Battle Training

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Both of them resumed to their seats.

"All right class, today were going to do battle training" Aizawa say, he then get cut off by "I AM ENTERING LIKE A NORMAL PERSON", everyone looks at the man who entered the door saying that, "ALL MIGHT" the class screams except for, Izuku, Bakugo, Momo and Todoroki, "YES I WILL BE YOUR BATTLE INSTRUCTOR, NOW PUT ON YOUR HERO SUITS AND MEET ME IN TEST AREA GAMMA", boxes then appear with everyone's name on an individual box.

timeskip (after everyone is changed)

"OHHH, YOU ALL LOOK AMAZING IN YOUR HERO COSTUMES, IS EVERYONE HERE?" All might asks, Momo then replies with, "no, not yet, Midoriya is not here", just then his voice is heard, "sorry it was a little hard to get on" everyone turns to face the green headed boy running towards them and they look at his costume.

imagine Midoriya with Eraser Head's costume but it is coloured red with white gloves (sorry couldn't find a good picture and i can't draw, like at all, but that's why you're here, use the POWER of your imaginations, Wooahhhhhh)



All might then procceded to explain what they were doing and the teams (all teams are canon but Ochako is switched with Momo)

"OK VILLAINS, YOU CAN ENTER NOW, IN FIVE MINUTES THE HERO TEAM WILL COME", "ok Momo, i've got an idea, i'll use my fire to carry you and run up the side of the building until we reach the bomb, once we get their i'll hold them off while you go touch the bomb", Momo then responded with, "i don't mean to undermine you but i don't thing you can take them both, but since you seem to know what your doing, i'm ready", "GOOOOOOO" All Might yelled and they ran

Izuku grabbed Momo and picked her up bridal style and started to use his flames to climb up the building. Todoroki stares at him intently before thinking to himself, "i wasn't sure at first but now i'm 100% sure, those are my fathers flames", he raises his hand to touch his left eye.

Izuku reaches the top floor with Momo still in his hand, he notices the bomb in the top floor and increases the heat on his legs so he burns right through, once he's in, he sees Iida and Bakugou, "I knew you would come up here" Bakugou says, he then rushes Izuku, Izuku drops Momo then raises his head looking directly at Bakugou, "DIEEEEEE" Bakugou screams while launching an explosion, but nothing came, he looked at Izuku and noticed his red eyes, he smirked and continued to run at him, " NO QUIRKS THEN", Izuku smirks and says "not quite", he then activates his flames and punches Bakugou, launching him into the wall and knocking him out.

Izuku looks up at Iida who tries to run at him but finds his engines not working, he looks confused but just then, "HERO TEAM WINNNNS", Izuku turns around to see Momo's hand on the bomb, he flashes a huge grin while making a thumbs up which causes her to blush. Once they leave the building Iida walks up to Izuku, "excuse me, if you don't mind me asking, how did you do that?", Izuku noticed Iida wasn't being specific but knew what he was asking about, " it's my second quirk, it's the same as Aizawa's" after that all the rest of the battles continued, what they didn't know was that someone was listening to their conversation.

"So he has the Quirks of two pro heroes, i need to talk to him", Todoroki then heard his name and entered the building.

Once battle training was done Todoroki approached Izuku, he grabbed his arm and moved around a corner, "how do you have have Endeavour's and Eraser Head's quirk", after hearing this Izuku was visually shocked but quickly recovered and answered with "i have no idea what your talking about", he then left leaving Todoroki behind. As Midoriya was walking he thought to himself, "he's smart, i need to be on the lookout", he then proceeded back to home room and all classes resumed as usual.

Class ended and Izuku was waiting at the front gate, "HEYYYYY, Midoriya", Izuku looked up to see Uraraka and Iida walking up to him, "hey wanna walk together and why are you wearing a suit", she asked him, before he could answer Iida and Uraraka were introducing each other, Izuku looked back into the distance but once was once again brought down, "well" she continued, he than said, "i can't, i've got a date, huh, i guess that answers both questions", both of them looked at him and said in near unison, "already", Iida then continued, "i believe it to be irresponsible to be dating, you should focus only on becoming a hero", Izuku then said, "yeah, your probably right but i promised her a shot", they then turn to see Momo running at them wearing a dress, "let's go" she said, Iida and Uraraka turned back to Izuku, Uraraka put up a thumbs up sign and she and Iida left. Izuku faced Momo, "let's get going milady" he said as he gestured for her to grab his hand and she did so with a blush.

Izuku and Momo were walking around the mall while holding hands, as they were walking they walking they encountered none other than Todoroki Shouto. They were walking and saw him in front of them, before Momo could call out to him, Izuku grabbed her wrist and dragged her into another section, "what was that about?" Momo said questioning his actions, Izuku looked at her and said, "please just trust me, i should do my best to avoid him", Momo looked confused but nodded in agreement anyway.

As they continued to walk they saw a cafe, they both decided to enter, once they were in Izuku ordered a hot chocolate and Momo ordered tea, 10 minutes past and both of their drinks were finished but they didn't notice, they were too busy on their conversation, after a while Izuku asked her, "hey Momo, remember when you came to me on the park bench, why did you cry, i mean you'd only seen me like once", after hearing this he could see tears forming in Momo's eyes, "ohhh i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you cry, if you don't want to answer, it's okay", Izuku then grabbed her hand and squeezed it causing her to look up at his face only to see a smile that melted right through her heart. she then decided to answer, "well umm if you rejected me well, you'd be the third one to do so and out of all three you were are the best, in every way", after hearing this both of them started to blush and they both started to lean closer to each other and then in a split second their lips were connected, all was going well until...... once again Izuku felt a familiar pain in his back.

Well you guys know what's going on, also thank you for reading and once again i would like to shout out @DangoSage for being helpful but mostly nice, :) thank you

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