The Beginning

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-none of the art belongs to me neither does the story only the plot of these particular chapters belongs to me and all photos belong to their artists.

this is my first story hence, it will probably not be good, will have many mistakes etc, if you have some criticism, it is very appreciated, just not too mean plz

In this story Izuku Midoriya son of Inko Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya was lucky enough to be born with a quirk and a incredible one at that, how will that impact his relationships and how will that impact the story.

" come mom, lets go, we're gonna be late" excitedly stated the young Izuku Midoriya who is currently only four and is about to go take his quirk check, "coming" replies his mother. also known as Inko Midoriya "wait in the car" she said


"ahh, lets see here, well it seems that your son does indeed have a quirk, but may be a mutation quirk as we don't have any idea on what he might have hmmm, has he showed any signs of developing or having a quirk as of yet." "no, not yet" says his mother "well he must be a late bloomer" the doctor replies "please come back to talk if Izuku shows his quirk or if you gain an idea about what it is"

timeskip (once they get home)

"ok Izuku i'm going to make some food, make sure you come down before it get's cold" "ok, mum" izuku says as he makes his way up to his bedroom. he opens his bedroom door and jumps onto the bed, he looks around his room seeing all the All Might merchandise before slowly drifting off to sleep. "he is awoken by the sound of his mother "Izu, foods ready, make sure you come down before it gets too cold" he then starts coming down the stairs and as he is walking he feels his back burn severely for a few seconds but then it stops and ultimately he decides to ignore it, "thanks mum" he then finishes his food and goes back into his room as to get enough sleep for tomorrow.

timeskip (the nest day at school)

"Kacchan Kacchan" Izuku screams as he runs up to his best friend "ohh hey Izuku" Bakugo Katsuki replies "did you get your quirk" he continues "the doctor said i have a mutant quirk so they know what it is yet" "so, no" kacchan replies, "no, not yet" Izuku explains "haha your useless, Deku" laughs one of kacchan's lackeys "hey, back off" Kacchan demands but not before it's too late (JUST A NOTE, IN THIS STORY, BAKUGO IS A GOOD FRIEND AND SUPPORTS IZUKU), the whole class erupts into laughter "DEKU,DEKU,DEKU,DEKU,DEKU,DEKU" Izuku then starts to cry and runs away. Bakugo then follows him and ran but not before giving a glare to the class that even made the teacher shiver, "Izuku, come back"

Bakugo chases Izuku up to the roof, "hauauau, you run fast for a four year old" Bakugo says as he finally reaches the top of the building, once he's there he see's Izuku sitting on the edge crying, "hey, are you okay" he says as he takes a seat nest to him, Izuku remains silent. "you do know that i don't think that your useless, right" Bakugo says, Izuku then starts to cry harder, "did i say something wrong" bakugo says aloud, "no" Izuku replies, "thank you" he continues then Bakugo smiles bigger than anyone has ever seen him smile "it's ok" he says

timeskip (Izuku reaching home)

"i'm back, mum" he says, he then looks up and a huge smile enters his mouth "hey, kiddo" a voice in the direction of Izuku says, "Daddy" Izuku says as he runs up and hugs the man, the man then picks him up "wow, you've gotten heavy" "i have to be big, otherwise how am i going to be a hero" Izuku replies, the man then laughs. "Hisashi,how long are you going to be staying" asks  Izuku's mother with a tender smile and hopeful eyes, "ohh just today" he replies while smiling back. he then looks at Izuku "hey, heard you went and got your quirk test today, what happened" he said while smiling, his smile then dimmed down while seeing Izuku on the verge of crying "hey bud, what's wrong" he asks "the doctor doesn't know what quirk i have and says it's probably a mutant quirk and everyone at school start calling me deku and being mean" Izuku then bursts out crying, seeing this Hisashi got mad "don't worry, you're better than all of them" he says while showing a compassionate smile "really?" "yes".

some time has past and hisashi Midoriya also known as Izuku's father has been with him playing some games such as heroes and villains, hide and seek e.t.c

"come on Izuku it's time to go to bed" "but Daddy, you never come home, and tomorrow you're going to leave again and then you wont be able to play with me and then i wont see you for a while." Izuku then starts to slowly sob "i know i'm sorry Izuku" his dad says while patting him and trying to calm him down "i want to stay, but i have work i have to finish and i'm really close" Izuku then looks down and says "that's what you said last time" hisashi then starts too laugh "yeah, that sounds like me" he then enters a very serious tone "Izuku, i know that i'm not around much and due to this i have missed a lot of your childhood and though i wish not to, this will probably continue and i just want you to know, i need you to know , Daddy loves you, okay, Daddy loves you more than anything in the whole world" he says before both of them enter some soft tears, "now sleep, okay, if you don't sleep enough, how are you gonna become a hero" he says while Izuku although trying his best not to, continues to cry but agrees to sleep.

timeskip(after Izuku fell asleep)

it's around 3:00 pm, banging and ruffling can be heard outside the house, Izuku wakes up and just as he does his dad barges into the room "Izuku, i'm sorry" he says before handing him a note and trying to run out of the house.

Izuku if you are reading this then i have just left , i am leaving because i am no.1 villain, All For One and the heroes and/or the police have found out where i am, they will likely come here to apprehend me so i must leave and i know that you are probably disappointed in me but i want you to know that i am sorry and unfortunately you will most likely never see me again. i'm sorry, and i love you.

Izuku starts crying and before his dad can leave he runs after him. just as hisashi or All for One is about to leave he feels some thing grabbing his leg, he turns around to see his son crying and refusing to let go. "Dad, i don't care if you're a villain, please don't go again, please stay with me." After seeing this he couldn't help but cry as well "i'm sorry Izuku but if i stay then the heroes and police will come and you might get hurt." Seeing as his son still refused to let go, he looked at him and said "okay, how about this, if you be a good boy and listen to your mother i'll promise that i'll come back to see you" "okay daddy" replied Izuku, who was still crying but a lot less than before, he then let go of hisashi's leg and as he was leaving the building he turned around to Izuku once more looking right into his eyes and smiling, it was a smile Izuku was familiar with, it was his I love you smile.

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