Chapter 6 ~ Truth or Dare?

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This chapter gets better mid way I promise!

~ (aka lil cutie Cameron junior. Thanks jessie :')

Warning! This chapter includes underaged drinking.

Cameron Dallas P.O.V

Bethany and I were endeavoring to apply our new under prescription contact lenses. I was particularly gleeful to finally be able to remove my glasses and retain them for private use.

I considered them as a barrier you see, keeping you from fully participating in relatively easy daily tasks such as sports and sleeping. They even prevent you from seeing the real world from truly your own perspective.

I scanned the humongous mirror before me, sighing and attempting many times."This is impossible," I complained to her with my head tilted back towards the ceiling.

She rotated around to inspect me and I noticed her already employed lenses. Gasping as she giggled, I rotated my head to face her but she demanded me to look away.

"Slip your contact from the side while looking away and just blink ednlessly," Bethany instructed and I faced a few difficulties at first but eased up to the procedure very quickly.

I fist pumped the air after achieving to glide my contacts in correctly. The brim of my eyes began to fill up with water so I utilized a pair of cotton buds, dabbing it on the inner corner of my eyes, absorbing the excess liquid.

We were both preparing for the party beginning in approximately half an hour. Bethany's parents were out of town and we insisted on continuing our weekly curriculum.

When, in all honesty, our only intentions were to sneak out to Kayla's 17th Celebration. After being informed that adult supervision should no longer be expected at the bash, our parents panicked and persisted that we disregard the party.

Of course Bethany being carefree and receptive, proposed a well-thought out plan to escape. Considering I persuaded her into agreeing to attend in the first place, I wasn't allowing her to make an appearance by herself as much as I despised the plan.

"Are we walking there by foot? I don't know if I should wear heels." Bethany assorted heels, pumps, wedges and flats that matched the theme of her outfit.

"Gold goes well with your skin tone," I recalled from our previous conversation where she informed me about which colours complimented certain skin tones. She swiftly gestured me over and I provided her with nonchalant assistance, securing her glimmering, sophisticated necklaces with its locket.

"Aw thanks." She admired my acclamation, finally settling for the shimmery golden pumps. "Don't worry, if you break a heel, I can just carry you again," I flirtatiously winked and flicked my chaotic and unprepared hair.

"Hey can you ask your Aunt for more of this product?" I entreated, swiping the last handful of life-saving mixture into the strands of my hair. I maintained repeating the same movement and ensuring it looked natural.

"Yeah sure." She responded, concentrating on improving the length and volume of her eyelashes, "OH YUCK THERE'S CLUMPS." She whined agitatedly, hastening to her massive, white wooden antique vanity to grab another mascara.

She removed the product from her eyelashes and applied a new generous coat. "You don't need any makeup." I guaranteed but that didn't prevent her from exerting more of her rosy MAC blush.

"Ok. I'm ready." She announced anxiously, flattening the creases that formed on her gold sequinned tube skirt. The attire she presented looked astonishingly heavenly on her, the way her curves appeared enhanced and her features were displayed well.

Vulnerable (Cameron Dallas and Bethany Mota)Where stories live. Discover now