Akashi x Furihata

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Summary: The coaches of Seirin, Tōō, Kaijou, Rakuzan and Yōsen decided to hold their practices in the same place for the sole purpose of seeing the Generation of Miracles fight each other. What if something even more entertaining happens right under their noses without them noticing it?

"Everyone, please head to the auditorium on the third floor, immediately."

All the members of the Generation of Miracles received the same text message from Akashi. Of course, since deep in their hearts they still believed that his words are absolute, they obliged even though their coaches specifically told them to run ten kilometers outside in the uneven mountainous path.

So, here they were, bored out of their minds five minutes later. Kise spoke up, "Heeey! Why is the man that invited us the last to arrive?!"

"Just shut up. He'll be here," Aomine told him. As if on cue, the door opened. Everyone looked at it, expecting their redhead friend to go through and enter the auditorium. So, naturally, it came as a surprise to them when Fuhirata landed, backside first, on the floor.

Kuroko's head cocked to the side in confusion, "Furi-"

Akashi then made his appearance as he sat on top of the man and pulled his shirt towards him, causing Furihata's upper body to meet Akashi and their lips collided. Furihata squeaked and tried to pull away by beating the other man's chest, though all attempts seemed futile.

"Ehhh?!" Midorima was taken aback by what just happened. Kise's eyes went wide and turned away from the scene. He chuckled when he saw how red Midorima was.

"Don't look so surprised, Midorimacchi. You know how Akashicchi looked at him during Seirin battles!"

"I-I-I know! But I didn't know he would act upon it in front of us! Oha-Asa did say that Sagittarius would feel extra-confident today..."

Kise sighed, "He's only human," he said, though he himself was doubtful of such a thing.

"Excuse me, but I'd appreciate it if you would leave. The meeting's been postponed to tomorrow," Akashi told them.

"Oh, so he was aware of our presence," Aomine stated. They then left, quickly passing by the two on the floor. As Kuroko passed by, Furihata reached for him, "Kuroko-kun! Please! Help me!"

"Oh, what a pleasant night," Kuroko said as if no one was talking to him.

"The least you could do is acknowledge me!" Furihata said. Akashi kissed Furihata on the cheek, "Bye bye, Testuya."

As the last member left, Akashi closed the door. The only light was the dim one that came from the window, making Furihata cuter than ever to Akashi.

Little did he know that Furihata thought that Akashi looked deadlier. But that's the problem.

Furihata loved him when he looked deadly.

To Furihata, he was practically seductive right now. And the Seirin team member hated that. More like feared how he could love such a demon.

"Kōki...no matter how hard you try, you cannot shield the fact that you love me, too," Akashi said, sweeping the brown bangs that fell on the other's forehead. Furihata looked away, "I don't."

Akashi smirked, "Such a liar." Then, he kissed him almost too gently for his looks. To Furihata's surprise, it didn't take long for him to succumb to the pleasure. Of having the redhead touch him, kiss him, love him.

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