Chapter 5 ~ "You're hot"

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Thanks Jessie for the extremely helpful tip of keeping my story as detailed as I wanted but if anyone would like to oppose to that just speak up! I know a lot of people like reading simplified stories so I want to know my readers' preferences <3


Bethany Mota P.O.V

Bailee, Nash, Cameron and I were situated around a booth at Starbucks, awaiting for the rain to descend. But it seemed like every minute that passed had only impacted the weather in a way that it was almost impossible to leave.

My limbs were bound to become numb as I was still soaked in the freezing rain water. My hair remained damp, despite the fact I had attempted to use the hand dryer in hopes of it making a difference.

My body had began to unmanageably shake in response to its temperature. "Are you ok?" Bailee asked, concern overflowing all their faces.

"Yeah, just cold." I admitted, wrapping my freezing hands around the warm, Grande Cappuccino with nonfat milk beverage. "Aw. Here." Cameron offered with a beaming smile, shifting closer to me. I burried my face into his comforting chest, and muffled deeper into his arms. His body promptly provided warmth.

I glanced over the counter where Nash and Bailee were simpering to each other. "What?" Cameron interrogated, displaying a puzzled look on his face.

"Nothing, nothing," Nash assured but momentarily winked over at Bailee. She covered her mouth with the palm of her hands, striving not to burst into laughter.

I gazed at them with my 'I'm not buying your bullshit' stern look. I crossed my arms over for a more dramatic effect and that sent Nash into fits of laughter.

"Nothing! It's just," He paused to catch his breath. "Is there something you're not telling us about?" Nash concluded, pointing his index finger between Cameron and I.

"No-," "Really? NAW! Damn, you two looked cute out there! Actually shipping you two! You know? OTP! OTP! OTP!" Bailee babbled, showing effects that the caffeine had really kicked in. "I think that's enough for you..." Cameron 's voice dwindled as he grabbed hold of her large Cinnamon Dolce Latte - well what's left of it.

"Aw what? That's only my 3rd cup! Give it!" She dived over the table, reaching over for her drink she posessed. Cameron's right arm remained around my neck as he chugged the refreshment with his left.

Bailee pouted and the 2 caused Nash and I to laugh simultaneously. "You're hot," I blurted out but it was completely taken out of context. "I didn't mean it like that!" Snapping them out of their assumptions. "I meant you're body temperature is really warm," I tried to explain myself over the laughter that had commenced.

"Bet you think it's true though," Nash winked his crystal blue eye. It only took short moments after that to completely be ourselves yet still be comfortable around each other. Our chemistries just instantly clicked, they were all relatable and understanding. Cameron and Nash already acted like brothers to one another.

"So how long have you two known each other?" I directed the question to Nash and Bailee, since it had been eating up my curiosity.

"Oh us? Not long. We just met through Stanley and Brittany at the start of the year," Nash answered sincerely, glancing at Bailee who nodded in agreement. "I can't wait till they graduate," Cameron muttered, referring to Stanley and Brittany.

"So Bethany, got an eye on anyone?" Bailee interrogated cheekily and all eyes focused onto me. "Yeah. I do." I gulped before making my statement clear. "But I'll never have a chance."

Cameron Dallas P.O.V

"Yeah I do,"

That 3 simple worded sentence had torn me up inside. An unusual feeling overcame me as I felt like I've been punched in the gut or my heart wanted to give up on beating.

Honestly, I think either one could've been less excruciating than the words I had just witnessed, escape my best friend's lips. I'm not even sure why! I don't like her, do I?

"Cameron, you ok mate? You look like you've seen a ghost," Nash commented, waving a hand in front of my face. I forced a weak smile, sipping out of my regular drink and releasing Bethany.

"Hey. Would you like me to clean up?" Kayla, the Starbucks waitress, and one of the nicest popular girls from school questioned. "Umm yeah sure. We're just waiting the rain out." I answered for the rest of my companions.

"Oh, hey Cameron right?" She interrogated, curving her back so that she was levelled with the table. "Yeah, we were lab partners once," I reminded and she nodded her head, reminiscing the brief study sessions.

"Yeah I remember, you were so easy to work with. Hey listen, I'm throwing my 17th birthday party tomorrow so if you guys wanted to come..." She raised an eyebrow, inviting us earnestly.

"Actually, Sundays are Cam and I's movie nigh-," "I'd love to." I nudged Bethany delicately, interrupting her sentence. "Great. Here's my number, just text me for the details." She winked, picking up her tray filled with unsanitary cups and ambling away.

"Cam! You know how claustrophobic I am!" Bethany complained, faintly fist bumping my shoulder. "Please Bethers! I'm finally feeling your 'it's time for a change' speech. Aren't you usually the spontaneous, adventurous and yolo swag one?" I questioned, gaping at her with my supplicating face.

"Yeah. Come on you two have never been at a party before, you should try something new!" Nash motivated, performing bold hand gestures. "Come with us Beth!" Bailee pleaded and soon enough we were all doing the same.


Hmmmm I wonder what will happen to this party. The next chapter will probably be longer and more exciting (maybe). This chapter was more on the laidback getting to know each other side so I'm sorry it's really boring!

Cheers to these amazing supporters <3 I literally love you all thank you so so so so much!!

1. bethanyluvsminions
2. lindsayluvsespinosa
3. fifthdirection_13
4. Caitlyn_grier3

Let's reach 20 votes for the next chapter! I love you all <3 take care xx mwaahhh
- jasmine

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