Chapter Five

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Your Pov

I heard thuds from upstairs and sometimes I heard their voices. I didn't know what was going on and I kind of did want to know. "(Y/n), are the boys here?" I look over to my right to see my mom walking towards me. "Yeah, their upstairs right now." I look back over at the tv and I change it over to my PS4, I reach over to my box of games and pull out Minecraft. I pull on the side until it opens and when it does, I take it out and push it into the slot. I grab my controller and move the joystick over to the Minecraft picture, I click the X button to finally launch the game.

As I'm waiting for Minecraft to load up, I try to listen in to what the boys were yelling about but I couldn't hear them enough to make out anything. I put my attention back to the tv and I click on my world that I've been working on for a couple of days now. My world loads and I begin to play the game. Soon, I hear footsteps hurry down the stairs and then I see Kyle, Stan and Cartman sit down on the couch. Another pair feet go down the stairs slowly and I look over Kyle to see Kenny. I look back at the screen and start playing again, I see Kenny out of the corner of my eye sit on the floor next to me.

"Hey." Kenny spouts, I keep my eye on the screen. "Hi." My thumbs move the joysticks according to where I was wanting to go, it was awkward silence with Kenny and I as he watched me play. Kyle was playing with my hair, it was getting me a little tired. I felt my hand loosen its grip on the controller as I leaned my head back onto Kyle's lap and hummed in peace. Kyle ran his fingers through my hair and I could feel my eyes get heavier by the seconds.

"Hey Kyle? Remember when you kissed Bebe?" I hear Stan's voice and then I feel Kyle's hands stop moving. "Dude! Don't talk about that!" Kyle groans as his hands start to move again. Wasn't Bebe dating both Kyle and Kenny at once? What a two-timing whore. But Kenny still went back for more. Geez.

"Hey Stan? Remember when you kept puking on Wendy?" I say softy, stifling my laughter. "Shut up, (Y/n)! Or I'll tell Kyle abou-!" "Shush my child!" I throw my head up and stare down Stan, he looks me in my eyes and I do the same; even when Kyle's hand touches my shoulder I don't look away. I felt like if I looked away, he would yap. "(Y/n), what is he talking about?" I reluctantly look at Kyle, I smile kindly at him and stare into his forest green eyes. "I won't tell." Stan got up and walked behind the couch over to the kitchen. I release a sigh and lay my head back into Kyle's lap. He's not playing with my hair, I look at him confused as he's looking in the other direction. I pout my lips and tap on his leg. "Hey! Why aren't you playing with my hair?" He looks back at me and shrugs, "I just don't feel like it anymore." I huff out as I slide my body down.

Suddenly, I feel the controller lift out of my lap and and I look over at Kenny who is now playing my game. "Don't blow up my world!" I yell at him as I look at the screen and see him killing a skeleton. "Sorry, you were about to die. I felt like I had to do something." I shrug and watch as he skillfully plays. "Wow! You're good, Kenny!" I nudge him as he smiles some. He chuckles and looks over at me, "Not really. I'm just better than you." I see his playful smirk in action, I laugh slightly and watch Kenny.

A few minutes pass and Kenny was just mining away at the quartz to get xp. I ran my fingers through my hair, causing me to have the want of someone messing with my hair. "Kylee! Can you please mess with my hair?" I look at him as he shakes his head. I cross my arms and see the screen pause. I look over at Kenny as he's turned to me, smiling sweetly. "I can mess with your hair?" I narrow my eyes at him, "Are you going to...try anything?" He shakes his head. "No." I sigh to myself and put my head in his lap. As I'm in his lap, I open my eyes and look into his, seeing those enchanting blue eyes with that blond hair hanging down from his face. I could feel a fresh paint of pink cover my cheeks. Looking at him like this makes me think of when we first met.

