Chapter 8

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Gigi POV-
     I can't believe this is the last episode we film before the show airs on tv. I'm immensely proud of all the girls, and there's no way to tell who will be leaving after this. I wish we could all make it to the finale and split the crown between all of us. However, I'm well aware that we all like the competition aspect way to much for that to ever work. Honestly, I'm just so excited.
    The last challenge is to make another verse that's our own, and it's pretty much a reprise of the very first verse we did. It's crazy how much smaller the group has gotten from the verses in the beginning. I guess that's better for me though. When we get the run down of what we're going to be performing all of us are thrilled. It's a mix of cheesy, touching, and badass that I think we could've asked for. Now, the only thing I'm stressed for is figuring out what my verse will be about.
    The final 4 sit at the tables and we all start jotting down our ideas. It's exactly like the first episode felt, just as surreal. However, this time we're all totally comfortable with each other. Jackie is on a role, writing down idea after idea and after looking at his paper I don't know how he'll decide on the best one. I have ideas but they only come in short bursts of text. I'm beginning to think combining all my ideas might be my best bet, but I also don't want it to be too much to focus on. Jaida seems to be doing okay except every few minutes he looks up and asks for a rhyming word and all the rest of us are struggling to find them. By the look on Crystal's face, I can tell he doesn't know what he's doing at all.
    "What are you thinking of doing Crystal?" I ask, trying to get him out of his own head.
    "I don't know." He replies. "I'm trying to make it sound like me, I'm just not sure if it fits with the beat of the song."
    That wasn't even something the rest of us were thinking about. "I wouldn't worry about that." I advise. "It's going to be a simple beat, and plus, as long as you sell it, it doesn't matter."
    Crystal erases a part of the sentence he wrote down and sighs. "You're right." He answers, but I can tell he's still struggling.
    After a couple hours all of us are done with the verses and have started on the designs for our outfits. For part of it we have to match, so we're given materials with pretty clear instructions. The rest of it our creativity can run a little more free which is definitely my cup of tea.

     On stage it's apparent that all of us are feeling really good. And even after the runways, the show, and all the talk behind the scenes it's still impossible to know who could even be in the bottom two. I just hope it's not me.
     After the performance, I still can't catch my breath, both out of nerves and excitement that rises in my chest over and over. My outfit makes me feel confident and I'm happy with what I've done tonight. It doesn't matter what happens anymore, I'm doing great. I'm a winner, crown or no crown.
The judges begin critiques and when they get to me I swear my heart stops beating. "Condragulations. You are the winner of this weeks challenge."
Holy Shit.
It feels like if I try to hold the joy in I'll explode so I let myself jump around a little bit as a few tears run down my cheek. "Thank you." I say. "Thank you so much." And then I step to the back of the stage.
With Jaida and I safe that gives Crystal a 2/3 chance of having to lip sync for her life. My stomach drops. I don't want her out now, she's made it so far.
But then there it is, she's in the bottom two. I have confidence that she'll win, but at the same time I can't bare to see Jackie go either. The music starts and I can feel it rattle the stage, movie the beads on the curtain with it. Clearly Crystal can feel it too, and she's not giving up. In fact, she's killing it. I can't hold in the excitement of watching her perform like this, she's doing so well.
I wasn't the only person that thought so either because moments after she's safe too. Jackie is the queen in 4th now.
It's sad to see Jackie go, with all her runways and I'm going to miss her. At least we'll have the reunion soon enough.
Tonight, the final 3 will celebrate. I can't wait.

Despite this being the last episode Jackie is still going to the party with us, and looks just as fancy as we all do. He's actually in a pretty good mood and is thrilled for the rest of us.
There's a huge limo waiting for all in the drive of the hotel and we all get into it. Jaida and Jackie sit in the front couple of isles and Crystal and I sit in the back row of seats, piled into a corner. He crosses his legs and when I cross mine puts a hand on my knee. I snake my arm around the back of the seat and rest my hand on his opposite shoulder. "I'm so hungry." He says.
"I mean we'll eat in an hour." I reply. "Oh I have fruit snacks! You want some?"
Crystal nods and I pull them out of my bag and open the bag before handing it to him. "Thanks." He laughs and puts a few in his mouth. Then offers me one. "The blue ones are the best."
"This is true." I agree, taking the blue one he's offering.
Jackie turns around. "There seems to be some tension in the back of this limo." He says and Crystal and I scoot apart from each other. I uncross my legs then. "Gigi now you look straight." He says.
Jaida wheezes and I cross my legs again. "Not my goal." I laugh and we all begin a conversation for the rest of the ride.
The event is held in the lobby of the hotel. It's masquerade themed, everyone in gowns. There's kids selling raffle tickets for watches and things in all the entryways, and the money is going to a charity. Silver spikes hang from the ceiling and in about 2 minutes I've seen atleast 5 people in phantom of the opera masks. For the first time in a long time, I might feel underdressed. All of us opted out of drag for the night, as the drag queens performing are from past seasons and local bars. My suit is pretty basic, but it has light blue accents on the sleeves to match my makeup. Crystal literally looks like a different person with his hair pulled back and a ruffly suit on. Gorgeous, but different.
The open bar is on the back wall and we all go to order drinks. Walking around it really fun, but the ballroom to the side is filling up quickly so we hurry to get good seats for the show. The stage is round and in the middle and there's all kinds of performances. Some of it clashes but overall it's incredibly entertaining. There's a few drag queens, a theater troupe, and some acrobats. By the time it's over it's getting late but the party continues and none of us want to leave. We head for the bar again and then go to look around at all the rooms.
There's a few with really expensive fabrics and dresses, some with watches and jewelry. There's couples everywhere, and I swear everyone in here has more money in their pocket than I will have in a lifetime. The kids with clipboards and raffle tickets sneak around behind all the displays but it's kind of funny.

Crystal POV-
     We all head to the dance floor but Jaida finds a group of queens from her hometown and decides to go catch up with them so Gigi and I are the only two left. "Wanna dance?" I ask.
     "If you want to." Gigi replies, raising their eyebrows. Both of us don't know what we're doing and end up laughing and tripping over each other. The songs energy is wildly inconsistent, switching from a folk song to romantic and then back to rap. Legitimately there's so much chaotic energy on this dance floor, everyone's just running around trying to look cool in ball gowns, tuxedos, and masks.
     We stumble around for a while, and end up doing the jump up and down thing at all the fast paced songs. We're laughing so hard we can't breathe, doubling over and holding onto each other for support. As we gain our balance again the music switches, a slow tune filling the room. Everyone around us calms down a bit. Gigi's face gets closer and closer to mine, and I put my hands on their waist as we attempt to not get pushed over on the crowded floor. Gigi's hands hang gently over my shoulders. I can feel my heart in my chest, hear the blood rushing in my veins. "Is this okay?" I whisper.
     Gigi looks at me expectantly and pulls back a little. "I'm sorry."

Oooo cliff hanger :p
I'll be posting the next bit tonight or tomorrow, then things will really pick up.
Having people read my work is stress inducing lol
Have a great day :)

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