Chapter Seven

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Your Pov

After thinking for a little bit, I walk out of the kitchen go towards Kyle. "Hey Kyle." I say as I pick off a piece of fuzz from his jacket, he turns towards me and smiles. "Hey, we're going to head out. I'll see you later." He stands up and hugs me gently, I hug him back and smile. "Okay, I'll see you guys later." Cartman, Stan and Kyle all head out. Kenny was the only one left. "Kenny! Here you go! I made it for your family. I hope they like it." I look over at my mom to see her giving Kenny the food. "Thank you, Ms. (L/n). I really appreciate your giving to my family. It means a lot to me." He looks at my mother gratefully and then proceeds to give her a hug. "Oh, mijo, you don't have to-" My mother gets cut off by Kenny, "I do. You're the first family to" I see my mom start to tear up; after their hug is done, ma looks at me with a sad face. "Mija! Why can't you just try with this boy? He's so sweet!"

I wanted to cry because of Kenny. And I wanted to die because of my mother. "Kenny, shut the hell up and take the damned food." I cross my arms and look away from him, not wanting him to see the tears in my eyes that strained to go down my face. "Mija! Language!" My mom yells at me. She takes off her light blue slipper and bonks me over the head with it, I hold my head and kind of hunch over. "Ow! Ma!" I can hear Kenny chuckle as he watches the scene play out. My mother puts her slipper back on and Kenny walks over to me. "Okay, (Y/n), wall Kenny home. It's not that far from here so you should me safe coming back." She goes back into the kitchen. I look at the direction she went in disbelief. What a woman.

"(Y/n), you don't have to walk me." I look at him and smile, tilting my head slightly to the side, my hair failing from behind my ear as I look up at him (short boi uwu). "No, I want to take a walk anyways." Kenny shrugs and I swear I could see him smile, just a bit. We walk to the door as Kenny sets the food down on the table next to the door and he slips on his jacket, I slip on mine and put a hat and gloves on.

I open the door and we both walk out, I shut the door behind Kenny. We start to walk down the side walk and I could feel Kenny trying to say something. "So, why didn't you want to stay for dinner again?" I keep my eyes forward as I ask him that, I could feel his stare on me. "Um, I just...I didn't want to be a burden on your mom or you. I didn't want to bother you guys with my 'poor aura,' you know?" I could tell he was joking on the last part. I shake my head in protest. "You're never a burden, Kenny! We enjoy your company, heh. Don't tell anyone this, but my mom actually prefers you out of any of my friends. She doesn't like Kyle's mom because she's a bitch and Stan's mom, she always tries to prove something. It's annoying. And Cartman's mom..." I stare off into the distance. "Anyways, but with your mom, she's the best! She's always so nice and caring. I understand where you get it. It's a nice trait to have." By this point, I stopped walking and so did Kenny. I look over at Kenny and see him with a furious blush as he bites his bottom lip. His eyes are staring into mine, they looked like stars that shinned in mid-day. It was pretty. "What? Why are you blushing?" Now I started to blush out of embarrassment. "You're so cute..." I could hear him mumble under his breath causing me to lose mine. I pinch his cheek and his eyes go back to normal. "Are you daydreaming or something? Come on! Continue walking!" I say loudly as I begin walking again. Kenny wakes back up from his mind and catches up to me. "You're weird." I say to him, "I'm the weird one? Pshh, please." Kenny rolls his eyes.

Time passed by and we were now standing in front of his house. They fixed some parts of their house but it still looked broken down, Kenny still used the broken down building right beside his house for building things. He was good at it, it was kind of hot to see him hard at work. Kenny and I walk up to the door and Kenny gives me the food while he opens the door. "Mom, I'm home. Sorry I'm back late but I brought-" "Kenny!" We both bear a little kid scream and next thing you know, Karen tackles Kenny making him stumble. "Ah! Karen! I missed you!" Kenny exclaims as he picks her up, holding her close in his arms. He had the biggest smile on his face as he held her, Kenny is so sweet. He loves his sister so much; honestly he probably loves his sister more than the rest of his family.

As I watch the two have a mini reunion, I spot Karen's eyes circulate towards me. "You brought Miss (Y/n)! Hah, and she brought food?" Karen questions, I smile and giggle at her response. "Yep, I brought food for you and your family." I put my face close to hers and whisper in her ear, "Mysterion had the idea to do this, so don't forget to thank him in your prayers." When I lean back, Karen's eyes are big and hopeful. So innocent, she hasn't been introduced to life's absurdities. "Well, lets go inside," Kenny puts Karen down as she rubs inside.

Kenny leads me in and we go into the kitchen. I set the food down on the counter; Kenny and I are just standing there in awkward silence. I could see the red mark on Kenny's cheek from earlier. My attention was brought to the living room when I heard his mom, "Kenneth! Why are you back so late? Oh! Hello, (Y/n)!" Mrs. McCormick smiles once she saw me, I smiled as she hugged me. "It's good to see you, Mrs. McCormick." She let go of me and her eyes traveled to the pot sitting on the stove. "Did your mom make us a dinner again? I told her she doesn't need to do that..." She rambles off as Kenny walks up next to me. He puts his elbow on my shoulder, a painful sensation rises and his elbow digs into my shoulder. To add insult to injury, Kenny rests his head in his palm, causing a more painful pressure to emerge. "Oye(Hey!)! Kenny get your elbow off of me!" I dip my shoulder down and his elbow slides forward, his chest goes up against my back as his arms go around my shoulders.

Realizing the situation, I kinda move Kenny's arms off of me and move out of the way. "You two are so cute together! Why won't you—" "No." Kenny and I say in sync. His mom just shuts up at that point and the rest of the family came in and got some food. Kenny's brother, Kevin, stood in front of me. He had a smirk on his face, his hand sneakily tried to grab my hip but I karate chopped his hand away before anything. "No, Kevin. No touchy-touchy for you. That's illegal." I said. My teeth held together tightly. "Yeah, no touchy-touchy." Kenny said. Kevin crosses his arms, "You're no fun, (Y/n)."

Kevin is now 20 and is in the middle of community college, considering that their family can't afford a university unless they get a scholarship. Kevin actually got a scholarship but he refused it. We still have no clue why.

Karen is now 13 and Kenny still baby's her. She's in her second year of middle school (7th grade). She's working hard to remain top in her class and Kenny helps her.

Me and Kenny are 17 and are in our junior year of high school. I'm a lower rank than Kenny but he's only one ahead of me. He's actually pretty smart (which makes him even hotter) when he applies himself in some situations. Kenny wants to go to a good college, he wants to get a scholarship and be a great image for Karen to look up to. He wants to makes his family proud of him.

I respect Kenny for that.

Kenny walks me out of his house, he wanted to walk me the whole way over to my house but I refused to let him do that, so we settled on halfway. When we stopped, we looked at each other. "Thanks for the food." Kenny took a step forward. "Thanks for walking me (even though you didn't have to)." I mumbled. Kenny took another step forward. Next thing you know, he has his arms around me as his body is pressed up against mine. I'm first surprised at his forwardness but I then relax into it, letting my arms gently hug him, my face snuggles into his parka; I then got a whiff of him. It was pleasant. When we stopped hugging I felt a blush form on my cheeks. I heard Kenny say the faintest: "I still like you." My heart skipped a few beats. I was as flustered as a school girl who just saw their crush on a long summers day.

"Goodnight, (Y/n)." He smiled.
"Night, Ken." I smiled.

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