Chapter 7

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Crystal POV-
    I've never been so excited. To hear the words from the queen RuPaul himself. I've won. We're so far into the competition, and up until now I hadn't won a single maxi challenge. But, now we're here, with my heart beating in my ears, and tears of joy pricking my eyes. I knew I could do this. And this moment is proof that makes me feel so validated. It doesn't matter what anyone else tells me, or if my drag is different. I can do this, because I just did it. I just won a challenge, and I'm not going to go home after this. I can't.
    When we all get backstage after the runway I can't help but squeal with joy which is met with a hug from all the remaining queens. "You did it!" Jaida and Gigi scream at he same time, squeezing me tighter. Still, I remember Heidi and my heart sinks a little bit. I hate to see her go.
    Like there always is once we come backstage, there's a message on the mirror. It's sweet, but makes us all a little bit sad. Another one down, which sucks, but we all have to move past it. It doesn't take very long before we all start untucked and the cameras are right back on us. I'm still jittery with excitement and I swear all my words come out at double speed. Jaida seems a little off, probably because she knows not everything went the best for her, but after a bit she's a little more peppy than before. She's going to be fine.
    It doesn't take long for all of us to de-drag but since we got done so early, we decide to stay in the studio for a bit longer. We can't really go any public places without permission due to the show, and nobody is in the mood to sit in a tiny hotel room or a murky man made lake. The untucked lounge is much more comfortable, and once the cameras turn off, it's not stressful to be in here any more. "So who do you think is going home next?" Jaida asks, eying all of us. "I'm just curious, no shade." He finishes with a laugh.
    We all shrug. Honestly, I don't know, the competition is really hard. "I think it depends on who's talents the next challenge plays too." I mention. "For example, if it's only dance, I'm going home."
     Jackie laughs and nudges me from the side. "We split the honor of being bad dancers." He says, and I smile, glad he's playing along.
     We discuss for a few more minutes and Jackie decides we should all go back to the hotel to play some board games.
     "Chile why'd you bring board games." Jaida says, pretending to throw hair over his shoulder.
    "Girl I didn't bring them, my boyfriend mailed them to the hotel."
    Jaida shakes his head but laughs at the response. "Okay lets go, I'll get popcorn and meet you there."
    "Ayyyyy!" Jackie says. "We've won her over, great job team." He gives me and Gigi playful high fives.

    We all pile on the bed in Jackies room, sitting in a circle with cards against humanity between us. Gigi will not stop laughing and singing on specific card that happened to be "Old Macdonald had PTSD... E-I-E-I-O" over and over again. Every time Jackie laughs hysterically as if it's never been sang before and Jaida glares at us before putting down another card. Jackie was right though, game night is something I missed and something we all need a little bit of.
    At one point we all double over laughing before Gigi slides backwards off the bed, causing us to erupt all over again before they crawl back on the bed and make a point to sit as far away from the edge as possible. However, after a while the cards run out because we only have expansion packs and we all decide we need to play a new game.
    Jackie only has cards against humanity and a game none of us know how to play so we switch from board games to second grade sleepover mode. "Truth or dare." I recommend, and Jaida points at me to agree. "Okay who starts?" I ask.
    "You ask someone." Jaida replies, and I turn back to him.     "Truth or dare Jaida."
    "Uh Truth."
    I look around the room for a truth question from one of the other girls. "What was your first kiss like?" Jackie says, already laughing.
    Jaida covers half his face with a hand. "Braces were involved. From both parties. We were sitting outside of the school waiting to get picked up late."
    "Girl or boy?" Jackie says.
    "Oh you know I was pretending to be straight" Jaida replies with a little hand flick. "Don't worry though, she's gay now too."
    The rest of us can't keep a straight face the whole game.
    Each question gets more stupid than the last until at one point Jackie says. "Okay Crystal, if you were a kind of sock what kind would you be?" To which obviously my answer was knee high.
    We go around the circle a few more times and then Jaida asks Gigi. "Okay Gigi truth or dare?"
    "Dare." They say.
    "Ooooh switching it up, I see how it is." Jaida teases. "What should we make you do." Him and Jackie pretend to ponder the question, tapping their fingers together like they have an evil little secret. Jackie turns and whispers something to him. "Oh I know! Gigi, pick someone in this room to kiss."
    Gigi raises their eyebrows and smirks at me. "Miss Crystal Methyd?"    
     "Who would've guessed?" I joke. "Sure come on."
    It's not even a real kiss, I tell myself, and it really is just a peck on the lips, but my heart feels a little weird afterward.
    Eventually we go full sleepover party when we start playing paranoia, flipping Gigi's phone on the bed to reveal our fate. It's nice to feel like rebellious kids again, especially because I can guess most of us didn't have a group of friends like this when we were little. I think that's one of those things you miss out on being a gay kid. Either your out, and nobody wants to hang out with you, or you aren't out and you have to fake it during the times everyone tells secrets. Maybe that's why so often when together, queer people aren't very mature. We always had to be when we were little, we all had to grow up fast. So sometimes, when we're all safe, in a hotel room maybe, it feels better to pretend you're little again. Pretend that didn't get taken away from you too soon. But that's just my thinking.
We all spend until 1 a.m. laughing about silly games and jokes we can't stop making. Gigi is still occasionally singing "old Macdonald has PTSD" and somehow Jackie still thinks it's funny. At 2 o'clock we decide it's too late to be making so much noise or we were going to get a complaint.
We all head back to our rooms but I'm not tired. I turn the light off and lay there staring at the ceiling, hoping maybe exhaustion will set in, but it doesn't. I decide to text my boyfriend. I just miss being around him so much.

Me: Are you still up?
Him: Yeah, why?
M: I just can't sleep. I miss you.
H: I miss you too hon. How is everything going?
M: good. Things are all going really well. I've made close friends with Gigi. I can't wait for you to meet him.
H: nothing more? With Gigi I mean.
M: I don't think so. Fooling around maybe. Almost couple stuff, but not romantically. You know?
H: I know. How much longer until you're coming home to be with me?
M: a few more weeks. I can't wait.
H: me either
M: And you're sure it's fine with Gigi and all?
H: I don't really care lol Just make sure they know about us. I'd tell you if I wasn't comfortable. Are you?
M: yeah :). And they know. I don't think much will even happen, probably just play it up for the cameras lol
H: haha, sounds like you. Just have fun while you're gone. I want to meet them after the show is over :)
M: You will, I think you two will be friends
H: and Gigi doesn't mind us?
M: I don't know, that's why I'm not sure if anything will actually happen. It's whatever though. Regardless I don't think we'll ever be more than friends.
H: Complicated haha
M: when is it not with us?
H: good point lmao
M: I'm tired, talk to you tomorrow?
H: yeah. Hopefully it's not so late and you can call.
M: of course. Miss you. I love you.
H: I miss and love you too. I'm so proud of you. Night <3
M: night <3

I hope you all like how this is going! I'm really enjoying writing it all. There aren't very many of you but it means a lot from those of you that have read, commented, and done whatever. This was kinda a filler chapter before things get good. I hope ya'll don't mind a pretty straightforward and not filled with conflict story line. We're trying to keep things short and sweet here lol

Have the best day! <3

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