Chapter Two

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Your Pov

Class ends and I walk out in front of Kenny. Once we're out of the doors, Kenny immediately comes up beside me; I go to my locker with Kenny and he just waits there with me, he's looking at his phone, looking up every once in a while. I didn't mind. I liked Kenny's company, I feel safe when he's around. Like you know he boutta beat someone's ass if they're rude or try to touch you, but you also know that he's going to hug you and show you that he appreciates you. Don't get me wrong, Kyle could beat someone's ass but, like, there's a difference. You know?

I grab my stuff for my next class, Anatomy. Kenny and I have every class after lunch together ironically so, he just waits for me. I also have Anatomy with Cartman. That's always fun.

"Okay, Kenny." I signal him that's it's time to walk, he puts his phone in his back pocket and that's when a brown haired girl comes up beside him and starts flirting. "Hey, Kenny...what're you doing tonight?" She twirls her hair around her finger, "I was hoping I'd be over at your place." Kenny says slyly, he smirks and the girl bites her lip. I take quick occasional glances at the girl and just glare. Stupid bimbo. I walk ahead of the two and quickly go into my class. I head for the seat in the back again. Being in the back helps me concentrate, I don't know why but it does.

The bell rings and Kenny still hasn't entered the classroom. "No Kenny?" I hear Ms. G ask, she was doing her normal attendance. "No, not in the classroom at least. He's probably in the bathroom." I roll my eyes and look to the side.

"Well, okay then. Class, today we're going to start off with a little worksheet on the human anatomy. We've been learning it for a week now, I don't expect you to know all of it, but I do expect you to know a majority." Ms. G starts to pass out papers, "Psst!" I hear someone trying to get someone's attention. I look around and try to see who it was. "You dumb fucker, over here!" I hear someone whisper-yell. I look to my diagonal left and see Cartman trying to get my attention. I guess that someone was me. "Don't call me a fucker!" I whisper-yell back and flip him off. He rolls his eyes, "Where's Kenny?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders. "Probably fucking another girl." Cartman gives me an 'Oh, yeah, that's probably it' face and looks away. I get my worksheet finally and start to work on it.

In the middle of class, we're interrupted by the class door opening loudly, it's hinges creaking ever-so-slightly. That gathers the attention from every student and the teacher. "Mr. McCormick! Great to see you, where were you?" I look up and see Kenny there, he doesn't have his parka on. I can see his face clearly. His golden hair ruffles and falls softly along his face, his blue eyes looked tired yet awake at the same time. You could actually see his figure, you'd think he'd be skinny but he was actually quite muscular. Though, I already knew this. My eyes scanned his face and he looked awfully pale, is he sick? I guess, I look back down at my paper and finish up the remaining questions. "Sorry, Ms. G, I was at the nurse's office. I was almost in the room but then I had the sudden urge to puke...I understand if you don't believe me. Just call the nurse." He says politely, he tried to smile but he just holds his hand over his mouth like he felt nauseas.

Out of instinct, I get up from my chair and walk over to Kenny. The teacher was calling the nurse so I took this time to talk to Kenny. When I'm in front of him, I place my hand on his back and rub in circles. He looks at me with sad eyes, his normally vibrant blues are now almost grey. "Are you okay, Kenny?" My voice was genuine. Kenny wrapped his arm around my waist and kind of leaned over a bit, holding onto me in case he fell. "I don't know...I feel sick," He pauses and I look back at the teacher. She looks at me with a nod and waves me off as I start to get situated. I rub Kenny's back more and lower my hand to his lower back. "Come on, Kenny, let's go to the nurse's office again." He looks at me and nods. I could feel the eyes on us and the whispers from the students.

We walk down the, what felt like, long hallway. Kenny's grip on my waist kept getting tighter; the closer he got, the better I could smell him. But, he didn't feel good and I wanted to do something to help him but I didn't know what. I see Stan and Kyle up ahead of us, Stan was hurriedly jotting down stuff on a piece of paper that he held up against the lockers followed by another paper right next to it as Kyle tried to hurry him up. Stan looked like he was under so much pressure. As Kenny and I walk closer to them we hear their conversation. "Dude, hurry up! The teacher is going to come looking for us at any moment!" Kyle whines, Stan huffs out, "Give me a second!" He yells, he writes down whatever else he needs to and takes one paper into his hand while giving the other to Kyle.

I put my attention back on Kenny as he aggressively taps my hip, "(Y/n), I need a trash can..." I frantically scan the hallway for a trash can and, thankfully, I found one. I quickly lead Kenny over to it. I quickly take off the top and lower Kenny to the ground. "The trash can smells like unwashed ass." He says quietly, getting a giggle out of me. He looks at me smiling slightly, "You get a kick out of that?" I nod and bend down to where he is. I start rubbing his back and, as gross as it is, Kenny puked inside the can. I look away, still rubbing his back. After he's done puking, we get back up and head towards the nurse's office again. "Hey, (Y/n). What's up with Kenny?" I look over at Kyle and frown. "Kenny doesn't feel well, so I'm taking him to the nurse's office." I say, continuing my walking. "Okay, well I'll see you guys later. Love you, (Y/n)." I hear Kyle yell and smile widely. "Love you too, Kyle!"

Kyle and I don't actually have romantic feelings for each other, he's like a brother.

We finally reach the nurses's office and I set Kenny down on the bed and check him in. "Hello, Miss Schmidt." I greet her as she smiles at me, she hands me a sign in sheet and I fill it out for Kenny. "How are you, Ms. (Y/n)?" I smile while writing. "I'm good. Kenny isn't feeling too well so I took him here." She frowns, "Awe, how come?" I look over at Kenny as he sits up. I quickly go over to him and push him back down. "He was puking, he's pretty hot too." I say. She nods and gets a rag, wetting it with cold water. She goes over to us and places it on his forehead. "Lie there for a little bit with that." I sit in a chair next to Kenny and the nurse walks away back to her desk. I hear her rummaging through her drawers and cabinets. "Damnit. Um, (Y/n)?" I look at her, "Can you do me a favor and stay here with Kenny while I go and get some stuff?" I nod my head and look back at Kenny. "Thank you!" Her voice and the tapping of her shoes disintegrate.

It was quiet while Kenny and I sat there in silence. Honestly it was making me tired.

I lay my head down and slowly fall asleep with Kenny right next to me.

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