Chapter 3

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Gigi POV-
     Back in the werkroom it's hard not to focus on the competition. But, I know I have this one in the bag. Make a garment that's ball themed. First thing I saw was little colored ones and I know exactly what I'm planning on doing with them. The poofy little white dress that I'm using as my base takes me a little while to make and I realize that later than I would prefer. When I look up at the time, I have less than a half hour to finish it up if I'm going to do my makeup well. Plus, the werkroom is absolute chaos as Brita took hours to figure out her design, Crystal was wrapping Rokum in ducktape, and everyone is panicking about how amazing Jaida's gown is.
After my makeup is all on, I can tell I've ended up with a plan that should beat most of the other girls. I look pristine, and while I mean no shade, Brita is a pineapple... or corn.
Crystal looks really great, as does Jaida. I think she's definitely my biggest completion right now, how does one make ping pong balls so glamorous? "Focus" I tell myself. "You have to go on soon."
I'm exceptionally proud of all my looks today, but especially my last one. Luckily, the judges look like they've enjoyed my looks too. Still, standing on the stage, I find myself nervous once again. I can not go home, I have so much to prove.
After what feels like hours the judges finally get to me. "Miss Gigi Goode?" Ru says, and everyone smiles at me. "Condragulations you are the winner of this weeks challenge." I genuinely can't breathe. I hoped I would do well but I was not prepared to win. "Thank you. Thank you so much." I find myself saying and I can feel tears pricking at my eyes. All worried for nothing, things are going well. Crystal flashes me a bright smile and blows a kiss to me. "You my step to the back of the stage." Ru finishes.
I want to jump up and down with excitement but I manage to control myself and walk calmly to the back of the stage. My smile feels like it will never leave my face.

After winning a challenge, I'm exhausted and glad the girls have nothing planned for tonight. Honestly I just want to sit and look at my phone or something. As soon as I get to my hotel room I fall on the bed and sprawl out. It feels good to win a challenge, and to have this time too. But, I miss my family so so much. Though I lived alone before, its weird to be away from my mom for so long and the fact that I hardly have time to call her is sad too. I'm surrounded by people but I'm still lonely for some reason. I wish this feeling didn't plague me. Right now, I've been given everything I've ever wanted, and still I want more. I want to win, but more important, I want to give my mom a hug.
    Regardless of how I feel, I'm alone in a hotel room, sad, anxious, and for some reason wondering what Crystal is doing right now.
    I decide to take a shower, and I must admit, the hot water feels nice. I can't help but cry, and I know it will make me feel better. It always does. When I'm done I wrap myself if a scratchy hotel towel and sit on the floor. For some reason a bathroom floor is always the best place to think, even if that sounds weird.
    My chest feels less tight and the urge to cry finally leaves completely. Plus, I've pretty much air dried from the shower, so I slip on pajamas and go to crawl in bed. Every part of my body feels heavy, and my arms are almost numb. When I look at my phone, there's a text from my mom. "I miss you! Hope you're living out your dream. Love you <3 " it says. I tell her I love her back, and another notification pops up, this one from Crystal.
    "You doing alright?" It says.
    I reply. "Yes. Why?"
    "You just seemed a little off during untucked."
    I swear he can read me like a book. "I was, but I'm fine now."
    There's a delay in the next response. "Good. Text me if you need anything. See you tomorrow." He says.
    "See you."
    The screen on the phone goes dark, leaving me in a quiet pitch black room. I'm just glad Crystal is there for me, and amazed that he's one of the first people to ever be able to read my emotions so effortlessly.

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