Back in elementary school when I first moved here, Kenny made his first impression on me. He was actually sweet, but then he started to get sexual. The guys told me it was normal for him to act like this but I didn't know him. He kept hitting on me and asking me on dates. I thought he was actually kind of cute, and then we started talking to each other just normally and I started to gain a crush. His eyes back then were always filled with hope and love. And lust. His hair was as blond and shiny as ever. I remember looking into his eyes carefully as to find something in his eyes that meant so much to me...

I sink back into my reality and feel the heavenly feeling of Kenny messing with my hair. By the feel of it, he's doing some braids and then taking them out and then redoing them. The only noise going on was Stan and Kyle talking and fatass Cartman watching the tv. Kenny's fingers ran through my hair, the same way Kyle's did, but more gentler. "I'm sorry." Was all that came out of Kenny's mouth, A small smile appears on my face as I tap my fingers on his arms. "You were right." I feel him stop, "What do you mean?" I could hear the nervousness in his voice. I giggle and open my eyes, meeting with his pretty blue ones that are sparkling. "Just think about it. Now, continue playing with my hair." I close my eyes and smile.

"(Y/n)! Dinner is almost ready. Are you boys staying over?" I sit up and look at the boys, "Do you guys want to?" I see Kyle shrug, pretty much saying yes. Stan smiles and nods. "Hell yeah, free food from a hella good cook!" I see Kyle look over at Cartman annoyingly. "Don't you dare start that again!" I laugh as I remember that day. Cartman wouldn't stop saying hella in front of everything. "Kenny? Do you want to stay for dinner?" I smile sweetly at him as I see his face light up, but then he looks away like he's ashamed. "No, I don't want to intrude. Really." He started to get up but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. He looked into my eyes, "Kenny, the other guys are already staying, you might as well. Plus, if you want, you can take the leftovers back," I pause as he smiles. "like always." Kenny finishes my sentence and I chuckle. "Fine." He huffs out as I give him a closed-eye smile. I get up while pulling Kenny up as well, his arm still in my grip.

I walk over to where my mom was and reach above her, opening a cabinet and carefully grabbing a glass. I place the cup down behind me on the table and then close the cabinet door. I grab my cup and go over to our fridge, clicking the water dispenser and letting the water fall down into my cup. Once it's half full, I walk back over to the boys. "Dude, all I'm saying is that he would've had to have gotten the sword before hand to slay that dragon, it wouldn't make sense otherwise." I hear Stan grumble to Cartman as Cartman mocks him. "No, because he had all the energy he built up throughout his journey that he wouldn't need that sword, he used his energy to slay the dragon." Stan rolled his eyes and it's noticeable that he's agitated by Cartman's ignorance. "No, you fatass! That wouldn't even make any sense! The prince had to have gotten the magic sword before going to the dragon to slay because his normal sword would've broke as soon as it met with the dragons' scales! It wouldn't make any sense otherwise!" I could see the visible grin on Cartman's face as he slowly tries to break Stan.

I take a long sip of my water, watching the two argue is amusing. It's even funnier when it's Kyke VS Cartman!

I take a look around and don't see Kenny anywhere. A confused expression pops on my face as I start to wonder the house in search of the blond. I then suddenly hear his voice, "I can't....look I'm sorry but-.....I got sick during school.....okay look, I don't want to anymore, go find someone else to fuck with. Sorry." I look around the corner and see Kenny putting his phone away, I hear him sigh heavily and put his head in his hands. "This is the third time this month...what's wrong with me...?" I hear him murmur to himself, I quietly step forward towards him and knock on the doorway, catching his attention as he looks at me surprised. "Oh, hey, (Y/n)." I wave at him, "Hey, Ken. Who were you talking too?" I ask, my curiosity growing high, what made me so curious was his the fact that he said sorry. He never says sorry unless something is wrong or he feels genuinely bad. And he also said: "This is the third time this month...what's wrong with me?" I want to know what's going on.

"That girl from today at school." He pauses, walking towards me. The way he walked towards me was so...different. I liked it. "I bailed on her."

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