Chapter 1 ~ Nash the 'Bully'

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Cameron Dallas P.O.V

Bethany had a high chance of being one of the most popular girls in school. She's drop-dead gorgeous, exceptionally intelligent, she has a bright and bubbly personality, extremely funny and exceedingly talented. She risked everything for me.

Honestly, she should've just walked away when she had the chance. Now she's stuck with me and I can't even begin to apologize enough. "Nooo! The square root of pi is 1.7725-," "It's 1.772 FOUR then 5 first!" I declared as we continued to dispute.

I grasped the calculator and tapped the significant digits before swaying the device in front of her eyes. "That can't be right! You probably rigged the numbers." She mumbled, staring at the screen that imprinted '1.77245385091'.

"I promise I didn't!" I claimed, raising my hands up. "Whoah have you been working out?" Bethany questioned, noticing my thickened bicep and triceps. I felt my cheeks heat up at her remark as I rolled the plaid sleeves of my shirt down.

"Well...?" She beckoned for me to carry on but I shook my head indicating a no, but let's just say the legitimate answer was yes. "Let's just finish this Maths project," I smiled at her diffidently and she giggled, her eyes lighting up as she covered her mouth.

"This project isn't due in a month Cam. How 'bout we go to the mall afterschool and just relax a bit?" She invited, having an immense passion for beauty and fashion. "I'm a guy if you haven't noticed," I mocked, receiving a stern look from Beth.

"Oh come on! Aren't you getting your braces off afterschool too?" She interrogated and I nodded, curiously waiting for her response. "I was meant to get mine off last week, but I wanted to wait until you did so we can go together." Beth confessed whilst I organized my stationary.

"Really? You really shouldn't have waited! I owe you too much," I admitted, cleaning her belongings for her. "No its ok! I wanted someone to go with, plus you're never out." She explained, pushing my hands aside and cleansing her own mess.

"Well, I have enough of everything at school. Didn't really want to get bashed at the mall too," I clarified the situation and she cupped my cheeks with her warm and mellow hands.

"Don't worry. They wouldn't do it that publicly," She ruffled my hair. For a moment, I got lost staring intensely into her enchanting eyes.

The door slammed open, revealing the small group that always ganged up on Bethany and I. Of course, after the whole day without harassment they came for the tremendous finale.

"Awe nerd coupe alert!" Brittany shouted, hands collided with Stanley, her Jock boyfriend. They were both Seniors this year, thank god.

"What do you guys want?" I hissed, obviously fed up with the abuse. "Just reminding fat Beth that she's still fat," Brittany piped up and I glanced at Bethany who continued to write in her journal, ignoring what was going on around her.

"Oooh. What you writin'?" Becky nonchalantly snatched Bethany's diary out of her grasp. "Give it back! It's mine," Bethany argued, reaching upwards on her tippy toes.

"His eyes are like a thousand stars shining on a night sky. Pool of chocolate paired with a stunning and captivating smile. Ugh, so boring." Her typical mean girl voice never failed to irritate me.

"Is that about Cameron?!" One of the younger Jocks, Jacob Whitesides burst into laughter. "This ugly piece of shit?!" He retorted, gripping the wooden table for support continuing to titter.

Bethany's lips parted as if she was attempting to vocalise something but nothing escaped her lips. "Good. These dumb sophomores actually have a chance of making your lives just as miserable as we did." Stanley whispered, inches away from my ear.

I tensed in fright, anticipating a jolt of pain. "Go hit him," Stanley demanded a Freshman named Nash. "I can't just-," "JUST DO IT!" He repeated himself, gesturing Nash over.

The lad eyed me carefully, before lifting his fist and mouthing a couple of words. "OWWW," I professed my most believable wince in torment as Nash moderately threw his tightened fist against my cheek. "CAMERON!" Bethany plunged to my side only to be slapped aside by Bailee.

"Hey you guys go now, Bailee and I will take care of this." Nash insisted urging the rest out of the room. "What good freshmans!" Brittany applauded before exiting with her clique.

"I'm so sorry. Did I slap you too hard?" Bailee interrogated, examining Bethany's cheek. "Cameron, are you okay?" She questioned, concern flashed across her face as she completely ignored Bailee unintentionally.

"I'm okay. What are you guys doing?" I directed to both Nash and Bailee. "We didn't want to do this. But we had to if we wanted to be accepted in our groups, but they can't know bout this." Nash explained.

"Did you have a good free period?" Bailee quizzed, changing the negative topic. "Yeah until...that. Happened." Bethany stuttered, slamming her journal shut and securing it with a miniature padlock.

"Who was that about-?" "Uhh, no one in particular. Just tryna write poems," She stammered, intervening my sentence. Fortunately, the awkward silence that followed was quickly ended by the bell, indicating that the final period had finished.

Bethany Mota P.O.V

I took an unusually speedy bathroom break, desiring to exit school immediately so I strolled out of the restroom. De ja vu. The little voice at the back of my head pronounced.

"Oh shit! Teacher's coming!" I overheard Stanley warn the group before they darted out of the school. There on the ground I witnessed Cameron and Nash motionless. Bailee was sobbing beside them cross-legged and she gaped up at me, mascara running from her tearful eyes.

"They found out."

I'm giving shoutouts to some people who have given this fanfiction AMAZING support! Vote and comment for the next update! xx mwaahhhh
BTW I know what you're thinking "JACOB WHITESIDES AS CAMERONS BULLY WTF" but trust me I love him! It's just apart of the plot for more drama in the later chapters <3 I hope you all understand! x

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