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timeskip (3 weeks)

Izuku wakes and gets out of bed, during these last few weeks he has done nothing but train, he's also mastered Endeavour's quirk. He starts getting ready and as he heads down to the kitchen he see's a note, if your reading this I've gone to work and secondly GET READY, "since when does he have work" Izuku says out loud.

timeskip (once he's ready)

he looks at the time and decides to walk there, as he is walking he see's the girls that was watching him from the recommendation exam, "guess she passed as well" he says a little too loudly which catches her attention, she turns too face him but near instantly turned her head back, "huh, weird" he thinks while continuing to walk. as he walking he comes across an ice cream shop and decides since he still has time to stay there for a bit.

timeskip (after he finishes his ice cream and gets to UA)

He walks up to door 1A and opens it, as he enters he see's the girl from before and two people arguing one of them was what looked like a robot and had blue eyes the other was Izuku's childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku's eyes shot up and he ran up to and hugged him, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" Bakugo yelled, "you don't remember me" izuku asked while tilting his head, "NO, SHOULD I" Izuku then got of him, smiled and said "Kacchan" while activating his red eyes. Bakugo saw this and stood up to hug him, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU" he said while now shaking him, "ma-mayb-maybe i-if yo-yo-you st-s-stop shaking me" Bakugo then stopped, Izuku then looked at him and said "It's a secret." All the other students were so confused about what just happened, to them Bakugo seemed like he couldn't get angrier then a green headed boy comes out of nowhere and he hugged him. Aizawa then walked into the room "it took you 8 seconds to quiet down" they all look at him realising he's their homeroom teacher, Izuku looked at him in shock, "AIZAWA, you're our homeroom teacher, why didn't you tell me?" Izuku asks, Aizawa looks at him "cause where's the fun in that" he then looks at all the other students, "field now", then a girl who had a permanent blush on her face asks "sir, what about initiation", he replies with "you're heroes you don't have time for that."

timeskip (once their all out in the field)

"okay, you all remember the physical tests that you you used to do, well this is the same, but you can use your quirks, "Bakugo what was the furthest you could throw a ball without your quirk", Bakugo responded with " sixty five meters", Aizawa then continued, "try with your quirk", he then gave him a ball, everyone moved back and Bakugo used his explosions, "DIEEEE" he said while throwing the ball, Aizawa then pointed the speed recorder to the class and showed them his score, " OVER SEVEN HUNDRED METRES" they all say in near unison. Aizawa then tells them all the tests that they will be doing, "this is gonna be so fun" says a pink girl, Aizawa sees this and looks at her, "fun.., the person who places last will be expelled" he said.

timeskip (10 minutes)

They all did the 50 metre dash except for two people, Izuku Midoriya and Tenya Iida, "3,2,1, GO" Aizawa says, Midoriya then activates the quirk he took from Endeavour and used it on his legs to give him more speed, "Izuku Midoriya with 1.54 seconds and Tenya Iida with 5.67 seconds" Aizawa says as he shows this to the class, seeing Midoriya do what he did caused Todoroki Shouto some discomfort, "there is no way that is a coincidence" he says while touching his burned skin.

timeskip (once all the activities are over)

Aizawa shows them the leader board

1. Midoriya Izuku

2. Todoroki Shouto

3. Bakugo Katsuki

and the rest are the same

Mineta who was last starts to freak out then Aizawa speaks up, "oh, i was lying about the last person expulsion thing", Mineta then calms down, "and since this is the first day, you guys have the rest of the day off, BUT DON'T GET USED TO IT." They all then started to talk, then bakugo walked up to Izuku, "HOW DID YOU USE FIRE, I THOUGHT YOU, HOWW?", this caught the attention of the other students who didn't know that Izuku had Eraser Head's quirk. Izuku then responded with, "i'm not allowed to tell", this made Bakugo mad, "SO FIRST YOU DISAPPEAR THEN YOU COME BACK SEVEN YEARS LATER WITH TWO QUIRKS", after hearing this all the other students were all in shock, they all started whispering and talking about what his other quirk was, "KACCHAN, first off i'm sorry, i had to, and secondly unless you want to end up in a maximum security prison or be watched by the police for your whole life, i suggest that you stop asking", Izuku then continued to walk away, Bakugo then walked up to him, "just make sure you remember that i'm gonna be number 1 hero", this caused Izuku to laugh, Bakugo then left also smiling.

Once he had left all of the remaining students walked up to him, "so what's your second quirk" asked a pink girl, Izuku saw her and looked at her, he then responded with "pink", she remembered all of her bullying and tears started to form in her eyes, she was about to scream at him but then he continued "it's a nice colour" he then patted her head causing confusion to all the students and also caused the pink girl to blush. He noticed their confusion, "sorry, did i do something weird, i haven't really talked to anyone other than my mother and Aizawa in seven years" this caused people to pity him, the pink girl saw him and continued to talk "hi, i'm Mina, you did nothing weird" hearing this caused him to smile and Mina to blush a little more, she then continued "also how do you know Aizawa sensei "ohh, he's kinda been raising me for the last seven years and before you ask i am not allowed to discuss why" this caused Mina to pout "fine", they all then walked to their homes.

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