone. "Hey, uh, can we talk?" I ask, sitting next to him.
     "Yeah about what?" Liam replies,
     "Thing between us have just felt weird lately." I admit.
     He nods. "I thought only I was noticing. How so?"
     And we start the rough conversation.

     At the end I feel relieved, technically we did break up, but we aren't mad at each other. He's still cuddled up to my side, texting some other boy, and it's cute to see him so giddy and excited about it. I'm glad we're staying friends, both because I didn't want to lose him, and also because quarantine is a really bad time to have to move apartments. We agree to settle all of that later, when all of this is over.
     Overall, I'm happy. Happy to be home, to have my ex still be one of my best friends, to have Gigi, and for the show releasing in only a few more days. I can't wait for everyone to see it, and when it's over, I'm excited to film the last 2 episodes. For right now I decide to get up and make pasta for dinner while the sun sets outside.

Hey ya'll :p
Thanks for reading yet another chapter! Only a few more to go :O
I think I might be posting once or twice a week for the last few as I've gotten pretty busy lately.
Have a great day! <3

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