Chapter Four

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Your Pov

"You're my best friend."

I knew how Kenny felt. I knew that'd hit him. What I didn't understand, was that Kenny "liked" me yet he flirts and does nasty stuff with all of these other girls. Like, if you like me, why do all this other stuff that contradicts yourself and your feelings? I get so confused and at this point, I don't have romantic feelings for Kenny. I honestly used to, back in elementary Kenny asked me for a date and I gave him his chance. Truthfully, the date went amazingly well and I wanted to do another date but...he ruined it. He ruined everything. I didn't disregard him, but I did treat him differently for awhile. I was broken and Kyle, Stan and Cartman were all mad at Kenny. I just can't trust Kenny when he says something that plays with my feelings.

Speaking of that, WHY DID HE TRY TO KISS ME?? This boy, I swear to god. Literally for the rest of the school day. We had fun, besides him puking. When the bell rung, Kenny and I stand up and I help him to his locker. It wasn't far from mine, I didn't mind. I didn't have anywhere to be anyways.

"Hey Kenny, weren't you supposed to go with that girl tonight?" Kenny puts on his parka and takes out his bag and stuffs items into it. He harshly sighs and slams his locker shut. "God, yes. I just...I just won't go. I'm not feeling it right now." For some reason I feel awkward right now. "Okay." I quietly whimper out. I walk to my locker and open it. I feel arms wrapped around my waist and I smile knowing who it is. "Hola, Kyle." He lets go, "Hola, (Y/n)." I put on my big jacket and leave my backpack in there. I close my locker and lock it. "So, what was wrong with Kenny?" I look at Kyle as he looks at me with concern written all of his face. "Oh, I don't really know. He just wasn't feeling all too well. I spent the rest of the day in there with him." I smile to myself as I looked at the ground. Stan and Cartman came up to us. "Hey, where were you?" Stan asks, Cartman smirks. "She was giving a bj to Kenny in the nurse's office!" I blush and punch Cartman in the stomach. "No I wasn't, you fat fuck!" "Don't call me fat, you bitch!" "Don't call me a bitch!" "Guys!" I look over to the right of where the guys were and I see Kenny standing there. I blush even more and become quiet. "Stan, she was with me in the nurse's office. And Cartman, if she sucked me off, I'd be way happier than what I look like now." He had a somewhat of a smirk on his face. I paid no attention to it but started walking down the hallway towards the door.

Kyle caught up with me and we just chatted as we walked out fo the school. We walk home since we're not elementary kids anymore. "Hey Kyle, you wanna come over to my place?" He looks at me and smiles, "Sure! What're we going to do?" I shrug, "I don't know, probably play some games, watch tv. The usual." I give him a toothy grin and wrap my arm around his, pulling my body closer to him. We continue to walk for a little bit until we reach a cross walk. We hear running behind us and we look back, seeing Stan and Kenny trying to catch up to us. Cartman a little bit behind. "Wait up guys!" Kenny's muffled voice carries over to us. A small smile appeared on my face when I saw Kenny.

We let them catch up to us and once they did, we crossed the street. Everyone was talking to each other except me. I was just enjoying the time I was spending with them. "Are we going to your house, (Y/n)?" I look to my other side to see Kenny standing next to me, I gleam at him. "Yeah, what do you want to do there?" Kenny puts a finger on his lip. "Um, probably just lay down and sleep. I'll probably take some medicine too." I frown at his words, I put my hand up to his forehead again to feel it burning. "Kenny, you're burning hot..." Just me saying that, Kenny got hotter. "That's because you're here touching me." Kenny had a little bit of a stutter in his voice. I immediately realize what I did and a small blush forms on my cheeks. I pull my hand away abruptly and wrap it around Kyle's arm, which already had my other arm around it.

"Stop being gross." Cartman says, I flip him off. "Sorry I care about my friends." I blatantly say. Soon we finally get to my house, I unlock the door and we all walk in. I let go of Kyle's arm and take Kenny's hand. "Come on, Kenny. Let's go get you some medicine." I smile at him and he smiles back. "Sure but let me take off my parka real quick." He chuckles and I let go of his hand. He starts to unzip his parka a little slowly, as he does that I hear Stan laugh. "Yeah, more like Kenny is going to give (Y/n) some of his medicine, if you know what I'm saying." I roll my eyes and feel my cheeks get hot.

I couldn't take my eyes off Kenny, the way he was taking off his parka so slowly made my heart pound in my chest, butterflies flew wildly in my stomach, it made me feel hot all around and made my body ache. I didn't even know I was biting my bottom lip seductively until Kenny looked me in my eyes smirking. My lip slipped away from my tooth that held it captive. "Like whatcha see?" I advert my eyes from him and walk up the stairs, "Shut up, McCormick." I hear the guys laugh and faintly hear Kenny say: "Hey, she didn't deny it, right?" I heavily sigh out.

'Damnit, McCormick...'

I reach the bathroom right next to my room and open the cabinets. I start to rummage through pill bottles and bottles filled with liquids. Suddenly, I feel hands slither around my waist. "Hello, baby~" My eyelids fall halfway and my expression grew hungry. "Don' me baby, McCormick." His lips were right next to my ear. I could feel his breath hit my ear and my neck. "I know you like it, I can see you through the mirror." Kenny's hand moves down more and I jump. "Kenny! Stop!" I say a little loud. I slightly push him away and grab some cold medicine and push it into his chest roughly. "Here's your medicine, jackass." I turn away and go to walk out the bathroom door but Kenny grabs my wrist and pulls me back in. I stare into his blue lustful eyes and furrow my eyebrows, his golden hair hung over making him look even sexier. "You're turned on by me, (Y/n). It's written all over your face. I could feel your heat building up." My cheeks get hotter and I walk away. "Shut up." I quickly go down the stairs and sit on the floor in front of the couch. I was sitting in between Kyle's legs.

"I heard you yelling, what happened up there?" Kyle says softly, petting my hair making me close my eyes from the soft touch. "Kenny is being a pervert..." I trailed off in my sentence and Stan looked at me, "What'd he do?" I looked at him with a disgusted look. "He felt me." All the boys, even Cartman, looked at each other and ran upstairs. I was left sitting on the floor alone.

"(Y/n)! What's all that ruckus?" I look over to the kitchen to see my mom, "It's nothing ma."

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