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timeskip (once Izuku reaches home)

"i'm home" he says while he enters through the door, as he enters he sees Aizawa talking to two people, one is a male and the other is a female, "ohhh I-Izuku i didn't you'd be back so soon" he says with panic in his voice, Izuku responds with "who are they", hearing this Aizawa looks at him and frowns, then the man stands up, "i thought you said you told him" Aizawa then looked at the man, "okay maybe a stretched the truth a little", Izuku then looked at him, "what did you do" he said, Aizawa then looked at him and said, "Listen here, you are going to grow up soon and being the amazing person that i am, i have decided who you are going to marry", Izuku looked at him and replied with "why would i listen to you, i'll marry whoever i want." the man and woman then walked towards Izuku, "hello Mr Midoriya, my name is Yaoyorozu Dingaling (i'm sorry, we don't know his real name and i am immature), my daughter is Yaoyorozu Momo, i was told you were made aware of the arrangement but since you weren't we shall leave, if you wish to continue our discussion meet me here" he then gave Izuku a business card, Izuku then looks at Aizawa in anger, "YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT MY CONSENT" he screams, Aizawa then looks at him, "she's pretty, smart, wealthy, well mannered, i don't see the problem", Izuku still mad grabs the picture from Aizawa's hand, "it's the girl from class" he says in shock, " is that why she was staring at me" he continued, Aizawa then snatched the photo back, "probably" he stated.

Midoriya then decided to go out on a walk, he was so pissed, "OHH GOD WHAT IS THERE PROBLEM, THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND, I AM MY OWN PERSON, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT." Soon he reaches a park and decides to have a nap on the bench, when he wakes up he sees her, "Yaoyorozo" he says with confusion in his voice, she then starts crying, "what's wrong with me, why did you say no, what did i do" she screams at him while still crying, he looks at her in confusion before realising what she was talking about, "i'm sorr", he gets cut off by her running up to him but before she can get too close, he continues, "Yaoyorozo-san i'm sorry but i was not made aware of that arrangement until today and when i did find out i broke it off, it's not your fault, but i barely know you and will not agree to marry someone whom i have met once", he then proceeded to walk home, leaving her alone in the park.

timeskip (the next day at school)

As Midoriya entered the classroom he saw Yaoyorozo crying, he also noticed all the girls conforting her and glaring at him. Once he sat down he was near instantly approached by a pink girl. "What's wrong with you, how could you break a girl's heart and not care", this caught the attention of the boys and most of them noticed the crying Yaoyorozo and realised what was going on, the pink girl known as Mina then continued, " most people would kill for that" she pointed at Yaoyorozo, then Aizawa walked in, "SILENT" he said which caused everyone to return to their seats, he then saw Izuku and realised what was happening, "right now i am not the teacher speaking but a father figure, Yaoyorozo, i am sorry but i had not informed Midoriya and so when he found out, he broke it off, if anyone one is to blame it's me", after hearing this everyone calmed down and class proceeded as usual.

timeskip (at the end of school)

Izuku walked toward the exit but then Yaoyorozo stepped in front of him, "Yaoyorozo-san" he said but was cut off by her saying, " Midoriya-kun, i know last night and this morning i was being unfair, and i am here to apologise", "well, your forgiven, i guess" she then proceeded to move out of his way and they both went to their respective homes.

timeskip (once everyone had reached their home)

Momo walked into her house tears dripping down her face, "what's wrong dear" said her father as he walked over to her and embraced her in a hug, " i really liked him" she says which causes her father to tear up as well, "if you want i could talk to him", he says trying to reassure his daughter, "he hates me" she says while running up to her room. Once she's there she puts her face on the pillow, "why, i'm not that bad, right." She then decides to go to his house and talk to him again.

timeskip (once she reaches there)

DING DONG, Izuku walks up to the door, and once he opens it he see's Yaoyorozo, he then gestures for her to come in, she sits down on his sofa and says, "i'm here to", she then gets cut off by, "i know, your dad told me that you're persistent", Izuku then sits next to her and says, "listen you're very pretty, smart, wealthy, well mannered, but i am not ready for marrage and i don't want to marry someone cause i agreed to a couple years back", after hearing this she looks at him and says, "i like you, your handsome, kind, pleasant to be around and i want you around", Izuku laughs at her boldness, he looks back at her and says " i'm not saying no, i'm saying not yet", she hears this and hugs him out of happiness, "does that mean you like me" she says in which he responds with, "i'm not sure but i'm willing to see if it works", he then hugs her back which causes her to blush.

after a few minutes she decides to leave and she does this with a smile on her face. Once she's gone Izuku starts to train.

timeskip (the next day at school)

this time when Midoriya walks in, instead of being met with glares, he is met by a hugging Yaoyorozo, "Yaoyorozo we have to get in class" he says while blushing, she lets go of him and pouts, she then smiles and says " you can call me Momo, and i'll call you Izuku", this causes both of them to blush, they then proceed to their seats.


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