Chapter 3 ~ The Makeover

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Bethany Mota P.O.V

Cameron and I were cozily lounging in the waiting room, killing time by making random vines - a routine that Cameron had picked up and educated me about. We were waiting for Cameron's orthodontist to announce his name, since I went prior to his appointment.

I am eminently pleased to finally unbrace my teeth, other than the fact that Cameron proclaimed me beautiful right after. You know, not a big deal or anything. I was tapping my foot in a rhythmic beat, impatiently against the checkered tiled floor.

"You know about YouTube right?" I questioned him, debating if I should continue on with the topic and confess the truth. He nodded his head; eyes still peeled, concentrating and contemplating vines. I cleared my unanticipated and sudden dry throat.

"Well... I may or may not have posted a video or two," this made his head swerve promptly. He raised an eyebrow, most likely considering if it was the truth or not.

I giggled, allowing him access on my phone where I arranged my YouTube channel. "No way! 1,000 views already? When did you post this?" He asked in suspicion, glancing at the screen cautiously.

"3 days ago", I answered accurately, snatching my phone from his grasp. "That's amazing! I'm happy for you!' Cameron encouraged excitedly, earning us a few unearthly stares. He elevated from his seat, motioning me for a hug so I mirrored his actions.

He lifted me off of my feet... literally. "Uhh... Cameron.." I began, signaling his gaze to the people around us. "I couldn't be any more proud!" He continued, obviously not comprehending my memo. I chuckled nervously, dumbstruck of what to say.

"Cameron Dallas," an older man finally broadcasted, producing a piercing sound from the wall speakers. "Does it hurt?" He interrogated, uncertain of getting them extracted or not. "No, we survived a year with Stanley and Brittany. It's all good," I murmured before he reluctantly entered the room.


"Bethers," I looked up from recording Video Ideas into my journal to see my striking best-friend hovering over me. He parted his lips into a curve as he smiled brightly and dazzlingly; revealing his whitened and aligned teeth.

"Damn, who is this hottie?" I joked, displaying my infamous pedo-face. He laughed, oh his laugh is like music to my ears. "I know, like aren't I cute?" He quizzed, performing his habitual typical white girl voice paired with the prolific cat hand gesture.

"Where to next?" He questioned in eagerness and I laughed a tad too hard. "If I recall correctly, I basically dragged you here whilst you gave me the 'but I'm a guy if you don't remember' speech. Now you're excited about this makeover stuff huh?" I chaffed and he hushed me, poking my side.

I flinched as a reflex since I am extremely ticklish! "Let's go get our hairs done!" I shouted like I was a typical old man scrutinizing a football game, still staring at my tenderhearted and distinctly good-looking best friend.

"What? Is there something in my teeth?" Cameron questioned my gaze, scraping his teeth with a finger. "No! You just got them cleansed you dumb shank (A/N TMR Reference)." I laughed, still carrying the habit of covering my mouth whenever I tittered.

He chuckled at his own failed actions as we strolled our way down the Plaza, towards my Aunty's well-known beauty salon. "I might get me eyebrows done too" He mocked, propelling an arm around my waist. Usually just one of the close friend's tendencies we do. I think.

"Don't tease or I'll make you get them done," I snickered as he gracefully opened the door, allowing me to enter first. "Beth! You're back," My aunty whom was a hairdresser praised. "Finally getting a haircut Cameron?" She ridiculed, grinning at him as I fist bumped her.

I made a hissing sound, chaffing him. "Actually, I'm up for it. I think it's time for a change," He stated and I gasped dramatically, mockingly fidgeting my fingers on his face. "Is this really Cameron?" I interrogated jokingly.

"Well shut up Bethany, before he changes his mind! I'll take care of it." My aunty had already organized and gathered her apparatus, knocking him backwards on a chair and working her magic.

"But I was meant to go first!" I whined as if I was 5. "He's a boy, it'll take quicker!" She defended, snipping away her silver pair of scissors. Aunt Heather rotated him around on the chair, prohibiting me from peeking.

"Pass me that hair product," She commanded, pointing to a bottle next to the basin. I handed her the container, endeavouring to peep. She revolved the chair ever-so slightly, ensuring I was unable to glance. Removing her gloves, she evenly spread the mixture in between her fingers before repeating strokes in his hair.

She sighed, sounding proud of what she had created. "Can I see?" I questioned pleadingly as she twirled the chair around. Cameron emerged on the chair, eyes still securely closed. "Is it done?" He interrogated enthusiastically.

I stood in astonishment and Cameron fluttered his eyes. "Is it terrible?!" He exclaimed, attempting to interpret my expression. He scanned the mirror behind him and gazed back at me.

"N-n-no...its just that it' look...amazing," I stammered, finding difficulty in vocalising the words. I stood in astonishment and amazement at how a simple haircut can make him appear even more handsome.

"O....M...G! Cameron? Is that you?!" We heard a familiar, feminine voice shriek in admiration.



Can you guys guess who it is? HEHEHEEEE. Let's get this chapter to 22 votes for the next update!

Cheers to...

1. Cam_Dallas

She gave me such useful feedback and it literally made me smile like majority of you do! Fun to talk to and she's also an amazing writer considering she isn't an english based background!

2. GeorgiaWorthy

Thank you so much for showing incredible suppord towards my fanfic and my friends! You are such a sweet person and amazing to talk to!

3. CameronIsTheBaexxx

Such stunning support! Extremely kind-hearted and really easy to engage in a conversation with <3

I'm also starting a preference / imagines / one shots book where you can choose whichever celebrity you would like one to be based on! If you are interested, just comment down below!



- jasmine

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