Chapter One

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Your Pov

I gather my stuff on my bed and quickly put on my shoes, "(Y/n), don't forget to let the dog out!" My mom yells from the kitchen as I sigh, "Yeah, okay mom!" I throw my hair in a ponytail, I grab my back pack and put the stuff from my bed into the back pack. I throw the bag over my shoulder. "Señor Doggo! Outside!" I wait a few seconds and then hear running down the stairs. I open the door and I see Señor Doggo follow behind me. I shut the door behind me and run to the bus stop.

I finally get there and I see los quatros amigos waiting there for me, "Hola mi amigos! Como estas?" I say happily in Spanish. Kyle smiles at me, "Estoy bien, mi amor~" I giggle and punch his arm lightly. "Stop speaking in a different language! I can't understand you!" Cartman yells, I glare and flip him off. "It would really help you to know a different language, fatass!"

I'm a Latina, my grandparents come from Puerto Rico and they had my mom. My mom met my dad when they were 18 and they got married and didn't have a kid for sometime time. But finally after 3 years of marriage, my mom was pregnant with me.

Me and Cartman continue to bicker until I feel a hand grab my ass, I jump and elbow whoever is behind me. I hear a grunt and I look behind me to see Kenny on the ground. "What the fuck, Kenny?!" I yell, he smiles and chuckles. "It was worth it, you have a nice ass." He puts a thumbs up to his comment and I huff out and cross my arms. "Pervy little fuck." I walk over to Kyle and he's just slightly laughing at us. "Kyle don't laugh! You'll only encourage it!" I kind of feel bad for hurting Kenny...

We get on the bus and Stan sits next to Cartman while Kyle sits next to me. Kenny sits by himself in the seat behind me and Kyle. I peer over the seat into where Kenny sits and I tap on his head, "You good, Ken?" He looks up at me and smiles, "Yeah." I sigh and he looks at me questionably, "Whats wrong with you, (Y/n)?" I smile sadly. "I'm sorry for elbowing you." I hear Kyle and Stan yell, "Don't apologize to him! He grabbed your ass!" I laugh and Kenny shrugs like he knows their right. I sit back in my seat and soon enough we're at school.

I go to my class with Stan and we sit next to each other, our first class was Algebra 2. I don't know how to feel about this class. During our free time after our lesson, Stan looked over at me. "Why did you say sorry for hitting Kenny?" I shrug, "I don't know, I just did. Like, I felt bad for some reason." He looks at me weirdly and I furrow my eyebrows, "What?" I gather my things as the bell was going to ring soon. "Nothing." Stan looks back down in frustration and I shrug his behavior off. I stand up and wait by the door for the bell to ring.

Let time skip a little bit, it's now lunch time. I sit in the middle of Cartman and Kenny and Stan and Kyle sit on the opposite side of us. We get our lunch and sit down. We talk a lot and Cartman and Kyle start to have an argument. I don't know what it was about, but I just enjoyed having their company. I ate my food and brought my tray up. I sat back down and Kenny and I started to talk. "Hey Kenny, what're you doing after school?" He looks at me while I scan my phone. "Um, most likely nothing. Why?" I look at him, "Eh, no reason really." I smile at him and he just takes my phone. I don't care, like what's the worst he's gonna do? Look up pornhub? Oh, look...that's...what he's doing...? "Kenny, why are you looking at pornhub on my phone?" I sigh out and frantically look at my phone as he DOESN'T GO TO A PRIVATE BROWSER. "Kenny! Private browser, now!" I whisper-yell at him as he rolls his eyes and goes to a private tab. "Fine." He plugs in his headphones and clicks on a video, I look at his eyes and see them light up. He has a smile on his face as he watches the video playing on my phone. "This is way better than my magazines!" I hear him mumble underneath his breath. I look at the video and see two girls and a guy. Of course.

Somehow, I get sucked into the video. I can't advert my eyes and I guess Kenny noticed this. He laughed and took out an earbud, "Are you enjoying watching this with me? Pervert." I blank out and look at him. A blush forms over my cheeks and I choke on my words. "Do you want to do this with me?" He smiled at me with his eyes closed, pointing at the screen. I hit him and he flinched. "Do what?" Kyle asks, I look at him sigh. "Nothing Ky-" "A threesome!" Kenny says ecstatically, I look at him with wide eyes. "Goddamnit Kenny! I'm gonna kick your ass!" I start hitting him as he protects himself while laughing. "Stop hitting me, kitten!" I blush even more and start hitting harder. "I wasn't going to agree to anything! And stop calling me kitten!" I yell at him.

The bell rang and I quickly left the lunch table, forgetting about my phone completely. I go to my locker and I put my combo. I grabbed my stuff from my locker and slam it shut. When I shut my locker, Wendy is standing right there in front of my face. "O-oh! Hi, Wendy." She smiles at me and I awkwardly smile back. "Hey, (Y/n). I was wondering...what happened with you and Kenny back at lunch?" I mentally roll my eyes at her question. I begin walking as she follows. "It's nothing. Kenny was just being dumb." I say, Wendy doesn't stop. "Yeah, but, you were blushing an awful lot! He had you flustered. Are you falling for him?" Her voice seemed so interested that I wanted to rip her vocal cords straight out. I stop dead in my tracks. I look behind me and smile softly. "Look, Wendy, I'm sorry that you want something to fuel your gossip meter, but you will not be getting anything from me because there is nothing going on with Kenny and I. Now, I'm not trying to sound impolite because I don't want Stan to be angry at me. But, please, stop prying yourself into my business." I say as nicely as human possible while trying to get a point across. I quickly go to my next class while hearing Bebe walk up to Wendy saying, "What a bitch."

It was my academic English class. I sat down in the back and went to go reach for my phone in my back pocket only to get struck in the face by reality. "Shit." I whisper underneath my breath, I throw my head onto the desk and groan out of annoyance. I hear someone throw their books on the desk next to me, keep my face plastered on the desk as I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over and see Kenny with his face on my desk, smiling. "Did you forget I have this class with you?" He was holding my phone which still had the porn on it. I blush and snatch it out of his hands, only to cause his headphones to unplug. "No..." I hear Kenny mumble out of fear. He eyes widen, placing his face into his palms out of embarrassment for both of us. There was moaning coming from the phone and both of us frantically tried to turn it off, some kids looked at us and I don't think I wanted to die in a hole more than right now. Finally, I just pressed the home button and left it at that. Knowing that I would have to remember to exit out of the tab when I was alone.

I look harshly at Kenny and flick his forehead, he flinched and put his hands on the mark. "Ow! Hey, what was that for?" Kenny yelled at me, I thought for a second and I think I was looking into it too much but...I saw the lightest shade cover his cheeks. I stare into his blue eyes with my deadly ones, his golden hair hung over his hands messily. "What do you mean what was it for?" I squint my eyes and have a soft voice, questioning Kenny about whether or not I should slap him next. "It wasn't my fault you snatched it out of my hands and then the headphones unplugged! That was your doing!" He quietly yells at me, I open my mouth. "You shouldn't have been looking at porn on my phone in the first place!" I whisper the porn part to where he could only hear it.

I left him speechless as he huffs our air and then places his chin in his palm, he was quiet for the rest of the period.

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